Implications Of 1 Corinthians 14:18! Speaking With Tongues

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Pastor Steve Waldron, New Life of Albany - Albany, Ga
Paul spoke with tongues often. Should we? Let’s take a look at what thus saith the Scripture. God bless!
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I am so glad to FINALLY hear a person of the pentacostal belief system give a true biblical explanation of what "tongues" is. I have went round and round for years with those who babble a bunch of gibberish and flop around uncontrollably like pagan tribes practice and say the Holy Spirit is upon them-bunk. Thank you 👍


Yes, “as the SPIRIT gives utterance”! I have been in services where they tell everyone to speak in tongues or their “prayer language”. I don’t think that’s at all Biblical.
This is a great explanation of speaking with tongues!


I'm so thankful that you brought out the point about tongues being an actual language. I'm concerned for many today; hearing so many coming out with that ba-ba-ba-ba-ba da-da-da gibberish NO LANGUAGE sounds like that... I'm not making fun, I'm truly concerned for them. I hate to even say it but is this just a fleshly thing? They don't seem to be forcing it or acting???


I speak in (tongues) praying in the spirit . If you have a relationship all you have to do is ask him. If you are confused about asking Christ Jesus you have a bigger issue.


Looking for some invaluable info on 1 corthians 14 from apostolic prospective I have non Pentecostal trying to refute spirit baptism for the modern day


Read the entire chapter. Paul said not to speak in tongues in church unless you have 1, 2, 3 at the most interpreters.


1 Corinthians 14:18 is about paul thanking the lord for being able to speak multiple languages. Verse 19 clearly shows that he would rather speak 5 words that you can understand because of paul speaking their language than ten thousand words in a unknown language.


There is a big old giant “Yet” in the next verse. Sorry, but there is not enough biblical support for such doctrines. It’s like Calvinism, a verse here and verse there and suddenly you have a different perspective on christianity and worst, the gospel. If the doctrine of tongues were actual, there would be way more explanation in the bible and not a verse here and a verse there. Paul addressed the vain babbling in 1Timothy and 2 Timothy, telling him to avoid and shun it. God is not the author of confusion, I have been to AOG, Penecostal, full gospel and goofy Non-Dom churches in Louisiana serval times and can say what I have seen is a lack of understanding, shallow emotional displays and immaturity. That has been my observation. I have left those churches that are filled with people with the only thing shaking is my head.


A million miles off. Paul was never given the gift of tongues as defined by Acts. No one zero no one in Corinth ever spoke with the gift of tongues. The practice of speaking in an unknown tongue came over from Delphi.


Why don't people understand hyperbole? "... I speak with the tongue of men or angels and have not love... is hyperbole, not literal. I lived in Oregon in the 80's when the Rajneesh were there. All them spoke in "tongues"...pagan, demonic tongues. Corinth was a hot bed of such evil, so of course Paul had to set the record straight.😏
