r/TrueOffMyChest - 'Mom of the Year' 💀

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Title: Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Genre and Mood: Cinematic + Romantic
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''I feel assaulted!''


We had a foster cat, who was given to us by another foster and was labeled by her as "extremely aggressive". All the cat did in our apartment was hiding under our bed, which is why I put a bed for it under there, fed her there and let her be. She used her litter box, whenever we weren't in the apartment or at night. It worked.
After a while, I noticed her licking her mouth profusely and only licking the sauce from food, but never taking anything solid. I decided taking her to the vet and this was, when she turned aggressive. She bit and scratched so extremely bad, that bandages and antibiotics were necessary.
At the vet, it was discovered that she was so badly taken care of, that her whole mouth was completely inflamed and filled with pus, teeth were missing because of it and she was in horrible pain the whole time! Once she got painkillers and antibiotics and the inflammation went down, she suddenly came out under the bed and started to open up. She liked sleeping on the couch and getting pets and treats.


Being a feminist also means respecting women enough to hold them to moral, legal, and ethical standards.

Women are just as capable of being wrong or callous or thoughtless or mean as men. So are the non-binary folks.

Because we are all human beings.


Update on the Nair-girl: the police got involved but she didn’t press charges against her former friend. The friend STILL ended up in handcuffs because she attacked the police officer who questioned her about the incident…


THERE'S AN UPDATE ON THE NAIR POST. Her mom found out and flipped her shit because apparently it was a few days before OP's 20th birthday. When OP tried to confront her "friend" she found out she had been blocked everywhere. OP has no idea why this happened cause they've never had any obvious jealousy or boy drama, but admits she's autistic and might not have picked up on it. The most popular theory is that she was jealous of OP's hair (which is beautiful) so she did this in the hopes that OP would show up to the birthday party bald and chemically burned, essentially humiliating her for life out of jealousy. The friend has been cut out and and all of their mutuals are on OP's side OP still has her beautiful hair. 💕


Vet tech here: Heads up folks! A cat suddenly showing aggression can be a sign of visceral pain. A vet visit and diagnostics are very called for. Be safe, y'all ❤


Slipping into someone's bed while they are asleep (and cannot object) is a giant invasion of privacy and raises some weirdo flags. Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it almost sounds like the friend wanted to start some weird drama by invading the couple's room when she knew they were going to be intimate.


In regards to the therapist story: My mom was incredibly unsure about taking me to therapy and when I did go, she'd always ask about what we talked about. I'd try keep it very simple so as to not give her info I was uncomfortable with but also, that she would be somewhat satisfied.

One day, I was talking to my therapist and at the end of every session, she would take out these cards. My mom walked in on this (everything was done on video-call due to COVID) and immediately started going off at the therapist for using 'Tarot cards', as it's a demonic ritual and we're meant to be a Catholic family. I ended up losing my therapist and even after finding out what the cards actually were, she didn't apologise. Instead, she still felt she did the right thing by being 'concerned'. And when I reached out to my therapist again, I never got a response.

What were the cards? They were *motivation flash cards.* You pick one out and it says a quote to follow your life by, eg. "Don't sweat the small stuff".

Demonic, my ass.


I actually asked my therapist once about the lesbian porn stuff. She said, it’s because heterosexual porn can show quite the power dynamic and the same sex feels ‘safer’ and if you are trying to masturbate as a woman, many want to feel comfy. So, no, it does not necessarily mean anything for their sexual orientation. Many women especially enjoy porn between two men, she said, for the same reasons.


the fact that she slipped into the middle of the bed next to her husband and cozied up to him gently, not disturbing any one, obviously not drunk plopping down in with them and making a ruckus which would woken them up, she meticulously creeped into the bed and was conscious the whole time and didn’t wake the wife up when she felt “violated” and said nothing the night of when confronted. Yeah, all around shady woman and best to not be bothered with any more


About the aggressive cat. We had a neighbor that I visited often as a child. That neighbor had a cat which was always chill, but at some point it started targeting me. Whenever I came over it attacked me and I stopped visiting the neighbor because it caused me too much stress and panic attacks. 2 weeks later the neighbor brought the cat to a vet and it was diagnosed with a huge brain tumor and had to be put down.


I'd change "believe all women" to "believe all victims". Since it's not just ladies that are SA survivors.
You can acknowledge that some of us exist in a society where the social dynamics actively put down women as a whole without being so literal.


Fun animal fact: Some corvids (crows, rooks, ravens etc, ) can understand physics. Corvids are highly intelligent. They can use tools, solve puzzles, recognise faces, and even understand physics. Tests show that rooks have the same level of understanding of physics as a 6-month-old baby, which is higher than some apes.


Dear fellow feminists: you DO NOT have to always back your fellow women. You are supposed to back whoever you think is in the right, no matter their gender.


As a child that grew up always hearing my parents say “You’re so lucky you don’t have children!” That shit sticks with you and genuinely ruins your self-esteem.

I spent every moment of my childhood trying to be independent and mature in hopes of making my parents proud and happy. Anytime I actually behaved my age (crying over “small” stuff, getting a little cranky, meltdowns, etc.) they would yell at me and tell me that I was always super mature for my age and that I had no reason to behave that way.

Yes, mom. Yes, dad. I *did* have a reason to behave that way. I was a small child, still very much in my developmental stages. I think that’s reason enough to act a little “childish.”


21:44 I'm not a vet, but I definitely agree with that vet student. That cat sounded like it had some kind of brain tumor or something causing the aggressive behavior and sudden death. Also, yeah, it really sucks when your pet doesn't get along with someone and is aggressive towards them, but multiple hospital visits is definitely the time to consider giving up the pet.


as for the cat one—as a pet owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that your pet is a safe animal to be around. If you notice sudden changes, please please please take them to the vet. Situations like the one in the video ARE preventable (no hate to the fiancée)


Update on the cheating "friend" with the 50 yr old man: He was not only caught with op's former friend, but some other women. Homewrecker broke down in tears bc she thought apparently she was the only one for some weird reason??? Op and their friend group basically disowned toxic former friend bc they were worried if she was going to try to steal their boyfriends.

Lost Genre has the full update on the story, his and Mark Narrations almost always have the full scoop if ya'll wanna check them out


My mom did the same thing. When i eventually found a therapist i liked, she stopped letting me go, saying i was "fixed"


26:02 My mom used to call my therapist multiple times a week, demanding that we talk about something, or reporting a change in my behavior, and ALWAYS DEMANDING that my therapist tell her what we talked about in session. Every therapist I've ever had, up until I turned 18. Five therapists, all fending off my mom. Bless them, honestly.
Edit: My mom got SO ANGRY when I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was 15, maybe 14, and she started believing I was lying to my therapist and psychiatrist then.
