BLOGILATES Is At It Again… Let’s Talk About Her 90 Day Muscle Building Journey

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Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In todays video, we will be discussing Cassey Ho from Blogilates and her 90-Day Weight loss and Muscle Gain Journey.

If you missed my previous review of Blogilates, you can watch it right here:

Thank you to my dietitian colleagues, Chelsea Cross and Rebecca Kirk-McConville, for their contribution to this video!

Chelsea Cross, RD

Rebecca Kirk-McConville, RD


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.

3) Please be kind in the comments.

4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.

5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!


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If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,

Xoxo Abbey
Рекомендации по теме

Linda Sun talks a lot about “acceptable” weight gain/loss in her latest video. So interesting how the message underlining gaining weight for “strength” is that only weight gain in certain areas (e.g. your bum) is celebrated as healthy, whereas inevitable growth other areas (e.g. your lower belly) is not. Although I am a huge proponent of strength training, it is so problematic that this messaging only perpetuates more unrealistic body standards for women


I think Cassey would be doing herself a favor if she stepped back from social media for a while to focus on herself. She is obviously very successful as she should be, she’s a hard, hard worker. So she could afford to step back and really look at herself and where she wants to be in life. Does she want to be obsessed over food and exercise for the rest of her life? Possibly pass that mindset onto her kids? I think stepping back and focusing on her husband, fertility, growing a family etc. and less on what her body looks like would be amazing and I really think she would be more happy, relaxed and her quality of life would be so much better.


I love her workouts and have for years! I have never used her dietary advice. Thanks for always being kind. People can disagree on something-show why-and still be classy about it. You prove that time and time again. TY!


Thank you for the informative, factual, and graceful way you approached this video! There's been a lot of hate on this specific topic and it makes me sad to see such negative energy around it. I've been following her for awhile and enjoy her workouts, but it's helpful to me to see differing opinions and experts sharing they're intel on it.


I just finished watching another video uploaded today about this exact topic, just to see this video uploaded not so long ago. Can’t wait to see it


I'd really suggest her to drop the body goals for a while if achieving pregnancy is her dream. She needs more body fat and less stress.


I'm SOOO happy I stumbled upon you and this video!!! I found you via greg doucette. I finally got back to lifting and eating right in February and been watching all the nutrition and weight lifting videos I can find. I happened to watch one of greg doucettes where he's screaming that 1800 calories is WAY too much for women and will make you obese. I don't know why it was so triggering to me. I've struggled with eating disorders and body dysmorphia for 30 yrs and it resurfaces time to time but atleast now I know what I need to eat. As a 5'11" woman who lifts and does some cardio and is always on my feet all day long with housework and playing with my kids (running and jumping on the trampoline) and my own work 1800 is a deficit for me. Even without the exercise it is. I really dislike the way he throws out average numbers. Like in a different video he said 165lbs is and obese number for women. Wtf!? I generally like him and benefitted from a lot of his advice and recipes but when he does videos like that its so triggering.
Anyhow what I've noticed is that in the bodybuilding/weight lifting world its really hard to find good women to follow and look up to for advice. Men usually focus on men and this is the first time I've heard anyone talk about the importance of balancing female hormones. It's super interesting and haven't thought about it before since everyone just talks about testosterone. All the women I've come across focus on getting super skinny and a big butt and likely aren't all natural with surgeries. Or they are super buff and take stuff to help them do so. So I have such a messed up perception of what's achievable naturally. I used to think I could get super shredded easier than I realized. I'd like to build as much muscle as possible naturally and have an idea of what is possible.


I really enjoyed this video. You were so respectful and informative.


I was hoping you would cover this! I saw her doing this journey on my youtube explore a week ago and I was quite irritated by her halftime(?) results, that seemed pretty unrealistic and that also a lot of people told her to not make any logical sense. I hope you can cover this 90-day journey again after she is done with it. It would be interresing to hear what you think about the results and the changes she might have done


Building significant muscle (especially for women) is a whole different ball game than losing weight. It’s basically opposite’s land: you need to eat at a calorie surplus, rest days are as important as workout days, you will gain weight at the end. It’s a total mind fuck if you are used to dieting.


Wow so much good info in this video!! It really explains a lot when I think back to my keto days. I got more lean but muscle growth was non existent as my sleep hygiene was awful and of carbs. Lots to think about as I aim to get back on a wellness track


Yessss john (obesetobeast) made a video about this too. The BS of her gaining 6lbs in one month! And the blaming her trainer for her ED when she was the one who set the goals for the training. This person definitely is out to market her "personal journey" for more diet fad sales.


That transition sound is too loud😢 Anyway, thanks for always providing such informative content 😘


It would be really interesting to see you review Niomi Smart - she's a UK influencer. A lot of people comment on her YT videos talking about how her videos encourage disordered eating but she deletes all of the comments. She also made daily vlogs during the pandemic where people started to notice that she always commented on her boyfriend's portion sizes etc. and wouldn't let him eat bread, and hid all of his peanut butter :/ would just be interesting to discuss eating habits/ health goals within relationships


Cassey is probably “confused” the true meaning of muscle gain to “ fat loss”. Her approach is that she seems want to stay at her current weight and build muscle via working out? Really strange she seems believe the key to muscle gain is protein and workout… Resting and carb is obviously out of the question. Personally, I believe I built most of my muscle when I was a kid.. worry free, played all day under sunshine, did activities I loved/ enjoyed. And ate a rice based diet… Growing up as a 70s child, we didn’t have much choices of food, plant based diet was not by choice. Low carb was not possible ( starvation). When life got better, fad diets and ED kicked in 😂, and building muscle suddenly became a “ work” instead of FUN activity. Sign.. Life is interesting, sometimes, less is more, more is just more.


I just genuinely do not understand how someone with an ED background feels comfortable going on strict meal plans. I know everyone is different and so are experiences. But nothing sounds more terrifying to me than monitoring weight, muscle mass and calorie intake. Would sprial me right back into an ED or disordered eating habits. Don't know her personally so I don't want to judge but I hope she's honest with herself whether her challenges on YouTube are supportive to her journey or not. Especially if she wants to prepare her body to grow a baby.
Interesting take of yours, Abbey!! 😊


I would love to see you review Megsquats or Nicole Collet!


Would be interested to hear your thoughts on her results! I just saw her 30 day check in where she gained 6 pounds of muscle??


Very good advices!👌🏽 I lived everything yo said 👌🏽❤️


How does she expect to put on muscle in a calorie deficit like that? To me it looks like what she actually means by building muscle is reducing her body fat to reveal the muscle that she already has / look leaner. Put not GAIN actual muscle mass, because that seems hardly possible with her plan?
