r/Trueoffmychest 'RAISE MY AFFAIR BABY!'

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0:00 Intro
0:09 Affair child
2:56 Awful update
3:50 Female colleague
6:17 Fired
6:53 Similar story
7:26 She called me dad
9:36 You're the other woman
11:40 Beautiful story
14:09 Wife is a cheater

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And so did you a-hole. You made a vow not to cheat on her. Adultery breaks one of the 10 commandments whereas honoring your husband and raising someone else’s child is not on the list.


Story 1: As soon as he raised his hand to her and demanded she "serve her husband"... yeah, time to go just from that, yet alone betraying her and having an affair.


Me, a Catholic, my friend, a Jew, can site MANY biblical reasons why that Pastor is out of his damn mind.
Report him to be investigated


The "she called me dad" story made me almost cry out of happiness for them


"You made a vow to me in marriage"

Yes, you too, and you broke it. shows how much you care for them.


The fact that the first OP barely registered being slapped by her husband as irredeemable makes me suspect she's in one of those abusive, misogynistic religious communities. Telling the congregation won't amount to much; she needs to just get out of there, cut ties with everyone, and find herself a religious trauma support group.


Also, OP in the first story came back with an update! She stayed in the relationship for two months afterwards and tried to mother the child, but couldn't get over the resentment she felt towards the baby. Actively hating an innocent child and wishing harm on it was what made OP realise that she couldn't do this anymore and she got out of the relationship.


“He was always kind to me and made me feel special”

That sounds like grooming to me


I heard “he slapped me” and that was automatic divorce territory.

If God or some other higher power does exist; that man does NOT speak for them.


OP1: As soon as she said "our community" I thought "cult." The husband's words and actions confirmed that, not to mention her escape plan verbiage. Divorce. Leave. Run. Seek police protection.


The idea of being not only a cheater, but also expecting someone to accept and mother the product of that affair is disgusting. That poor child, if she does take in the child, she will resent the child forever. And the father is horrendous.

She needs to get away. That husband is clearly abusive.


Story 2: Remember the post where OP was obsessively in love with her married neighbor? Now, what if we took that story, but put it in the perspective of the wife?

That's this post. Some people really trying to be a homewrecker.


Story #1: Without even listening to the rest of the story...yeah, OP, you DO need to serve your husband. Serve him with divorce papers...and ASAP!

For the final story: OP, you might want to do a DNA test as well, just to be sure...


"You need to serve your husband"
"Ok", hands divorce papers, "you've been served"


First Story: I would’ve laughed straight to his face the moment he said "we". I get OP is having a lot of emotions going on right now but the leading emotion she should have is pure rage. This man was having an affair, got her pregnant, tried to force OP into raising the kid, slapped OP, and kept using god to justify all of this. This man is insane and while I agree the kid don’t deserve anything, this guy deserves everything he gets. Divorce is an option always. Yo this sounds like a damn cult. OP needs to abandon ship and run from all of this. She is NOT obligated to take care of this child and she is NOT obligated to stay in a marriage with a guy about 15 years her senior

Second Story: Well damn, OP is not taking no bs from this woman. Glad she didn’t immediately believe the lies this person told her about her husband. I honestly want to see the post the person OP is talking about made. That was honestly expected

Comment: Why does some people automatically catch feelings and think they're in love with someone JUST because they were nice to them? Isn’t that a basic thing to be nice and polite? Some people are just insane

Third Story: One word to describe this story: wholesome. All OP has to do now is legally adopt Hailey.

Fourth Story: Wait, did OP say SHE was uncomfortable with him sleeping with another woman while she was loyal to him? Did OP already forget that he is MARRIED. The WIFE isn’t the other girl and second, OP is the other girl and the one that contributed to this affair lmao. All I know is that OP probably ruined a marriage. Not saying the guy is blameless because he is cheating on his wife but OP probably shouldn’t done some digging before she got pregnant and attached to this man

Fifth Story: Amy does deserve better friends but she already started with gaining those friends with OP. OP was pissed FOR Amy because of how messed up these "friends" treated her because of what she looked like WHILE taking advantage of her. Good on OP for being a good friend

Sixth Story: OP's wife is a horrible person and I can’t wait to hear the aftermath of this. I can’t wait to hear an update on how she reacts to OP giving her divorce papers and OP confronting her. Cheaters will always be considered trash in my eyes


The bridesmaids story, I feel so bad for the sweet lady that offered her home as a venue. I hope she realizes that she deserves better and replaces those childhood friends with actual friends soon.


As a Christian, no. This girl deserves so much better. This is not how servants of God acts


1st story: Op needs to run, divorce and then go scorched earth on the pastor and his assistant. Then get herself into therapy. Like..damn....just...damn.


“this might be a bit extreme, but i think you should blow up the church as you go” this caught me off guard til i realized what he meant


RSlash: Blow up the church when you go . . .

Me: I mean, that’s a little much don’t you think

RSlash: . . . by exposing his lies

Me: oh, not literally- got it 😅
