Tips to Control Hunger

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This week's video is part of the Fashion and Beauty category, and we'll talk about how to control our appetite.

Today, I will share with you my daily food control tips. Little things that I do, that help with my weight management and weight loss. I hope you'll find as much value in them as I do. Leave me your COMMENTs to tell me what you think. Please click LIKE if the video brought something of value into your life, and SHARE it!! Help your girlfriends too!!


So far, here are this month's videos:

I love you for being here, for watching and reading this. Be kind to yourself and to all those around you.
You're my inspiration! Always!

This video, its content, description, including any information provided by users, is for entertainment purposes and is not intended to replace any licensed professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.
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You're so right, I totally spaced! :D Thank you! YT comments can't add links, so I just added it to the description. Thank you for watching the video, it really means a lot! :-) Hope to hear from you again.


awesome, I love the way you burn your calories with your body language, it is non spoken tips


All I hear is background music.... wth lol


Great video! Mai intai vreau sa spun ca tot superba ai ramas! Ai fost preferata mea de la ASIA (si a sotului meu lol) si ma bucur enorm ca am dat peste videoul tau, cautam food portion control videos si nu mi-a venit sa cred cand te-am vazut. Ai avut amazing tips, dar am o intrebare. La inceput ai spus ca nu esti de acord cu liquid diets. Eu am vazut niste documentare despre juicing si chiar ma tenteaza sa fac un juicing fast vreo saptamana. Nu crezi ca ar benefic deloc? Te pup!


Alexandra, I really appreciate our videos. On this one, I did not see the link to the app Bloom on the description or on tour website. Could you let me know? Thanks! ~Jessica
