Winfield Scott Hancock: The Savior of Gettysburg | Part 8

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One of the most pivotal moments of the Civil War saw General Winfield Scott Hancock play an important role in the Union victory at the Battle of Gettysburg. It was Hancock who rallied the Union army on the first day, allocated troops to important areas on the second day, and held the line on cemetery ridge on the third day. He was instrumental in the Union winning at Gettysburg. Hear that story in this detailed account of his actions at the bloodiest battle on the North American continent.

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Hancock was definitely a major contributor to the victory during the battle of Gettysburg and his presence and demeanor and his handling of his units under his command was magnificent and he deserves the credit for his actions on that day.


They really don't give this man enough credit for gettysburg. I just learned so much. Thanks as always for the video!


I knew, but at the same, didn't know, it was Hancock that sent in the glorious 1st Minnesota to buy those vital few minutes at such a terrible cost. A truly under appreciated part of the Union efforts at Gettysburg.


It was at Gettysburg that Hancock was at his best. He brought order out of chaos and restored morale in the Army of the Potomac. The 1st division, his old command under Caldwell suffered heavily on the 2nd day of the battle in the Wheatfield. Cross and Zook killed, Brooke severely wounded. The Irish brigade under Kelly nearly managed to break through until the rebels arrived with reinforcements driving them back. Brooke, the reserve brigade in the division manages to rally and drive the rebels back until he was driven back by rebel reinforcements. The 1st Minnesota attacks on Hancock's orders and charges against the Confederates while losing 82 percent of their number. Their actions bought time for Hancock in setting up a defense. The third day was anticlimax. Pickett's Charge. 2nd Corps holds the center of the Union line and get the impact of the charge. Hancock's presence was inspiring. When told to get off his horse for fear he presented himself a target, he said: "There are times when a corp commander's life does not count." All in detail in the movie Gettysburg.


Hancock was a true soldier thru and thru in every way positive way the word can be used.


A really great description of several key moments of that crucial fight. Thanks, Wilder!


I have been looking forward to this episode since this series started, and I was not disappointed. I can't get enough of this series. Excellent job!!!


I’m from Australia and have alway loved American civil war history. You’ve just answered a question for me. I’ve always wondered with Hancock’s standing in the army as to why he was never offered command of the army of the Potomac. Keep up the great work. Love listening to you.


I'm absolutely in love with this series on Hancock.


As ever another great biographical series, dished out in easily digestable episodes.


Again another great video, and detailed description of the battle of Gettysburg.


Thank you for all your work on this, this makes history come alive. Looking forward to part 9.


well laid out info, nice work to make it so interesting


Teacher first of all I so wish I could talk to you in person instead of typing. My God you look at Hancock from captain to major general in two years from quarter master to corp command. The personal reputation and character of the man to be given the responsibility of command on the first day by a newly order to take command of the army general Mead to Hancock who had just been given command of 2nd corp. The staggering monumental events this seems like wild fiction but it is all true there is no way to make this up. Sir with your fantastic and detailed reporting of these facts you simply overwhelmed me . I say this again and will profess it aloud I would sit at your feet so I could be educated. Thank you.


Hancock's arrival at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863 should put to rest the myth that Richard Ewell lost the battle for Lee. By the time Ewell got his ambiguous order to "take the high ground if practicable, but avoid bringing on a general engagement, " Hancock had already arrived on site. There's no way even Stonewall Jackson could have easily taken Cemetery Hill from ole Winny Boy.


Very in depth documentary and a good look into the goings on then and there. Very much appreciated sir.


One correction on the 1st Minnesota, at the time of the suicidal charge the number of men was 262. Down 2 companies. The Marksman Company got sent north to protect some heavy artillery and the other sout to reinforce another regiment. Of the 262 men to charge 82% (215 men) would either killed or wounded. Greatest percentage lost in one engagement for the Union during the Civil War.


👍Thank you for taking the time to make & share this video.❤


HAHA!!!! Yes!! The Superb at his best!!! Another amazing video!!!


Historian: Job well done. Your presentation today was one of the BEST and most succinct about Hancock and the Second Corp at Gettysburg I’ve ever heard. You would make an excellent War College staff ride leader. The NPS will lose a masterful presenter when you become a college professor. Respectfully, WS
