The Catholic Church is Involved in Idol Worship #shorts #christian

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Hello! Today, I want to talk about Catholic Church and the issue of idolatry and idol worship. The Bible clearly condemns the practice of idolatry, yet many Catholic churches engage in it. This includes the worship of Mary and other saints, as well as the veneration of religious icons and statues. This type of worship is misguided because it fails to recognize that there is only one God and that He alone is worthy of all of our praise and devotion. Furthermore, it overlooks the teachings of Christ that emphasize love and compassion for those around us. Therefore, it would behoove us to refrain from such idolatrous practices and instead seek God with our whole hearts. Only then can we truly come to know and experience His love. Thank you for watching.The Lord is faithful and gracious. He is just and compassionate. His love is gracious and endures forever - that is the image of our God. He is the rock, the shield, and refuge. He commands us to love, but He also warns us against false idols and vain idolatry.
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This protestants makes my braincells drop down hard.


Truth! That is the reason why the Catholic church REMOVED the Second Commandment from the Bible ...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am o jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of then that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.' Exod 20: 4-6.


The Church of Rome is Called Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17


Catholics are big on the 10 commandments yet they ignore the commandment that clearly says that we shall not have any idols!


You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me” (Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7) Father God I pray that the people who are lacking wisdom and knowledge that their eyes and ears be opened to seek the real truth the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus. Jeremiah 5:4 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Life and death is our choice so we have to seek God’s truth to receive life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus summed it up in one verse, John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. Hallelujah! Holy Holy are you Lord Jesus Christ🔥


Even worshipping or bowing down to the statue of what they believe is Jesus Christ IS A SIN (idolation


Protestants and Catholics have different ideas of worship. Protestants worship by bowing, kneeling etc. This is why Protestants think Catholics worship statues which they call idols because they see things differently. Catholics worship by offering sacrifice which is why we have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


this isn't true at all. Venerating the Mother of God isn't about idolatry. This is very easy look up and verify instead of spreading false rumours. Sola scriptura serves the EGO as is apparent here. We have church fathers and a detailed catechism to help direct us through the scriptures. Catholics seek the intercession of Mary to power our prayers. You can pray to Lord Jesus Christ but you can also ask his Mother to purify your prayers first. It's the difference between serving an apple to a King...but if you give the apple to Mary to give to the Lord, she washes it, blesses it with her grace, puts it on a golden plate to please the King. We Catholics are about humility before our Lord and we need Mary to help us with her infinite grace as Queen of Heaven. Hail Holy Queen. Praise Lord Jesus Christ, her Son. Glory to God in the Highest. (It is a beautiful religion that all should at least attempt to study a bit so you know how to discern videos like this.)


I wouldn't worry about it. What if Jesus says those Catholics paid tribute to MY mother, why did you speak against them.


Idk Which Preist said this, but if you worship the Idol as a presence of god but not God himself, It is not worshiping an idol. But I do believe the photos you have shown are taking it a bit too far.


This dude has no sense of knowledge of the Catholic Church. If you read the commandments it is very obvious we condemn worshipping idols. I don’t see why people are attacking us for having icons, statues, etc. while a couple branches also have it


We don't wordship statues we honor them


God exists in everything

It is not like God was first born and we were made second

Kishna says Vedanta to Arjuna
Our souls existed everytime
There was not a time when my soul never existed

Paramatma came as Jeevatma and resides in everything

When body dies Jeevatma takes another body - Incarnation

When Jeevatma dilutes in Paramatma - Moksha
(There are many versions of Moksha)

Hiranyakashpu asks Prahaladha if God exists everywhere God must be in this piller to
Narasimha avatar came breaking the piller Hiranyakashpu points

Sree Narayana guru build a temple
Diety is a mirror
People look in mirror and pray
This is Tatvamasi

God exists in everything


Hey, lapsed Catholic here. The Catholic church us far gone down the wrong path. Now I am proud to be a Christian. Just me & my Bible. NO priest, no confession, no sacrifice of Jesus every Sunday.


catholics do not worship statues but only venerate them. because we n
know there is only one god. having religious images in catholic church is not idolatry but it is a representation that jesus is incarnated in the world, the last supper of jesus, and other biblical events that is represented in the catholic church with paintings.


Bro thinks veneration = idolatry 💀🤣
If you don't know, veneration is something you do to the saints or god to honor them. It is not idolatry, as worship goes to god ONLY. I demand this gets pinned.


My man needs to learn how to do research before criticizing ANYTHING


I’m non catholic, I’m a Methodist and in the church I go to there are 0 idols, crosses, depictions of Jesus/God at all and we don’t worship Mary because she wasn’t God, we don’t take Bread and Wine either


I am curious, I am also member of the church and have recently after studying the history of holidays have stopped celebrating them all, including birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. What are your thoughts?


If o got one euro for every guy who say that thing i will become richer that catholic church and elon musk together, its not idolatry amd its not manade tradition, sola scriptura is man made tradition, you can say anything you want this is Truth
