7 Things I Need To Tell You About Life

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More Fearless Soul you can listen to every day:

7 Things I Need To Tell You About Life

Speaker: JOSIAH RUFF, for Fearless Soul

+ Filmpac and StoryBlocks

"Life is to be lived... lived before you die. Don’t waste a second of this precious gift You’re here for a reason, never stop asking WHY"

7 Things I Need To Tell You About Life:
1. Life is not meant to be so serious. Make time for fun, for joy, for play.
2. Circumstances will NEVER define you... unless YOU decide to let them.
3. If you don’t learn to control your mind, your mind will control you.
4. Make a PLAN... but go with the FLOW as well.
5. You’ll never be able to please everyone.
6. You won’t be happy if you’re being someone else trying to fit in with others - Be yourself and do it with pride!
7. Those who are stuck in their own misery will try and drag you into their dark hole. Don’t let anyone steal your joy.

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#Life #FearlessSoul #MotivationalVideo
Рекомендации по теме

1. Life is not meant to be serious
2. Circumstances never define you
3. If you don't learn to control your mind it will control you
4. Make A plan but go with the flow
5. You can't please everyone
6. You won't be happy if you're being someone else
7. Those who stuck in their own misery will drag you into it


Ignore the negativity and the doubts people have on you. *Keep moving forward.* I am cheering for your success. ✋


To Anyone Reading To This, You're Bigger Than Your Obstacles, Keep Pushing Toward Success, God Has Believe In You,
You Are A Champion !!!


LIFE is all about LOVE..to love God, yourself and neighbors..


*Greatness is built when nobody else is watching.*

I don't know which stage of life you are in but I hope you never give up... 💥


I will be the Best person on this planet and Reach my Dreams ❤


I am the best person as I can be
From my mistakes, I will take lessons
From my success, I will be thankful
Life is the best teacher, I have ever seen
Each day, it teaches me new things
The darkest moments of my life is the best lesson of my life.
The more you give fire to the gold, the pure gold you will receive.
I guarantee you! If change the way you look at your life, your problems, your mistakes and such and such, you will be one of the best and positive person in the world.
Keep it in mind ✌️


I will be a good example to this world, and i will shine my light even brighter in the darkest days. Amen


Hey You.... Yeah You Reading This. I just wanted to let you know whatever you are struggling with right now will pass. Their is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep Going.. Don't Give Up
God has a plan for you.


Love yourself - Go with the flow - let go the controle, the little talking mind in our head that every thing can destroy if we are listening to the "Ego". Listen to your Heart - Soul - Higher Self
Be kind to other people - respect them with their own choices in life. We all are unique living our own lives with the many lessons, we may learning. No good or bad, they are only life lessons.
"Never give up - Rise and Shine".
Thank you for this Blessing / eye-opener ♡
Wish you all a relaxed day wherever you are .


Thanks for taking my stress away, you are changing lives


Having trust in oneself and positive mindset is key in ones life.


1. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Hellen Keller

2. "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light" - Aristotle

3. "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy

4. If you're not going with the flow, your going to slow.
"If you don't design your own life plane, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. Guess what they have planned for you? Not Much" - Jim Rohn
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." - Benjamin Franklin

5. "Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner, " - Lao Tzu

6. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
Dr. Seuss, said "Be who who are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

7. "How people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours" - Wayne Dyer
" Loving people live in a loving world, hostile people live in a hostel world, same world" -Wayne Dyer
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt


Thank you God for Your Divine Blessings and Miracles in the Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen Hallelujah praise the Lord.


It's very important n BEAUTIFUL life do ALWAYS POSITIVE and you be good make happy self n care your mind life be better


I listened this while faced the bad situation in my life.. Thank you.. I got new positive meaning to get up better


Your videos have gotten me through some tough times. Thank you.


Meditation is most powerful weapon on earth


While watching the video I feel like my world is full of joy


This was the best video I ever saw... Thank you 👌👏👍💜🙏
