r/TrueOffMyChest - Unhinged Confessions 💀

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Title: Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Genre and Mood: Cinematic + Romantic
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There was a first name missing a censor at one place in the wife story, this has been fixed and should be censored as soon as YT processes it!
thank you for the heads up

- the dude never called anyone a slur, please don't say that he did
- people saying it's "okay to call someone slurs cuz they were upset" can stop
- I never read out a slur, the word was "beeped" out retroactively when it became apparent it was a real name

geesh man, I could make a parody video on censoring gone wrong 🤦‍♂


I had a similar situation to the lesbian one. Where my partner identified as bi, I came out as a trans man, and they realized they were a lesbian. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that they told me within a month, we broke off the engagement, and all our friends were supportive of BOTH of us. We still live together and are best friends. (We joke that we're platonic soulmates.) That's what handling it like an ADULT looks like.


"Let's handle this like adults" She says after waiting two years and after four months of planning a wedding that she agreed to only to drop that on him and leave.

Like, I could understand the "Don't beg or scream" but he's not even allowed to _cry? Girl??_

I'm bi, if I was in a relationship with one and realized that I actually strictly liked the other, I would be telling that person _immediately, _ not telling anyone _but_ them then just suddenly dropping it on them and bailing while saying they aren't even allowed to cry over it. That's just so disrespectful on so many levels. Being LGBT in any sort of way doesn't give you a free pass to be an AH


Well, I finally admitted to my mom that I, a dude, have a boyfriend. I was afraid to tell her because she's a Christian woman, and I've heard enough horror stories on the internet of people getting disowned by their parents for not being straight.

Yeah, turns out I had nothing to worry about. While she was definitely surprised that I was into guys, she was super supportive and basically told me "as long as you're happy with it, I'll support your decision."

I just figured I'd share because that moment was definitely a weight being lifted off my chest. Now my stress sources have been reduced by one!


the... the friend group w/ one woman dating another woman's son...

i was like "oh no. oh thats creepy to date him when im assuming youve known that kid since birth. that opens up for some really uncomfortable dynamics and makes me question if she's been grooming him" and then got slam-dunked with "oh yeah she breastfed him as a baby btw" like NO. NOOOO. that makes it so so so much worse. and then the other two using the "well hes a legal adult now" defense.... noooo. i hate that so much. emily needs investigated and the kid needs to run.


How hard is it to just be like "we no longer have compatible sexualities" and... NOT run a slander campaign?


That woman who found out her husband was cheating has THE smartest friend in the universe. Like they thought of everything!


Here's my thing with the lesbian story. This isn't the 50s anymore. She didn't have to stay in a relationship she didn't want to appease some marriage/family life milestone. Not saying she should be forced to come out, even to her ex partner that made that post. If she didn't feel comfortable giving her true explanation, then she could just say "I'm sorry, this isn't working for me" or "I don't feel we're a good fit anymore". Also telling him not to cry is absolutely baffling. Seven YEARS of a relationship, and at least 2 of them she realized she couldn't be with him. I'm a queer woman myself, and I understand learning things about yourself the more you get educated and have life experience. Started dating at 15, thought I was straight, then by 17 I thought I was bi. I've found out a lot about myself, and by the time I was 23, I found new terms that fit who I was better. Panromantic, and demisexual (used to say gray-ace until I figured that one out). So I get finding ourselves at different paces. Not everyone has the same journey, not everyone knows right away. HOWEVER, communication is EVERYTHING in a relationship. I'm assuming she got with him and stayed for 7 years because they were good friends (even if she felt pressured by society to appear in heteronormative relations), so honestly, I think she's fucked up for lying to him and stringing him along for almost a decade. Being generous that he gets to live to 100, that's almost 1 tenth of his life. The time, the money, the effort, the energy, the love. And then to be callous, and ironically feed into toxic masculinity and say don't cry about it, is fucking asinine. And his friends praising her for it are just as bad. I agree with him, fuck all of them. They showed their true colours and I hope he finds more support, and hopefully doesn't let this effect his future relationships. I guarantee he's gonna have so many trust issues that he'll refuse to date any non-straight girls in fear of this happening again, and he'll probably come off as homophobic for it. This just all-around was not a productive or healthy way for her to come out or handle the situation. I also hope she grows as a human and realizes people aren't guinea pigs for her to test her sexuality on.


Lesbian story: as a lesbian I can say that what that girl did was absolutely disgusting. She should have told him as soon as she knew which at MINIMUM was 2 years ago, but she has probably known longer. I know a lot of people do this because they're scared of what their parents will say/do, but her parents already knew. What was the point in hiding it?


Story 2: coming out doesn't give you an excuse to be an asshole. It's the same when people find out they are gay by cheating, that dosn't make it ok


Click doesnt smell us individually anymore, what an outrage


I hope that OP whose now ex-girlfriend strung him along is finding better friends and more support. That's really awful.


Story of smoker getting tumor removed DID make me cry. It hits close to home. Both my mom and my sister were chain smokers. Mom was a pack a day smoker. At several points she was so bad that once one cig was out, another was lit up. She got emphysema and was put on an oxygen tank. Once again, I had begged her to stop smoking. She would STILL smoke! She would take the tubes out, turn off the machine and sit outside to smoke. It killed her at age 52.
When my sister & I went through her stuff, we realized that we could not donate any of her clothes, bedding or linen. The smell of smoke was so thick in them that even after multiple washes, it was still there.

My sister eventually quit at one point, but by then she had been smoking for over 25 yrs. She still developed throat cancer and was dead at 54.
I hate smoking so much that the smell of cigarette smoke makes me sick and I have refused to date anyone who smoked.


28:15 @TheClick please find the update to this story, if this part of the story brings you to tears the update will make you bawl. If I remember correctly, in the update after the surgery the OP said that when the child saw his dad, the kid said something like “Dad got a big owie, look my shoes light up.”


Not to be controversial but it is no way okay to date SOMEONE YOU NURSED WHEN THEY WERE BABY. Absolutely vile. And he is month younger that her own daughter.


That daughter who had her dogs destroy her OWN MOTHER’S wedding dress is a psychopath holy crap


"I wanted to have sex more so I started paying more attention to my partner and caring about them and spending time with them" wild lol so, so wild lol


It's insanely unfair to do that to someone and then say "don't be mad don't cry" like dude you're throwing away a long term relationship with zero discussion. Give them closure or something, don't just leave like everything meant nothing.


Theobromine is the toxic principle in chocolate, and there are a ton of calculators online to estimate toxicity if your dog gets into some chocolate. Of course, call the pet poison hotline (USA) and take your pup to the vet if there's any concern. I always emphasize the risk of xylitol toxicity because it's not as commonly talked about, and way more dangerous. 5 pieces of chewing gum will kill a medium sized dog. If they survive the hypoglycemic episode, there's a good chance they'll still die of liver failure. Keep your purses, bags, sugar-free/keto snacks, whatever out of your dog's reach, please!


The woman who came out. It's not "adult" to just have her walk away. That's her trying to avoid any kind of accountability.

Being adult would be explaining, letting him ask questions, and being prepared to deal with the upset and owning up to the betrayal. Being a lesbian isn't a betrayal; stringing him along is, though.
