The Catholic Church is Involved in Idol Worship #shorts #christian
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Hello! Today, I want to talk about Catholic Church and the issue of idolatry and idol worship. The Bible clearly condemns the practice of idolatry, yet many Catholic churches engage in it. This includes the worship of Mary and other saints, as well as the veneration of religious icons and statues. This type of worship is misguided because it fails to recognize that there is only one God and that He alone is worthy of all of our praise and devotion. Furthermore, it overlooks the teachings of Christ that emphasize love and compassion for those around us. Therefore, it would behoove us to refrain from such idolatrous practices and instead seek God with our whole hearts. Only then can we truly come to know and experience His love. Thank you for watching.The Lord is faithful and gracious. He is just and compassionate. His love is gracious and endures forever - that is the image of our God. He is the rock, the shield, and refuge. He commands us to love, but He also warns us against false idols and vain idolatry.