Bullies & Bullying - Psychologist discusses techniques to deal with it.

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Beat the bullies - tips for dealing with bullies in person with performance psychologist Miranda Banks, Excel in Exams and the Smartivate system.

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I've been bullied because of my disability, it was hell, but after hearing that the bully wants you to hate yourself, I will love myself hard. Thank you for the video. It really changed me.


Adult bullies are very cunning in how they bully, so it’s very hard to call them out. If you call them out, they can amp up their tactics and be so covert with it that your feeling of helplessness only increases.


Bullying is infact a toxic psychological self medication technique in order to feel better.


Ive been bullied my whole life, I'm almost 30. I would say my 20s I was bullied by adults way harder. For awhile I was hating myself. I didnt realize I let them win. Thank you very good video


My daughter is first year of high school, an all girls school, it’s a very brutal place. I played this video to her. There is one girl who will ask dumb questions out loud like ‘why are your trousers so baggy’ they aren’t even. They are her PE leggings and just because they aren’t skin tight they are a tiny bit loose on her because she can’t have tight clothing hates the feeling of it. Same girl purposely bangs into my daughter in class walking past her, she will also call my daughter in class and shout really stupid stuff to try embarrass her. My daughter up to now has just rolled her eyes and ignored, but I said you need to say something back to shut her up. Glad I found this video. I also told my daughter that unfortunately bullying doesn’t end in school it carries on to the workplace. I honestly can’t work out how my daughter is a target - she’s nice to everyone, can stand up for herself, she’s not a pushover, she is loud, she is popular, not a queen bee by any means but well known and liked by many, big bubbly personality.


I am a straight person and I survived bullying at an early school age and had many not-so-honest friends, they used my kindness as much as they had the opportunity. I have a normal good short-term memory. And I have been burned out.


It’s hard to stand up to, or come back strong on a bully when you’re a CHILD. You don’t have the mental sophistication to even process let alone challenge it. It’s too overwhelming especially when you are outnumbered. That was my problem. I’m 52 and think of it all the time. I’m so angry. It eats my soul.😢😢😢😢


I have been bullied because of my disability. It is a pain in the ass to have people talk rubbish while you have your own problems to deal with.


I was bullied by superiors when I was 22 years old. It caused me distress. Come to realize later on that it really wasn’t me that caused the problem. It was them. How they felt about themselves which I had nothing to do with.


Why bullies want you to hate yourself, thats so creepy.


Finally a useful video. Most other videos just say "just ignore them" or "leave the place they are at". Some other videos say "Stand up to them" which is good, but what is the duration of the conflict when you stand up to them? I have never heard "Expect that they will make it harder, and give up later" in a video before. I think it is also important to seem calm within the conflict and not show your anger, even if you feel very angry. If you show them that you are angry, they will be satisfied and try to provoke even more.


She's so like... wholesome or calm. Like she's comforting


No one would stand on my side in this! I have no such friends...so i have to deal with it alone! But this is adult bullying or gaslighting which is also bullying. Its psycological abuse. You shrink and start doubting yourself and your judgement, and it`s very hard to deal with and to live with these feelings of confusion and self-rejection, and these contempt for yourself and other contempt for you and your opinions, or feelings, etcetera..

Gaslighters project their faults on you, if they`re mean to you, they project it on you. You are the bad guy. And in the end you start to believe it.

My father was lke this and my six sibblings are the same. And now i have started to stand up for my self and hell is breaking loose...it`s almost a war. A war to have the right to be who I am. To not have to apologize all the time, or dance to their tune..it takes all your energy! 😵🤯


Thank you. Great vid. As a child my parents told me not to fight. I think it has helped me be a victim too often in my life. I need to turn this around.


This is one of the best videos I've ever seen. I went from being a popular kid/ woman at school and university to being adult bullied alot starting off with jealous and envious relatives. If you dont stand up to it or apply coping mechanisms it can very quickly and easily take over your life even as an adult. Thanks for the video.


Also, I’ve been bullied my whole life. My first bully was my mother.


Wow!!! I used the exact words on a kid that was bullying me in a group chat today. He would insult me, and I would insult him back. He would insult me again, and I would return the more viciously attacked in him. I put on your video and I used word for word what you just said….you know your really weird….
AND…❤❤❤ he left that group chat seconds after I said that!!!
Thank you so very much. I love this video and I appreciate everything that you said. By the way, I am an adult and he is a kid.
He never spoke to me before, and he didn’t know anything about me, but was attacking me very badly with words.


Best 6 minutes and 55 seconds of my life right there


I get bullied at the gym everyday. Not gonna lie, throwing something at them has crossed my mind...


I was bullied relentlessly by my step mum growing up; at the same time being bullied by mean girls at school and boys that were way older on the bus to and from school. It went on for years and the only time I stood up was when the older boys started bullying a six year old girl ( 6ft boys bullying a tiny little girl 🥺) and no one said anything. I stood up and said what is wrong with you guys picking on a kindergartener and they they started hitting me, I hit back to protect myself but they were a lot bigger than I was. That’s when they targeted me instead of the 6 year old but at least they left her alone. TBH the boys picking on me didn’t bother me as much as the girls because they knew how to single out your insecurities and weaponise them against you.
Now I’m being bullied at work by a bunch of 20 ish year old girls ( who are related to my boss ) and I’m 50f and I dread going to work. I went to management ( not my direct boss ) because they started bullying someone else that was unable to defend themselves and funnily enough they have stopped bullying us. I was terrified going to management but even more afraid facing them after I did. I don’t really care if they like me as long as they treat me with respect and stop targeting others.
