Cornelius Turns Total Depravity on Its Head

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I actually listened to an Eastern Orthodox believer say that it ruins christology if we are totally depraved and have no freewill then Christ wouldn't have been completely human and tempted in every way like we are. Because he wasn't totally depraved and had freewill. I think that makes perfect sense to.


12:42 I just got booted from church membership because of this. Someone didn’t like that I said their theology is built upon false dichotomies. It was an open discussion and then wham. Time to move on, but those who believe we do not agree with the Calvinist spins and definitions of our church doctrine think we reject them as individuals. Collective hive mind is scary stuff


Give me free will, or give me death! Haha God bless and happy thanksgiving brother!


Romans 3 is much easier when you realize the purpose of the chapter… that Jews are not more righteous than gentiles by heritage alone. The Calvinist-attractive passages are all OT references showing that ISRAEL has fools and evil and wicked people, and Paul is making the case that gentiles and Jews are essentially equal in failure before God.


I attended St. Cornelius elementary school for 8 years. They never taught us anything about the name


You could'nt have been clearer like this.


Good point Trevor. Wow, never saw it from that angle


Wow! That was fascinating. Lots to ponder there. Thank you so much. :)


I have an analogy for Calvinism:

Side-note: By the way, this has nothing to do with angels (or angels having wings) - I just picked an ability that is very obvious that humans don’t have and can’t do.

Imagine God said “all humans must have wings and must fly, and if they don’t have wings and don’t fly they are evil and will go to hell for eternity.”
Then this God makes all humans without wings and without the ability to grow or make wings and fly.

But God gives them a Wings-Bible which contains a Wings-Gospel which says:
if you admit you are evil because you don’t have wings and you don’t fly and if you repent of refusing to fly and if you ask the Wings-Jesus to give you wings then because of the Wings-Jesus’ sacrifice and rising from the dead, God will give you wings and you will be able to fly.

However, on top of creating all men without wings and without the ability to grow or make wings, God also made all humans:
Totally incapable of ever recognising or being aware that they don’t have wings and they can’t fly.
Totally incapable of ever wanting to fly.
Totally incapable of understanding the Wings-Gospel in the Wings-Bible (they simply won’t be able to read and understand the words).
Totally incapable of accepting the Wings-Gospel’s free offer of divine help.
Totally incapable of wanting to accept the Wings-Gospel offer.

Only a few people who God elects and regenerates can become capable of understanding that offer and asking God to help them and give them wings to fly.

But most people, who God made without wings, and also made them Totally incapable of ever understanding or accepting the Wings-Gospel offer (of forgiveness for not flying and the offer of being granted wings) - these billions of people will be sent to hell for eternity.

Something else:
Throughout the Wings-Bible the consistent message is to repent of refusing to fly and believe in God to give you wings.
In the Wings-Bible, over the centuries God repeatedly sent prophets to preach to people, telling them to “repent and believe, or they will go to Hell.”
In the Wings-Bible it often says God is giving humans a choice and asking them to please Choose wings and choose life.
The Wings Bible says things like God reaches out his arms to people asking them to come to him so that he could give them wings.
But it’s a bit strange because all humans were made by God so that they are Totally Incapable of repenting and believing in God to give wings, and Totally incapable of understanding these offers.

I forgot to say, on top of making them all without wings, and also making them all Totally Incapable of understanding the Wings-Gospel offer and Totally incapable of responding positively to it - on top of all of that, in case that wasn’t enough, this God also sovereignly decreed and determined that all these people would always reject the Wings-Gospel offer every time they are offered it.
He didn’t really need to do that since he’d already made them Totally Incapable of doing that, but this God did that because… well, because there’s a doctrine which says he sovereignly decreed all things.

And this God is a good and just God for sending these people to Hell for all eternity because they failed to fly - because: it will glorify him.
God made them without wings and made them Totally incapable of understanding or responding positively to the Wings-Gospel offer to ask God to give them wings - so that he could ultimately send them to hell for not having wings and not flying - so that it would glorify him.

I don’t mean this rudely - I just want to be straightforward and call a horse a horse (in case it will help anyone):

Calvinism is stupid.

