1 Corinthians 14:20-28 Why did Paul say speaking in tongues is a sign to unbelievers?

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S.O.A.P. is all about how to study the Bible. It's about reading 'S'cripture, 'O'bserving what it says, working out how you 'A'pply it to your life and then 'P'raying about it.

Enduring Word Bible Commentary - David Guzik (copyright)
Matthew Henry Commentary
NKJV Thomas Nelson Study Bible

William Robert Hawkins, Evan Roberts, Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers, Smith Wigglesworth, James Montgomery Boice, Alexander MacLaren, Thomas Horne, Thomas Leblanc, Frederick “F.B.” Meyer, Adam Clarke, Derek Kidner, Curtis Vaughan, F.F. Bruce, George Horne, G. Campbell Morgan, Leon Morris. D. Edmond Hiebert, Charles Bridges, Duane Garrett, Dan Philipps, Matthew Poole, Allen P. Ross, John Trapp, Bruce Waltke, Warren Wiersbe, William Barclay, A.B Bruce, D.A.U, R.T. France,
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Good teaching Teacher my Brother in Jesus Christ Amen.


Ahhhgggg I’m just wrapping g my brain around this - I like the part about real structure and order - that was missing so many years ago 🙏🏼


When people come to God they receive the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues. Every person in the New Testament that was saved ALL spoke in tongues. Some before baptism in Jesus name and some after baptism in Jesus name. 1 Corinthians 14 is talking about the gifts of the Spirit. All gifts are available to Christians, but not all will operate in them. Depends on how far we allow ourselves to grow in the spirit how close we allow ourselves to grow in our relationship with God. I have never been used in the gift of tongues and interpretation, but I have seen this operate in our services at times. Everything decently end in order. I have however, received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues. The first time was when I was 16 and now at 53 years old, I have spoken tongues many times throughout the years. Sometimes at church when I am praying, sometimes at my house when I am praying, and even sometimes when I’m driving down the street, listening to worship music and praying and I will just start speaking in tongues. That is the holy ghost. That is the evidence of the initial evidence of Jesus living in me. The fruit of the spirit is the evidence that Jesus does reside within me. Goodness, kindness, suffering, love, joy, peace, etc. speaking in tongues is initial evidence that somebody has received God’s spirit within them. The fruit of the spirit is evidence that they are growing in that Spirit
