Is the Doctrine of Total Depravity Biblical?

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I love you my brother in Christ. To be honest I consider you an Elder, a leader of Christian Nation. I pray to God we will meet in Heaven. God bless you Dr Brown!


I believe what is a pillar concept on total depravity and doing good is a true faith. For we can do many 'good' things, but we cannot please God without faith, and as Paul states, its sinful to do anything not in faith. But through faith, we can then please God.


WE are SAVED unto Good works-Never by them.


According to Paul God "made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would SEEK HIM and perhaps reach out for him AND FIND HIM, though he is not far from any one of us." (Acts 17:26-27)


The kindness of an unbeliever is due to the remnant of God's image in them. Nevertheless, the unbeliever counts this kindness as righteous before a Holy God. No matter how good we think we are, we are not good enough. God said, "This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased". We need Christ's righteousness.


John 1 verse 9 says the light of christ in in all men. Paul says God appoints the times and places so that we might seek and grope for HIM. Paul goes on to say that we ALL have the Light of Creation and Light of conscience so no man is without excuse -to exercise his free will and come to GOD.Crystal Clear.


Good thing the gospel draws us, and puts our mind on things of the spirit. And the Bible says we can understand the gospel as mere men, and place our faith in the gospel unto salvation. That’s why the word of god is the power unto salvation.


Yes, God draws all men to himself, but they can choose to resist him. John 12:32 "And I,  when I am lifted up from the earth,  will draw all people to myself." Heb 3:7 "Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice,  do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, "



No. Total Depravity is not Biblical and is in fact of the spirit of anti-Christ as it denies Hebrews 2:14-18, that Jesus was like us in EVERY respect to redeem us and therein meets the condition of 1 John 4:2-3. Moreover it repeats the same blame shifting lie of Adam "it was the woman you gave me" saying instead of their sin "it was the nature you gave me".


I believe in Depravity of men. Just not the fake version of depravity taught by Calvinists.


How can a man respond to a yes or no if he is dead spiritually?


The idea of Total Depravity, when followed to it's logical end, teaches that the only reason that anyone is in hell is because God did not see fit to save them, not that they would not believe, but that God would not let them believe. This idea is NOT biblical, and turns God into a monster, a demon who has created billions of souls that he never intended to offer Salvation.


"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time" (Genesis 6:5).


You’re pretext needs contexts
.“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:5‬ ‭ it’s a free will choice.


What does Solomon say in proverbs that no one can seek God unless God first draws him near.


Paul said in his FLESH dwelt no good thing. Yet in his mind he wanted to serve the Lord. The context is his life under the Mosaic Law (see logical flow of Romans 7). So man is not totally depraved. He just is drawn to sin and the Law makes it worse.


Men do good as well as evil, but none of the good man does can gain Salvation.Only by Gods Grace can we make it. God commands ALL men Everywhere to Repent.So God gives all grace to make the choice-Trust in Christ an you will be Saved.NO man is without any excuse-so the choice is ours-plain and simple.Calvanism makes no sense of the Cross.


Receiving (Messiah) is different than seeking (God). Calvin was enamoured by Augustine who was from a gnostic cult, total depravity was his philosophy, not Bible at all.


You don't even see that you are contradicting yourself. (Rom. 2:14). But you didn't even put Rom. 8:7-8 in its context. Paul said in ch.7, "I am carnal, sold under sin." That's present tense. The passage is talking about believers who live earthy, carnal lives vs. those who live by the Spirit. It has nothing to do with total depravity/inability as an unregenerate lost person. Context is king.


"Sin is at the door, but you must master it.". God to Cain
