Deconstructing Calvinism Episode 7 -- What is Total Depravity?

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This lesson explores what total depravity is according to Calvinist writers and some of its implications.
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I like Pastor Smelley's preaching very much :) 👍Wish his message help more people 🙏


Very good talk. However I see the principles of Calvinism clearly in the scriptures. Eph 2:8-9, ... and that not of yourselves." Both grace and faith (to believe) are a gift of God.


I know for sure I wasn't going to come to faith unless God had predestined me for salvific faith.

All glory be to Him


Ephesians 2:3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were *by nature the children of wrath* even as others.


Romans 8:7 Because the thinking mind of the flesh is an enemy against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


I was dead in my sins and then God quickened me. Smelley did you read John 6:44?Jesus said, "No man can come unto me unless my Father who sent me draws him"?


No point in arguing with Calvinists. They don't understand what we see.
Maybe that's because of Total Depravity.
They see the Scriptures through the lens of their Doctrine.
I see it through the STORIES and Scriptures Jesus revealed in the Gospels not to mention the rest of the testimony of Scripture that Calvinists don't understand that contradict what they believe.
The God of Calvinism is a rigid princple, revealed in Doctrine.
The God Jesus revealed is a personal being.
To say Calvinism is the Gospel or the Bible is blasphemy and makes the Doctrine an idol.
The Gospel is Jesus.
The person of.
HE is the Way the Truth and the Life.


Smelley you didn't deconstruct TULIP!


So a father has two sons and he ties one of them to a chair and then tells both of them to clean up their rooms… obviously one son is totally unable to obey his father and every witness can be convinced that it isn’t merely that the child is unable, but also being willfully disobedient. After all, he was given a direct command and now he is refusing to do it. So now, with great sorrow the father sends the unrepentant sinner out into the night.

Don’t get emotional over this. You FEEL it is wrong and evil, but just submit to what the Bible plainly says. Calvinism IS the Bible.

