How to Get Motivated When Depressed!

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Thank you for hitting this topic. It is VERY difficult some days to get motivated enough to do anything at all. I appreciate you and everything you do. ❤️


Really needed to hear this today. Not necessarily depressed, but due to my mom’s recent stroke I’ve been struggling to remain consistent with my workouts. This is a great motivation to get on track again.


Thank you. I have been depressed for a long time, even with meds. Taking that first step is so difficult for me. Will try my best.😢


I have to roll out of bed and put on my workout clothes immediately. Drinking coffee in my PJs while scrolling on my phone has ruined many workouts. Once I'm wearing pants, it's much easier to keep pushing forward.


We all struggle. Great motivation for anyone, thanks!


Just when we thought we couldn't love you more!! Excellent instruction (as usual) at an excellent time. SO MANY are currently struggling with motivation, for many reasons 😢


I really appreciate your videos. Have been dealing with depression since I was a teenager. I listened to your Podcast #77 the other day and appreciated what you said that changing our PERCEPTION will fuel our motivation. Change it from exercise to change myself, to movement to feel better in my body because I deserve it. I am at the point where I can say the positive words to myself and that feels good as well. I am so glad I found 'We Shape'! Thank you for what you do!


Thanks for the great advice. I have been struggling to get myself back to even a small bit of what I was. ❤


This is speaking directly to ME today. You are appreciated.


Thank you! I do overthink. I also have ADD and because of my age, 68, they will no longer prescribe me Adderall. I have been taking it for 12 years and then nothing - stopped me cold turkey. I have been struggling without the help of the Adderall. My every day quality of life is a mess. I have unfinished projects and sometimes can't even move myself to wash the dishes. I gained 15 lbs this past year. I need to exercise because I have sciatica and arthritis in my hip. I am going for physical therapy. I need to do the exercises because the affliction has slowed me down and I have lost muscle strength. I need to get it back! I need to lose weight. Motivation is very difficult, especially during Ohio winters. Gray, cloudy, dreary. I can try your method.


O.M.G.!! This is totally what I needed to hear. Thank you so much! ❤❤


This is great! I've been struggling to get back into a workout routine & I started to do something similar. I decided to wake up & put on workout clothes (I work from home) and by the time I get downstairs I would assess if I was feeling it or not but I like your tip to just put a video on & watch and if I feel inclined to join in at any time during it then great!


Love this. You are really awesome. Thank you!


Oh first chunk can never be to open up the internet or any app. That opens the door for a flood of distractions and I'll be lazy and scroll for an hour. MY FIRST CHUNK is to PUT MY WALKING SHOES ON. Sometimes it's "brush my teeth" before I get dressed and then put my exercise clothes on. I don't think Tyler really understands depression. There's no such thing as just watching part of a workout - a lazy depressed person will watch the whole thing plus 10 more and scroll tiktok all day. But he's right, often the only way to get moving is to just think of one small manageable thing to do. My saving grace is I have chickens who have to be let out and fed and then I do any little chore like take the trash outside. That gets the blood and oxygen moving a little and creates momentum to tackle the day. In conclusion - I don't touch my phone or my computer until AFTER I get dressed, walk outside and tour my garden, get some rays in the sunrise, and do a chore or two :)


I'm having trouble getting back into my gym routine post foot surgery. I've been back 3 times in the past 2 weeks. Mostly because I have a friend that I told to nudge me. I admit I'm doing significantly less weights, but it's helpful for range of motion. It's a little bit depression, lot because I've been very stiff in my feet, ankles, knees, hips and back. Surgery takes a bit to come back from.


I want to know how to get motivation when I'm I'm in physical pain and even breathing hurts.


Sounds like the playbook of Atomic Habits.


Just do it. Don’t find motivation, don’t wait to be not depressed. Just shut up the head voice and do it.
