What To Eat On The Carnivore Diet (Our Keto Carnivore Staples)

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Today I’m going to show you all our favorite foods and staples that we love to eat on the Carnivore Diet. As you probably know by now, after over 3 years of Keto, we’ve been eating a mostly Carnivore Ketogenic Diet ever since our one-week experiment in February.

Thank you for watching! :) If you'd like to support us, here are 4 easy ways:
Pro tip: You have to try the Keto Collagen (Choc. or Vanilla) mixed with coffee!

I haven't done a video like this in a while, so I figured it was about time! I split the video into five sections:

00:54 Meat & Fish
04:07 Other animal products
04:54 Fats
06:03 Spices & Extras
08:01 Drinks

We stuck to it because we love eating this way taste-wise and because shopping and cooking is so much easier now and no food ever gets wasted (which is not the case if you buy a lot of veggies, which easily get moldy).

We noticed our digestion works even better without fiber, we feel stronger in the gym and we’re in the best shape of our lives without counting calories, which can be necessary if you follow a “normal” keto diet which includes nuts, keto desserts etc.

Is there anything I left out that you really enjoy on a regular basis? Have you ever experimented with the carnivore diet? I’d love to know in the comments below!
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Thank you for watching! :) I added time-stamps below. If you'd like to support us, here are 4 easy ways:
Pro tip: You have to try the Keto Collagen (Choc. or Vanilla) mixed with coffee!

00:54 Meat & Fish
04:07 Other animal products
04:54 Fats
06:03 Spices & Extras
08:01 Drinks


Two weeks in and feel amazing. I've tried lots of diets in the past. This is the only one where I wasn't hungry all the time.


I’ve been sick for a couple years, tried eliminating foods and still not well. I am going to try this diet.


Hi! I remember watching a past 'What to eat on a Keto Diet' video you did and it was my all time favorite...when I was also on Keto. I am now 6 months into Carnivore and was searching to see about adding other foods back in...although carnivore alone feels fabulous. Loved seeing your few allowances as this is the minimal type of eating I also enjoy. I am hoping to see your partner on the screen soon and learn about any weight loss/maintenance she has experienced on carnivore. And I will look forward to seeing how you prepare foods in your air fryer etc.


I just started carnivore after 2 years on keto. I don't do dairy. But I wont go without coffee, I draw the line there!


It’s so nice to see more and more people going carnivore! Liked the video a lot, I can also recommend you Frank Tufano’s channel, he is very educated in carnivore diet


I just started the carnivore diet. My arteritis pain has been reduced, my bloating is gone and my bathroom trips are excellent. I can’t drink black coffee without sugar so I go without and that is the hardest part as caffeine addiction is REAL.


Thank you. Best vid I've watched on what to eat. Gave me some good ideas. Enjoy!


I like to make egg salad using mashed avocado seasoned with Pink Himalayan salt or fermented red cabbage juice (JillyJuice recipe) which I make at home 😋. Some people don't consider avocado as a legitimate part of "full carnivore", I see it as a healthy fat or alternative to butter.


I love fish sauce but it is hard to find one that doesn't have a whole bunch of MSG in it. I use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce.
There is a little dairy here in Southern California called Desert Farms that sells camel milk products. Recently they started selling, I kid you not, "Hump Fat" from camels which is a wonderful alternative to tallow. The marketing pitch is that the camel stores all of its nutrition in the hump so this fat is very high in a lot of nutrients, especially B12. No, I don't work for them, just a happy customer.


i've tried doing carnivore diet for a couple of weeks and been experiencing constipation so i switched to keto. but after seeing your video and you said that your digestion improved and become stronger in the gym! i want to give it a shot again. hope you will give tips on how to improve digestion while on carnivore diet. thanks


Thank you for this video, I’m new to your channel and new to Carnivore.


I recommend lamb tallow, it's smooth as velvet and tastes of pure luxury.


Very good vid. Been doing keto for 2 1/2 years now and just about to embark on a Carnivore diet so this was very helpful. Thank you.


Love your Vids♥️, and... waiting for " How to make Tallow? " video.


I am on carnivore diet for two week so watching video to be sure I have been doing it right and will. 😊


We are eating Carnivore, but with planned exceptions allowed. Fly is down 13 lbs and Guy is dropping inches like crazy!


Have you ever milked a buffalo? It's gnarly. That cheese should be $100/oz...most dangerous cheese on the planet lol


What are your check ups like? Blood pressure, how clean are your arteries? Blood sugar? How often do have a bowel movement?


Keto for last 4plus yrs
Now over last 2months and continuing Full Carnivore

So....thank you for the list

Oakland Ca here

