r/Trueoffmychest My Brother's Sleeping with our MOM

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0:00 Intro
0:08 Mom and brother
4:40 Scholarship
7:11 Twins
9:32 Quick change
12:01 Scary kid
14:25 Comment story

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Who could have predicted that a mom and son having consensual sex was best case scenario?


I normally hate creative writing being passed off as a real scenario on the internet… but this is one of those situations where I *hope* that first story is a writing exercise.


I can't imagine how horrible it must be to realize there's something fundamentally wrong with your child. You hold them in your arms as a baby, overjoyed and thinking about what kind of a person they'll become, only to realize that there's something wrong with them that no amount of love can fix. You bring something so beautiful into the world, and then they become something that, for everyone's safety, needs to be taken out of it.


Might be a hot take on the 3rd story mom, but, "I've been trying to get over it" EXCEPT getting therapy the one thing that might actually help me get over it


Story 1: I thought it was the mom’s fault. But always read the story. It’s disgusting that the son wanted to do it with other girls. I hope that family will stay safe.


Oh my God, I feel for OP from the last story, living in extreme fear of your own child. She has to move, move as far away as she can while he’s still locked up with the remaining family members she has.


Story 5: The hell was up with that doctor refusing to listen to someone saying they were _fearing for their life_ then telling them they'll be charged if CPS is called? I'd be calling whoever is above them for that.


Story 3: I get that the mom has trauma in he past. That doesn't explain why she never tried to seek professional help in 20 YEARS.


Jeez, it’s terryfying to think some people can be born, treated with great love and care, and still just be fundamentally ”evil”. Mental disorders are a scary and tragic thing


In story 3 Op really shouldn't blame themselves for that kind of thinking because he truly did feel neglected for that long. I will say for the mother who went through that trauma it is completely understandable and very very sad beyond means. However you projecting that onto your child only makes it worse cause its not op's fault what happened to the mom. I am not downsizing anyone who went through of the worse kind as it does a number on people.


Guy did save his mom. He suspected, and did something about it by telling his dad. Plenty of people would have just kept quiet.


Last story, this is why “they’re just a kid” shouldn’t keep them from being put in a facility

It should be reserved for the most extreme cases, but this is a perfect example of such a case


That last story is brutal but it's also shows why sociopaths are so dangerous.

They tend to be highly intelligent, always manipulative and have little to no empathy.

As the story was told to me, the only reason my father is still alive is because my sociopath uncle happened to miss a shot and only grazed my dad's arm with a BB gun instead of getting him in the head as a child. When my grandmotger caught my uncle shooting at my dad she scolded my uncle, my grandfather tanned my uncle's hide and took the rifle away, my uncle threw a tantrum because he had missed and now he couldn't shoot at my dad anymore. Uncle was 8 and my dad was 3


This is unreal. How the fuck does one look at their own mother that way?! The brother will never be rehabilitated and needs to ve locked up for life.


bro this is worse than sweet home Alabama


Story 2: Full-ride scholarships are not a small deal. I chose to attend the college that granted me a tuition waiver, which saved me from taking $60-80, 000 in loans, because of my own achievements in school. Winning a scholarship off the back of someone else’s independent labor/work on an entire section of the “application” is not only dishonest, but meritless. It does not matter how “rare” it would be to win; at least in the US, passing off someone else’s work as your own will nuke your college career, full stop.


First story: don’t blame yourself OP. You actually helped your mom and it’s a the normal thought after all.


No doubt the brother will try to off op if he ever gets the chance.


Last story, I feel for OP, I was in a similar circumstance where my son was violent to my daughter and I and we were terrified he’d kill us. No suicide but during his hospital stay the doctors said they couldn’t keep him and I needed a plan. I told them I have no relatives nearby, there is no place to send him and what should I do, they just kept reiterating I needed a plan even when I asked what they thought I should do. I took him home and slept with my door locked and a dresser against it until I was able to transfer him to his father (who by the way encouraged this behavior). Our social systems will do nothing until severe injury or death occurs


Story 1: I really hope this story is fake, but unfortunately given the track record it's always the most unbelievable stories that turn out to be true. If it is OP please stop blaming yourself, your a teenager that didn't know what was happening and didn't believe your own brother would do something like that to your mom. Who would, witch is why I thought your mom was a p-word at first too. But the important thing is now you can help her heal and get Justice for your mom and get your brother out of your lives for good.
