r/Trueoffmychest I Let My Husband Cheat On Me

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0:00 Intro
0:10 My husband is sleeping with my best friend
2:28 My husbands childhood friend is more than that
6:14 Husband on tinder and he is the worst
8:04 I left my wife for a girl I work with

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Okay, but the woman who got in contact with OP about her husband and offered her a rent-free space to live is amazing.


People have pointed out that I shouldn't have called OP in the last story a cheater, because he never cheated. Correct!!! I shouldn't have called him a cheater. OP may be a wishy-washy jerk, but he's not a cheater.


that wife in the last story is a class act. to have your heart broken by your husband of 15 years, and then still show him unending kindness… that takes a special kind of person. i hope she lives a long, happy life without OP.


Story 3 had an update. Op teased her husband in bed, got him all hot and bothered, then revealed that she knew about his affair as she was finishing herself off. They’re divorcing.


The woman in the third story was a true lady! She realized her Tinder date was married, let the wife know, consoled her AND even offered the wife an apartment! Honestly, that is so genuine!


The final story made me tear up. He doesn't deserve to get his ex wife back at all, but all I can think of is how he described her. How can you talk about all these wonderful things about your ex wife and and still have left her? Your marriage was great and you had beautiful children, but you threw it all away and for what?

And the other woman isn't blameless, she fucking knew and still pursued him anyway. She didn't care and that's frankly disgusting.

I'm glad his ex wife is healing, that she's hopefully able to move on. And I hope the kids do well, but I genuinely sobbed listening to that last story. Fuck that guy. You deserve to feel ashamed for your actions for the rest of your life.


Last story just makes me go "Well well, if it aint the consequences of your actions."


Man, Rslash mentioning how the 12-14 year old age range is the worst time to find out your father is cheating hits home. My sister and I are 11 and 14 when we found out our dad cheated and we haven't been able to look at him the same way since. It's been eight years now


What's with everyone cheating on their partners? Why are they like this? I don't get how people can do this stuff and not feel like an absolute horrible person.


Being a gold digger is fine when your gold mine is made of cheating shit


The problem with the guy who left his family for his girlfriend, isn’t that he misses his wife. I mean he might miss her but honestly, the problem is with him. He is the one who can’t find happiness regardless of where he’s at. He needs counseling and not to go and screw up his ex-wife’s life anymore. He made these choices and regardless of what he makes it’s not what he wants. If he goes back, he’s not gonna be happy either. He needs to figure out why he feels that way. He definitely doesn’t deserve his wife back.


there was an update to the first story. The best friend and her husband started talking about getting back together. One night they had a double date and op was drinking. At some point the best friend announced she and her husband were getting back together. OP said good, then maybe you'll stop fucking my husband now. The best friend's husband left her, she was kicked out of op's guest house and op's husband is living in the guest house trying to give her space but he wants to stay married to her.


Story 3: the tinder date woman sounds like such an amazing, helpful woman


OP should hand her husband the divorce papers the second she gets handed her degree

And can I get a shout out for the tinder date in that one story too? Not only did she help reveal the husband’s disgusting cheating, she also offered OP an apartment for when she left him.


Story 4: You never truly realize how much something meant to you until it's gone. OP learned it, but he passed the point of no return


Story 4: I read the title and was just like “are you kidding me…?”
Then after reading the story i was like “…ARE YOU KIDDING ME…?”
No Op you DONT have any right to ask her to take you back. YOU ended things, YOU started an emotional affair, and YOU screwed up.
I really have no sympathy for you


This episode it just gives me "The Marvelous Misadventures of my cheating husband" feelings to it. Some husbands man, jesus christ.


Last story: I do not like this OP at all, he threw away 15 years for a woman he hadn't even gone on a date with. If you can flip flop your love that easily then I'm glad you left your wife, I hope she needs a real man, someone who smart enough to realize he just wanted to get out of the house more. One more thing, if your daughters are so mad at you that your wife can't convince them to not be upset then you did more than just what you said here.


First Story: I’m sorry OP but she needs to get out of this relationship. OP needs to stop relying on this man and not sacrifice her emotional pain. The best friend is a horrible person. U get cheated on and then end up cheating with someone urself? Then again, OP should take advantage of this guy for as long as possible

Second Story: OP needs to get rid of her husband. Obviously Sasha and OP's husband are doing way more than what is being let on. First off, I would never forget my anniversaries. The audacity of this man to be concerned about how Sasha would feel

Third Story: Three stories involving cheating back to back? OP CAN leave him and she can get rid of this man. OP needs to leave this man

Fourth Story: OP left his wife of 15 years for someone who randomly proposed to him. OP now wants to be with his wife while being with his girlfriend. Sorry, his ex wife. Like this man gave away everything for a woman who skips dating and goes straight to proposing. OP just regrets that he left his wife for someone he barely knows; keep in mind, Ana is a new hire, OP barely knows Ana and yet he left his wife for her. OP made this post to try to get sympathy; when in reality OP paints himself as a glorified cheater. Literally he doing and saying what all cheaters say when they regret losing the person they were with.

Man, four stories of cheaters is insane


Last story: OP probably needs to go to therapy. He's in emotional state that won't allow him to be happy. He wants opposite things at the same time and as we see its very easy to get lost there.

The best thing for everyone involved would be for him to get help and separate and learn not to depend for all his desires on his parter
