POWER YOGA for Strength, Flexibility & Balance - INTERMEDIATE YOGA (with Cleo!)

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This is a power yoga intermediate practice that will challenge your strength & balance!

Hey everyone, I'm super excited to be sharing this practice with you! It was really challenging and really fun so I think you will enjoy it. Cleo decided to participate in this one too and she is super cute as always :)

This is a true power yoga class that will work on core strength, asymmetrical poses, thigh and glute strength as well as balance. We also begin with a powerful breathing exercise to stoke oue inner fire and warm up the shoulders. Rest assured I always include some flexibility stretches in my classes so this will be well-rounded flow.

This is an intermediate level class and you'll want to have 2 blocks.

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Thanks for watching,





Yoga with Kassandra - Disclaimer
Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence. claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence.#45minyoga #poweryoga #yogaforstrength
Рекомендации по теме

Ready for a challenge? This class is a great big boost of energy! Let me know what you thought below 👇


I know many people are here writing the comments to show their gratitude and what i am doing is not different but this comment is very special to me. Because this practice completely changed my mood. I was a bit moody and decided to exercise not because i wanted very much but because i thought i should. This exercise is very powerful but it didnt make me feel "too hard cant do anymore" it is the perfect balance for me. Tiring but in the end relaxing. After the practice i felt very warm and calm. This is the real magic. Thank you


I think the most impressive feat of strength in this whole thing is your ability to not just stop everything and just pet that cat


Awwww Cleo is just the sweetest cat ever 😩😻


I love the more challenging classes sometimes. The two legged downward dog was hard! Thank you for the class. I love seeing Cleo!


love it!! Two handed downward dog was HARD !!!


I love how you listen to our feedback❤️ I hope you come across my comment to see how you affected me. I really, really, really enjoyed this. I’m so proud of myself for overcoming all the excuses that went through my head telling me to only do a 10 minute yoga class and finally just overcoming myself and doing a 40 minute challenging yoga.
I’ve never felt so connected to my body and myself. Or I guess what you would call mind, body connection. I finally experienced it. Now I see why yoga has been done for thousands of years. There is true spiritual power in yoga. I’ve done your 10 minute morning yoga classes for years mostly every morning but I’ve kept it at short length videos. I’ve gone to the gym for years pushing myself to the extreme in every workout, squatting 315 pounds for reps at only 5’7 tall, dead lifting incredible weight, going so deep into the reps where my mind is trying everything it can think of to talk me out of doing another rep and overcoming that voice and forcing another 3-5 reps out of me when my brain is telling me I’m done. But I’ve never experienced what I experienced during this class just now. Just with my body weight, going through yoga poses, I was brought to that place where my mind starts yapping, telling me to quit. It’s what I call the “wall”. When you hit the “wall” you’re mind is convinced you can’t hold the pose for another second, or you can’t do another rep, or you’re too out of breath, or you can’t keep going because of the pain and have to stop. I’ve overcome the “wall” many times. But yoga gives you a different type of “wall” I’ve never experienced. You’re experiencing the muscle torture of lifting weights, the suffocation of cardio, the agony of a deep stretch, the focus of meditation, combined with the most profound thing I’ve experienced, which is surrender. The surrender is the part that just changed my life and made me truly fall completely in love with yoga. The surrender is the part where you’re experiencing all the pain from the things I just listed all at the same time, but the only way to stay balanced and hold the pose it to surrender. My mind finally just, surrendered. It was during the warrior pose, when we brought our hands to our heart and held the warrior pose on one foot, WHILE doing one leg squats, something shifted inside of me, and I just stopped trying, found my center, surrendered to the pose and all of a sudden my mind went quiet, all the wobbling stopped, and something was brought out of me that just perfectly held the pose, felt nothing but bliss in the midst of pain, and unleashed this fire and energy. In that moment, I was truly, finally, centered. I’ve never felt so energized, alive, stress and anxiety free, and just content with myself and with life. Yoga is truly powerful. If you’ve made it this far in my comment, thank you for listening❤️ namaste😌


At first I was feeling lazy when I read "power yoga", but you make even challenging classes feel amazing. Cleo is beautiful and I really love to see her around 💚


I absolutely loved this class! It kicked my butt! I would love more of these longer power flows. Thank you so much for your hard work. <3


Kassandra you are amazing almost a year ago I was in a dark place miserable wasn't taking care of myself I had depression bad but then I discovered your yoga classes I cannot thank you enough for offering these free wonderful beneficial life changing classes I have lost weight gained muscle my mommy tummy looks more toned it's been a while since I felt this amazing I've changed my eating habits sleep habits and I have a huge part of that to thank you for you kept me encouraged every day to keep going keep improving and now I'm starting to move on to more advanced classes with you so again thank you thank you!! 😻 Oh and Happy Christmas to you and yours 🎄🎁☃️


The first time I did this class on the 21st December I found it really tough going and could only do 30 minutes as I was exhausted. Today I did it all. I’m so proud. Thank you so much for making your classes so good and enjoyable. Your my hero. 🧘‍♀️🙏🌟😇


Challenging, but great, I'm glad I told myself "you can't do yin everyday" 🤣
Thank you ❤️


Great class. Challenging 😅💪🏻
And Cleo is the most adorable kitty I’ve ever seen 😍😍


I have never done a down dog with one arm! Such new feelings, loved this.
The planks were extra challenging this morning! Thank you Kassandra!!!


Really hit the spot!! When I stopped doing yoga for weight loss, everything became more enjoyable, even these power-yoga classes


i can't take Cleo's cuteness!!! omg!!! she is a little baby.


I've been practicing with you for around 3 months pretty much every day and I think this has been my favourite practice so far! The way it transformed my mood completely and even made me shed a happy tear in the end (maybe thanks to Cleo, what an angel!!!) I felt it's time to let you know how much I appreciate and am beyond grateful for your wonderful classes - they truly are a lifesaver - THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 🙏🙏🙏


Loved it. Want more Of this kind Of practise in your channel. Challenging and powerful


Whew !!
And awesome !!
Love wee Cleo joining us ..
Namaste 🙏


Yes please more power yoga and yoga for strength videos please😍
