How to highlight values that appear in two columns | Compare Two Columns in Excel for Matches

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How To Compare Two Columns And Highlight When Found In Another Column?
For example, I have a worksheet with List A and List B s which have some same values both in these two lists, now, I would like to compare these two columns and then highlight the values both in the two lists from the List A to get the following result. And this article, I will introduce some methods to deal with this task in Excel.

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The only video that helped me resolve this. Thank you!


I was searching so hard for this, Thank You


Thanks mate help me a lot. From Indonesia🎉🎉😊


Working, Great..Have to follow each and every step closely


Your are the best, straight multiple highlights


thank you for this video, really helps my reports thousands data, btw, i am operation data supervisor


Absolutely the video is Awesome thanks ..


Great video, the only one that helps. what if I have three or more column?


Holy shit spent hours trying to find a solution thanks


Great. Working. Now Plz suggest me how to delete them also


Wow thanks, how to delete that coloured cell, only left with right one, with one click or with fast ?


Can you make it so the names that do not have a match are blank and if on the same excel page, how do you get them to fall on the same line?


How do I delete the highlighted/duplicate names? Kindly help me please


when the data is very huge and iF you want to find mathicng values and also identify which cell it is matching use this formula: =IFERROR("B is Present in A" & MATCH(B2, A:A, 0), "B is Absent in A")


for some reason this is highlighting the unique cells and leaving all duplicate cells un-highlighted... what am i missing or doing wrong?


Can u give me tutorial. How To Delete the yellow Cell??


sir how to highlight numbers of column B with reference of numbers of column A witch are greater than 5.


Hi! Could someone please help me? I tried to do the same thing, shown in the video with numbers, but simply it doesn't work.


= ke baad kya likha hai kuch dikh ni raha hai


I do the exact same thing but it doesnt work?
