Why Correcting Pelvic & Hip Alignment Is A SCAM!

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Have you ever been told that your pelvis is twisted, your hips are uneven, or one leg is longer than the other? Or maybe you’ve heard the terms pelvic rotation, anterior tilt, posterior tilt, pelvic torsion… and the list goes on and on. Chances are if you’ve got some type of back, butt, or sciatica problem- these things and their associated treatments (to “correct” the problem) are something you’ve come across or maybe even tried.

It’s not your fault.

There is NO standard reference criterion (true north) that exists which defines what “normal” pelvic mobility, range of motion, or position even is. And without having a clearly defined normal- it’s impossible to determine what is abnormal, asymmetrical, out of alignment, uneven, etc…

It’s simply not possible.

Now, this doesn’t mean that meaningful pelvic asymmetries can’t or don’t exist- it just means that even if they do exist, we have no way of determining them (knowing normal from abnormal). Not to mention, the body is inherently asymmetrical. One foot may be slightly bigger than the other, one arm more flexible than the other, one bicep bigger than the other, one eyebrow longer than the other, you name it… asymmetries are prevalent throughout the structure of the body. And yet, we think we can agree upon what’s good/bad, right/wrong, up/down and that there are valid ways to treat based off of these unreliable and invalid assessments?

It’s time to lay to rest discussion around pelvic, hip, and leg length discrepancies. They may exist, but are likely normal. They may or may not be the cause of your back, hip, butt, or sciatica pain… and trying to fix them only fuels the narrative and belief that you’re broken.

#drcharliejohnsonpt #asymmetrical #backpain #sciatica #lowbackpain #shortleg #longleg #leglengthdiscrepancy #piriformissyndrome #bustingmyths #normal

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I literally just had different parts of this conversation with 2 different patients today! Keep serving up these nuggets of knowledge my friend!


I know a girl obsessed with postural alignment and form in the gym spen't a fortune doing a PA course. She scolded me on my form and postural alignment and guess who is always injured....Not me. I told her if we get hit by a speeding train we go splat and leave a mess, we don't go clang and create sparks when we hit the floor .


Hey man, I researched your videos. It turns out, I really appreciate your talents, skills, knowledge, and abilities.
I have my current SI challenge (Right upper connective ligament pretty well solved with the daily use of an elastic SI belt). I'm an avid Type A person and I work and walk up to 20, 000 steps a day. Usually about 10-12, 000 steps. Being lean, fit and healthy is important to me.
I've also had a off and on right side Piriformis for 30 years (I'm now 72); but I know how to quickly deal with it when it flares up. A Doctor named Timothy Nokes wrote the Bible for us runners hack in the '80's. I ran 5K every other day back then. The Lore of Running. It has much about treatments.
None of my pains ever gets over 2 or on a 10 point scale. Because I quickly respond.

"You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can control you reaction to what happens."


Could it be that pain may start from the “asymmetry” from having compensated for so long?


I appreciate the philosophical conundrum of trying to attribute causality without appropriate longitudinal data. An incomplete picture makes things more difficult, but that data is lost and one has to start from somewhere. Does one start in a random direction, or where they think they see a trace, a clue...?


We're actually extremely different and I think it's a question of anatomical conflict. Like the femoro-acetabular conflict. As for the hips, some people also have differently oriented acetabular cups that allow them to spread their hips easily or not. Just look at the arms, some have a valgus, hyper pronator or supinator, long arm or short arm etc.. For the ankle, the same conflicts exist. I have a video which I think is very interesting on the differences between the individual and the squat. In any case, it is enough to accumulate hip and ankle conflicts to be a bad deep squatter.


I feel better just from watching your videos! Ha! Funny how that works!


That’s why Sciatica could be caused by stress, a.k.a Psychosomatic pain.


My rotated pelvis laughs at your "theory."


Who the hell designed this these stairs? ??


Totally agree, also I think it helps play into the fear mongering about employees working from home and all the "aliments" associated with that since employers want ppl back to the office/on location. Funny, none of these things seemed very popular talking points before COVID-19 and many ppl worked from home before then too lol

And it's called eyebrow shaping 😇