Don’t be afraid of calling Calvinism stupid.


In Rom 3 Paul is quoting from the Psalm 14 of the SEPTUAGINT which begins "The fool has said in his heart "there is no God."" The psalm is describing what people act like when forget God. The Masoretic text version of this psalm makes it hard to tell Paul is quoting from one passage.


What does sin actually have to do with salvation under Calvinism? Actually nothing. The only factor that is important is that Calvin’s god picks the few he wants and sentences the rest (which is nearly everyone) to burn in hell for eternally. For his good pleasure, as Calvinists are so fond of saying. Whether you sin a little or a lot doesn’t factor in. God either wants you or he doesn’t. Your sin is irrelevant. And by the way, according to Piper, God planned and caused you to sin anyway. For his good pleasure. Because he is sovereign.


Kevin, i have watched quite a few of your videos now, some repeats, and I appreciate your ministry and how you have helped reshape my thinking biblically away from Calvinism, and learning how properly read the Bible. So thank you. If you can tell me how to donate to your ministry i would appreciate it.

Also, please, seriously consider this. Would do a video or series on baptism, Its purpose, with water or without water, what it accomplishes and what it does not accomplish. I am confused on baptism, I'm sure many others are as well. There are different views on baptism, and I want to know what the Bible says about it for the sake of clarity. Another area that might be of interest for you that relates to baptism, in terms of distinguishing biblical truth from error, is the Lutheran church LCMS, which is a conservative branch of Lutheranism. I say the LCMS as opposed to the ELCA with its liberal theology and harbors all manner of heresies. I have a background in the LCMS as well, and it is my understanding now, that LCMS beliefs and the beliefs of Calvinism overlap in the areas of Total Depravity and Augustinian Election, and from this i think it can be rightly inferred that they also believe that regeneration preceeds faith. They also teach baptismal regeneration and infant baptismal regeneration. It is highly possible that the LCMS uses the same tactics in its teachings on baptism in that they presuppose baptismal regeneration and infant baptismal regeneration then cherry pick the Bible to support the presupposition. This is what Calvinism does with its TULIP, using eisegesis support their doctrine. In essence, I would like to know what the Bible says about baptism and the Lutheran church LCMS. Again, thanks


I asked a Calvinist this: If Cornelius was unsaved, how could he be seeking God here if he wasn't irresistibly regenerated first. (I believe in prevenient grace because I believe in a sin nature, and believe God was drawing him even here, but he could refuse at any time)

They said that he was saved here.

I asked: If he was saved here already, and already in Jesus why did God send Simon Peter there 4 days later to preach the gospel to him.

It turned into a theology conundrum. Calvinism is a theology of conundrum!


Off topic question.
In 1 Samuel 24:6 is the word "ANOINTED" when referring to Saul used as a noun or a verb.


Can we also call out how "Unconditional election" is "Random Election"? Think about it, if there are no conditions to which God chooses someone to give faith and salvation, than it was random, nothing about the person, nothing about anything.

And that is supposed to glorify him lol


In my life time, the thing I have found that is closest to being Totally Depraved, is the View that Calvinists have for God!


It means that no lost person ever does good by God’s definition of “good”, absolutely. Many things seem and look good to us but we can’t see the heart as God sees it. He will only see something as good (again, by His definition) as it is done through the righteousness of Christ. Apart from that there IS no good. So let’s make sure we know whose definition of “good” we’re speaking of.


You can add "Cain" and "Abraham" and "the thief crucified with Christ" and a few others to this list.


This record really shows you something about the Lord of Glory in that God is the God of truth. In him is no deception and that he differs from the god of Islam. (Allah being the cunning deceiver and capricious in his dealings with men).
The God of the Bible will reach out and reveal himself to a man that seeks God in earnest sincerity. The psalmist says a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.
Great video. Reformed theology is devilment.


Contrast Romans 3:10 against Luke 1:5-6. Paul is using hyperbole in Romans where Luke is stating facts about Zacharias and Elizabeth. The problem is we have been trained to believe there is no righteousness apart from Christ. There is righteousness from the law but the difference between that righteousness and the righteousness from Christ is that only the latter produces a right to eternal life.
