Winfield Scott Hancock: Reconstruction Commander | Part 15

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Reconstruction of the South immediately following the American Civil War was a turbulent time in United States History and Winfield Scott Hancock, the veteran of Gettysburg and Fredericksburg, was thrown into the chaos that was Reconstruction Era New Orleans. Hancock acted against radical Republican ideas and recalled many of the troops sent to watch polls during elections that Philip Sheridan had placed in those roles. Hancock would not have that role for long and be sent to the East.
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#Reconstruction #NewOrleans #Louisiana #AmericanCivilWar #War #AmericanCivilWar #War #OverlandCampaign #CivilWar #BattleofGettysburg #Military #militarymonday #USArmy #History #HaveHistoryWillTravel #Historynerd #Historygeek #HistoryCritique #historymemes #historyofart #historyinthemaking #historynerd #historychannel #historybuff #historylover #historylesson #historyfacts #historygeek #historyinpictures #historymaker #historylovers #historyteacher #historymakers #historymeme #historytour #historymade #historytv18 #historymuseum #Historymatters