How To Build Muscle At Home: The BEST Full Body Home Workout For Growth

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In today’s video we’ll go through a science-based full body home workout routine. When we think of a home workout, we assume that they’re inferior for muscle growth. For many bodyweight workout at home routines out there, this is true. But, this is simply because they aren’t designed properly. You can make comparable gains in muscle mass by using either lighter loads (like bodyweight exercises), or heavier weights in the gym. But there are a couple key points that people overlook when it comes to home full body workout routines.

First off, is that you need to push to near failure for every single set you perform in this full body home workout routine. If you stop well short of failure during your sets then you’ll fail to fully activate all the motor units within your muscles. And you won’t experience the same amount of growth that you would when using heavy weights. Secondly, you need to be working with a weight or resistance that is at least 30-40% of your 1 rep max if you want to maximize growth. So 30-40% of your 1 rep max equates to around 30-40 reps per set. So, make sure you can’t do more than that for the following exercises.

All that said, we’re now ready to dive into the full home workout. The first exercise we’ll use here are narrow grip push-ups with the hands placed in a diamond shape, which will be used to target the chest and triceps. Next, we’ll use the inverted row to target our overall back with most of the emphasis on the mid back for thickness. Then, the third exercise is pike push-ups, which mainly target the shoulders and triceps. Now, it’s time to target the back, primarily the lats, with a vertical pulling angle through the sliding lat pulldowns.

The fifth of the bodyweight exercises is the bicep towel curls, which allows for arms isolation. Then, to target the long head of the triceps, you can simply switch over and perform tricep extensions in your setup for the bicep curls. For most of us, bodyweight squats just aren’t going to cut it. Which is why we’ll use the towel set up again to perform assisted pistol squats to target the quads and glutes. For the eighth exercise, we’ll move onto the Bulgarian split squat with your rear leg elevated on a platform, which will again further target the quads and glutes. Lastly, we’ll use the sliding leg curl to work the hamstrings through both hip and knee extension.

Now, as for your home workout routine, just like your exercises in the gym, it’s vital that you get adequate rest of roughly 2 minutes between each of your sets. And to do so in this workout while saving time, you can perform the following upper body exercises in a superset fashion:

Home workout (superset):

Diamond Push-Ups: (4 sets – 2 flat, 2 decline)
Inverted row (4 sets)

Pike Push-ups (3 sets)
Lat pulldowns on floor (3 sets)

Biceps towel curl: 2 sets
Tricep bodyweight extensions: 2 sets

Assisted pistol squat: 3 sets each side
Bulgarian split squat 3 sets each side
Hamstring leg curls: 4 sets

I’d recommend performing this full body home workout 3-4 times a week.

Guys I hope you enjoyed this one and I also hope you were able to see that it’s the little details like what I went through in this video that really are key to maximizing growth and to actually see progress with whatever workout routine you choose to do. And for a step-by-step program that takes care of all the guess work for you and shows you exactly how and what to work out and eat week after week so that you can fuel your body and build muscle most effectively with science, then simply take the analysis quiz to discover which science-based program would be best for you and where your body is currently at below:




Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo





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I hope you enjoy the video and the accompanying PDF, and hopefully this is helpful for you all during these tough times. Please do share the workout with any family/friends who would find this useful as well. We’re all in this together. Stay safe everyone – and do comment below what other helpful topics you’d like to see me cover during this time!


Like to bring it on top
3:27 - 1 - Diamond Push-Ups
4:22 - 2 - Inverted Row
5:12 - 3 - Pike Push-Ups
6:15 - 4 - Sliding Lat Pulldowns
6:51 - 5 - Biceps Bedsheet Curl
7:05 - 6 - Tricep Overhead Extensions
7:40 - 7 - Assisted Pistol Squats
8:17 - 8 - Bulgarian Split Squat
8:51 - 9 - Sliding Hamstring Curls

9:32 - Summary


I thought quarantine meant I can take a break from the gains but Jeff Nipard, Jeff Cav and Jeremy will never let that happen.


Can you really be considered quarantined if you never really leave the house in the first place?


Hey you! Yes, YES you. I see you’re trying to better yourself. I’m proud of you! 🔥


Corona gonna have me looking like im serving 25 to life


6:43 every morning when I head to school


Tip for you all:
No matter how much you do this workout
If you don't rest enough you won't gain much cause your broken muscles won't repair faster so always rest, have a good day hope this helped you :)


Finally, a home workout that doesn't assume "bands, some random weights, etc"... and shows you can use a backpack + books/whatever.


The Fitness community: uploads at home workouts because of covid-19
Me who never goes to gym: *My time has come*


Guys I can confirm it works 100% I've been doing it since July 1st and I already see progress in my chest and arms, EVEN LEGS!! Trust me guys it does work you just gotta put in the work and effort. I believe in you, don't give up!

It's now August 11th, my chest is heavily defined now and everything else is doing great too, do the hard work guys

Oct 28, I'm more bigger than ever. I might upload my workout list on YouTube maybe

I'm gonna be honest I stopped my workouts for a month and lost pretty much 70% of my muscle, some stuff happened and I let myself go. Eating junk food etc. About a week ago I started my training once more. I will return bigger with updates on my progress

On April 8th I had a appendix surgery so I obviously had to stop. Gonna get back on the grind this coming month.

It's August 6th and I'm still working out. I began on July 4th once I made sure I was 100% healed from my surgery. Since then I've made a comeback. My abs are visible again and my muscles are getting toned. It's been a month but any amount of progress is good. Especially after a surgery. Some of you haters probably think I just stopped working out but the truth is, I have a goal and I won't stop the grind. Unlike you haters, who have nothing to do but just sit around all day being keyboard warriors.

2024 August 14th Edit:
I've been going to the gym guys, had to level up gains, all is good


Just finished doing this whole routine. This ain't no joke, this'll burn like a mother effer! Took me around 50 minutes to complete doing them slowly and as correct as possible. Very challenging, I love it!! Will keep you posted!


Who’s here cause of the motivation to get their lives together


Did this for two months a while back, got good noticiable gains that even all my family and friends recognized me getting bigger, but I fell of and haven’t been consistent with it for a whole year. Starting today, getting back to it, I’ll come back with updates, hope y’all are getting your grind in too 💪


going back to this video after almost two years. this was actually the first video i watched when i decided to work out for the first time (consistently) during the start of the pandemic. i can honestly say that this guy changed my life, and i thank you for that.


Who's on the bed and planning to begin WFH (Workout from home) from tomorrow??


This is exactly the video we needed! My gym membership is cancelled so I'm onto calisthenics and dumbbells now. We're in this together boys.


Homework: Hell no

Homeworkout: Hell yea


I’ve learned that the “push to failure regularly” is key, ty for the confirmation


There are personal trainers charging people for quality content like this ! Thanks Jeremy
