r/Trueoffmychest I'm Happy My Wife is Dead

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0:00 Intro
0:11 Three year old found naked and alone
4:51 Insane x-mas gift from a cousin
7:34 Man spits on wife's plate
8:49 Similar story in the comments
9:54 Wife is gone forever
12:42 Boyfriend asks for paternity test
17:29 Paternity test is a good idea

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The OP in the last story provided an update where she decided to talk to him instead of just blindsiding him with leaving suddenly. They talked a lot and explained their reasonings. The OP's boyfriend said that he read a random article about a guy finding out his kids weren't his own after 20 years. He then proceeded to go down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos and podcasts which made him have some doubts. His mother also sent pictures of OP's boyfriend to their family group chats along with hiding one of OP's child. The other family members didn't even know until she pointed out, as a way to show that their child is the splitting image of OP's boyfriend. Then the paternity test came back and the boyfriend IS the father, and he was visibly relieved. OP is devastated and is crying constantly, which she says might be related to her postpartum depression. The boyfriend just wants to move on, get married, and have more children, but OP doesn't feel as if they can come back from this. They were looking into therapy.

AND THEN she posts another update, a much much shorter one, where she says that everything has gone down hill and she's been advised to not talk about it until things are settled in court. She says that she guesses that she's a cautionary tale and advises that everyone should talk to their partner before hand, if they ever have concerns, especially if there's a child involved.

I hope OP is safe, along with their child and doing alright


For the "spitting in the food" story - when he says "you MADE me do it", that's insanely manipulative behavior. And it will only get worse from there. If she stays, I guarantee that this will escalate to a full blown abusive relationship. (Speaking from experience here)


On the last story, he can say I want the test or I leave and thats ok but she can't say believe me or I leave? It's OK for him to be insecure and find a solution but being doubted and practically accused of cheating makes her insecure and she has to just deal.


That husband in the first story is absolutely disgusting, she should definitely leave him. Imagine what could have happened if he wandered into the road or someone took him away.


The husband who spat in his hungry wife's food should really just be taken out behind the barn, at this point.


Dead wife story: OP, be sure to change the locks. You have no idea how many people she may have given keys to. Some security cameras/alarms may not be out of place either considering her family and friends.

Paternity test story: RSLASH, there are updates to this story. OP's MIL literally did a slideshow of various pictures of her son and grandson (50/50 split) and his entire family thought every picture was of OP's husband other than a single one she labeled as her grandson for comparison, just in different light levels to explain the difference in skin tone. Also, OP's husband told OP after the tests came back that it made the relationship stronger, despite the fact that OP had moved into the spare room. He literally had no idea how badly he had insulted and accused her! Her last update indicated she had filed for divorce. As a man, I truly don't blame her. Do those things happen? Yes. But to make accusations like that with no evidence of cheating DOES stray into divorce territory. It definitely destroys trust and love in the relationship. By the way, he got the idea from going down the Reddit rabbit hole of not my baby stories. The best comment response I saw was a couple who planned to have maternity/paternity tests done at the hospital to make sure any children they had hadn't been switched.


If I had a nickel for every time rslash read a story about a nurse who comes home after working a shift to find their unemployed, video game addicted husband playing games while completely ignoring/neglecting their kids… I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


In the last story, OP posted an update as she proceeded to leave him. And the guy said that he had his doubts after sinking in the rabbit hole of reading stories about men discovering their kids weren't theirs after decades passed. The baby photos being so similar was confirmed by other people in his family as some of them couldn't even tell which was the dad or the baby. The tests came back positive and now OP is going through the legal things.


The woman leaving her boyfriend after being asked for a paternity test is completely within her right to leave, just like the guy was completely within his right to ask. It's her line.

Update: She left him. Thr baby was his.


I think the correct way to ask for a paternity test is "let's both take the test to make sure the baby wasn't exchanged in the hospital"


Rslash you yourself told us how tight the security was when your wife was delivering. How they had the matching bracelets and Lily was never out of you or your wife's sight etc
"Switched at birth" doesn't happen all the time.
I think the boyfriend gave her an ultimatum, saying, this is what I need to go forward with our relationship, then everyone is mad that she takes him at his word.
Massive fucking ouch


You can ask for a paternity test of course but don’t be shocked when she is offended. You are literally implying she cheated. If you think they are willing to do that to you then the trust is gone and then what’s the point in continuing the relationship


Story 2: Uh…if she wanted to get her business off the ground, and it wasn't adult in nature as she claims, then why was she using OF, and why with the family first?

This is so strange. She definitely is using OF for some…well…18+ stuff


Last story…you missed all the updates, including the one where the husbands mother found out in a family group chat and proceeded to show side by side comparisons of the husband and the kid. They are identical, literally some people confused them thinking one photo just had bad lighting.
The husbands mother was the one who set hem up, and she’s pssd that her son tanked the relationship


Pretty shocked rSlash sided with the guy in the last story. If she has given him no reason to doubt her loyalty, where the hell is this coming from, and why is he so adamant about it? Seems pretty sketch to me. I would be heartbroken and skeptical if my long-term partner, that I had a baby with, is randomly suspicious and questioning if our baby is his or not.


Story 1: your husband should have been arrested for child endangerment, you're lucky that cop didn't take your son on the spot. OP I'm with you this is something to get divorced over. We have that stuff that were obsessed with but to not know this your son has left the house this fight all the alarms is a very big no.


The last story:
Yeah paternity tests should be given to every baby, but if it is in the hope of making sure they actually have the right baby then a maternity test should also happen. Rslash went on a whole rant about swithed at birth babies then says the mothers have completely certainty since it came out of them? Well what about the switched at birth?
Imagine just giving birth, probably the most painful and vulnerable experience ever, and the paternity comes back negative. You didn't cheat, but now your partner is furious and could get dangerous and the situation is all stressful and bad for the new mom. But only a paternity test was given and the baby was switched but no one knows since it isn't common.
I think both tests are needed before leaving the hospital, not just paternity.


If someone who I had my complete trust in went up to me and said something akin to "I don't trust you", it would stay with me forever.


As someone who lived in Florida, smaller children are especially at risk for alligator attacks. That husbands negligence could’ve made him the dad of one less kid. It’s lucky the cop found the kid when they did.


The sixth story, about the paternity test, has like two updates. The first update she said they were going to go to therapy(couple and individual) to try and work it out and then in the final update she said she couldn't say much because she was talking with a divorce lawyer. So to those wondering if she goes through with it there you have it
