14 Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency

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Here are the warning signs of vitamin D deficiency most people ignore! Over 40% of American adults, and approximately 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D. That’s a lot of people walking around lacking in this vital nutrient. As you may already know, lack of vitamins or a vitamin deficiency can cause serious health consequences if not addressed.

Because low vitamin D levels are affecting so many people across the globe, it’s important to learn the signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Since vitamin D has receptors throughout the body, it’s imperative that you get adequate amounts in order to stay healthy.

If you suspect that you may need more vitamin D based on this list, it’s best to talk to your doctor and get your blood levels checked. The good news is that a deficiency of vitamin D is easy to fix if your levels are lower than adequate. You can either you get more sunlight, consume more foods high in Vitamin D, or take a supplement.


Music: Epidemic Sound
Visuals: VideoBlocks / Dreamstime / Other
Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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Unfortunately A lot of doctors underestimate the importance of checking vitamin levels on their patients!


I was diagnosed with depression at a young age. rarely went outside, developed agoraphobia, and stayed home almost every day barely leaving my room. once my old doctor retired I was replaced with a new one. she brought up vitamin d deficiency to me after doing lab tests for the medication I was taking. she told me to start taking vitamin d. and it’s helped me improve in a lot of areas. it really has made a difference to me.


I can definitely tell you Vitamin D is SO IMPORTANT! Vertigo, hair loss, weight gain, and especially for mental health. I was depressed and crying everyday over the silliest little things and even if I detected a tone change in my husbands voice. I was never like this before. Fast forward a couple months and I decided to book a surgery that would improve my health and weight loss. During all the steps for screening I had bloodwork so many times and it was discovered my Vitamin D levels were beyond the “low” point and I needed it pronto! Within a week of receiving the correct dosage everyday, it’s improved 10 fold and I don’t feel how I did. However, since I cannot absorb iron, B12, and Vitamin C either I’ve been diagnosed with malabsorption syndrome. I beg anyone whom has even one vitamin deficiency, to get a full mineral and vitamin blood panel done. It could save you months of depression and even save your life.


If your doctor doesnt bring up finding a deficiency when you explain your symptoms, then find a new doctor. Unfortunately most doctors immediately start thinking what prescription pharmaceutical drug would address the symptoms rather than finding the root cause of what’s causing the symptoms in the first place


I worked 16hrs a day in a underground subway platform i hardly ever saw the sun. All of a sudden i couldn't take long walks or climb stairs without feeling like i was about to die. I came across this video and started taking vitamin d pills within a month my problems were solved.


I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency; I’ve been experiencing most of the symptoms you mentioned. Thank you.


I had a heart attack few times and I was in the emergency hospital, the doctors couldn’t find what was the problem then they gave me electric shock for my heart, but I couldn’t get recover then finally i started to take vitamins D and then few months later every single problem is gone from my heart
I’ve been so many time cardiologist and spent money and I couldn’t fix the problem
Thank god finally I saw this video everything came well .


I have most of these symptoms. I never spend time outside. A lot of people keep telling me that I seems I severely lack vitamin D, I'll be talking to my doctor about it.


My God, have I been blessed just by reading the comments! I felt like I had been to Church! And Lord knows that the video was the number one blessing! Y'all made my day and my hips stop hurting and my hair is growing back! I have been praying for a while to solve these two problems! God is good! This is so nice I will watch the video twice!!


A couple of years ago, my mom had severe muscle pains. She feared for the worst and went to the doctor to get a blood test done. Lo and behold, her vitamin d levels were VERY low. She started taking supplements and her muscle pain went away. It’s amazing how we can overlook something like vitamin deficiency.


My new naturopath has just diagnosed me with low vitamin d, and said it’s been low across all my blood tests over the last 18m, but the GP would just say “you vitamin d is a bit low but that’s normal”, I’ve been having complaining of fatigue and all these things for years, and recently had an arthritis test because my feet bones/muscles were aching so much, I’m now taking a lot of supplements and it feels like my feet are hurting less.


I was extremely depressed... I had no energy and even struggled to shower. I felt so sad all the time. It was horrible. I learned about vitamin D deficiency so I started taking 10, 000 IU. It completely helped me overcome all my depression and I have a ton of energy! If I only would have known before...I wouldn't have suffered for so long. Also, ashwaganda helps me with anxiety.


Doctors could save us sicknesses if they would check our vitamin and mineral levels


I lived at the beach & was in the sun just about everyday. I felt so good & had a great tan!!
A lot of my anxiety & depression was gone.


Whenever I start to feel depressed and I don't know why, it's usually cause I haven't been taking Vitamin D supplements for a couple weeks.


Wow I have every single one of those symptoms and always indoors and don’t take vitamin D or eat dairy so I’m SO appreciative of this video!


I have most of these symptoms and when tested my Vit-D level found that its extremely low, thanks for saving my health..!!


For an almost a year of taking my vitamin d, I have more energy and less brain fog and I sleep better. My weight has stopped yo yoing


I had every single one of these symptoms, which I attributed to getting older. My VA doctor, however, ordered blood tests, and sure enough, I had such low levels that I had to go on a weekly dose. The difference has been amazing, and I'll never stop taking it. Among other improvements, for the first time in my adult life, I can sleep all night with no hip or bone pain. And my gums don't bleed anymore.


The video and the comment section is full of information and productive responses. Going through the comments has made me realize why my mood is low and depressed these days. Although I am trying to convince myself to improve but failing everyday. My anxiety is always high and I have trouble sleep. I am 22 & had my blood test a week ago and my vit D deficiency level is at 3. My muscle pain is improving with medicines. Hope will get through it soon. Blood Test is very important for everyone. Do not neglect it.
