How to ACTUALLY Deal with Armour - A BF2042 Anti-Tank Engineer Guide

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After growing tired of watching my team get absolutely smashed by enemy vehicles, I decided I had to do something about it! I've spent weeks trying to figure out how to deal with enemy tanks and armour and now I am passing my findings onto you, in this Battlefield 2042 Anti-Tank Engineer Guide.

I provide details on how countermeasures work and what to expect enemies to be using. Damage numbers and advantages and disadvantages for all of the main engineering AT equipment and also shedding some light on one of BF2042's best kept secrets!

I'll let you know what loadout you should be using if you want to take your anti-armour game to the next level!

Hopefully you'll all enjoy this absolute saga or at least enjoy some of the great clips I have gathered!

Please let me know what you think below!

Here are the contents if you just want to skip to a specific topic:
0:00 - Introduction
0:48 - Discussing Vehicles and their Countermeasures:
1:25 - Thermal Smoke
2:01 - Active Protection System
3:04 - Repair Function
3:28 - Strength of the Repair Tool
4:08 - General Vehicle Counter Loadouts:
4:16 - Main Battle Tanks and Rail Tanks
4:39 - MAV
5:19 - RAM
5:54 - Wildcat
6:09 - Bolte
7:04 - M5 Details
9:13 - Javelin Details
11:50 - Lis's TGM Details
14:06 - Anti-Tank Mine Details
16:30 - C5 Details
18:34 - Underbarrel Armour Piercing Launcher Details
20:33 - The Best AT Loadout
22:38 - General Engineering Tips
25:00 - What I would like to see from Dice
26:52 - Last Word!
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Sadly most people could care less about team coordination, anti-air, anti-armor, and are just trying to be a one man army.


A tip for the at mine. If you do a mine and then shoot it. It leaves a crater that you can use to hide the two mines you have left. They can be easily spotted if just let on the ground. Although any crater will do.


Liz is still the ultimate. Tv missile for ground and air, c5 for close range and emp to disable tanks. Most complete engineer!


This channel is small but it produces golden content. Nice job.


You will easily surpass 1000 subs with content such as this. I've been playing BF since 2011 and have watched numerous videos but FEW as informative as this one. It's the technical and strategical side of BF that many of us vets of BF/DICE want to know. Great job. Keep it up and thank you.


I really like your in-depth explanation on the game mechanics, its good knowledge, especially the active time for the APS and also the cooldown.


Man I couldn’t agree more about people just LOSING hard because of a tank on the field. It’s like nobody wants to win, they just want to play COD or something. If you’re not switching classes to get revenge on a tank or helicopter, you’re not having fun yet.


Thanks for doing the research and posting this! Typically I play infantry but have been getting tired of teams where no one is doing anything about the vehicles and everyone keeps dying. After watching this I feel I can put a good engineer load out together and start taking care of vehicles and contributing to the team more.


Some additional tips from me:
- EMP-Grenades. EMP-Grenades are actually a pretty effectiv tool against vehicles in close combat, because they disable any weapon AND countermeassure, even the APS (if it wasn't active while the grenade was thrown). On any unsuspecting enemy, and that is the most of them (because EMP-Grenades aren't widely used anymore), it's a huge shock to suddenly be unable to use anything for defense, especially when they had APS on the ready and suddenly can't use it anymore. This in turn, depending on the experience level, will bring them to do rash decisions which you can exploit. For example but mines behind them and watch them retreat into those mines.
- Rao's hack: Basically the same as an EMP Grenade but with a greater distance and on demand. Rao is not a vehicle killer, but together with some pioneers he can really help put down some enemy vehicles. The only downside is some sort of short vulnerability and that it gets anounced for the enemy.
- A really imortant one, Distraction: If enemy vehicles don't have anything to do, they are more aware of their surroundings (looking for mines, upsneaking enemies, etc.). Also most of them use outside camera in those situations. So they even see you when you sneak up to them from behind. But if they are distracted, by other vehicles or by you yourself, they suddenly have more tunnelvision and miss some mines or the enemy who sneaks up on them. Like in the video on 14:05 were you sneakedly put down mines and played afterwards the distraction until the Brawler drove over the mines.
- LAT 50mm Cannon: This one is a bit special. It alone almost cannot kill a heavy armored enemy vehicle, but it can definitly put some decent damage on any enemy vehicles and this even from long ranges. Works best with a distraction for the enemy. So, if a enemy tank has to chose between you and your allied tank, you are suddenly not priority target one, which helps you put some extra damage into the enemy tank. Especially effective when you flank the enemy from a distance, which in turn enables you to snipe some pesky repair flies who stand behind the tank.


This is absurdly thorough. Thankyou so much for the effort you put into this. It's amazing. Very detailed.


I took the liberty of sharing links to some of your guides in the official BF2042 forums.
I really liked how when you see a problem you seem to study the problem and the tools you have in depth for the sake of overcoming it.


Great info. I like your tip to keep your own team's vehicles repaired as an 'indirect' way to counter enemy vehicles. Vehicles of course counter other vehicles so supporting your vehicles where you can is helpful. Crewing your team's vehicles will make them more effective. Even just fighting as infantry near a friendly vehicle could help clear a path for it and allow it to push. If your ground vehicles are being hounded by air power try to clear the skies etc.


Excellent breakdown for anti-tank and engineer gameplays. Very thorough, efficient and well presented. You deserve a lot more subs. Keep rockin it steady.


I agree with the counter measure being shared in the same slot, like they did to the stealth helis.


I didn't know you can pick up enemy mines. That's awesome.


Nice video, that scene with that vehicle you attacked with the welding tool made me laugh 😂


Just found your channel as a dude who's been playing BF since 2142 but just got back into 2042 after dropping it in season 1. Your tips are by far the best on the platform, it's rare for me to find content that actually translates into improving my skills.


Absolutely fantastic guide Dan. The BF community needed this. I will say that Crawford's turret does do a decent amount of damage. it sorta sneaks up on the enemy and they seem to not understand where they are taking damage from in my experience. and you may want to take a look at that in any follow-up videos on this subject.


And thank you for the damage numbers chart on the vehicles, it really helps.


My biggest issue with playing anti-tank is the lack of people dropping ammo. I'm glad when I die as it means ammo.
