Who was The Angel of the Lord? (Animation)

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There's this figure called 'the angel of the LORD' who's name appears over 60 times in the Old Testament and we often gloss over his name without a second thought. The reason he stands out is because sometimes when he appears he claims to be God himself. We're going to dive into some of the most mind boggling stories in the Old Testament, but at the end I'm going to share with you a few New Testament verses that offer a very interesting perspective on the answer the question, Who is the Angel of the Lord?

#angelofthelord #jesus #animation

bible, bible animations, jesus, jesus animations, high priest, angel, angel of the lord, lords angel, angel of god, god the father, god the son, god the spirit, trinity, doctrine, old testament, new testament
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Hey Guys! I tried putting my own ads during this video as a test. Can you give me some feedback? I want to know whether they're popping up to often or if sometimes they skip over the ad slots. Still working this whole thing out. God Bless!


I swear, I clicked on the video coz, I didn't know who The Angel of the Lord was, 2 seconds into the video the holy spirit said to me, it is Jesus, glory to The Father Son Holy Spirit Amen Praise the LORD


My seminary professor wrote a 500 page doctoral dissertation on this subject, and he likewise agreed that the Malek Yahweh was the "Pre-incarnate Christ." There are other passages where Jesus indicates it has to be him, such as "No one has seen the Father" and "He who hears me hears the Father" and "I do not say anything but what the Father has given me to say" and "I and the Father are One." This and other things Christ said, such as asking who David was speaking about when he says, "The Lord said to my Lord, 'Come, sit at my feet.'" Also, there are many apostolic confirmations such as referring to Christ as the "Logos" (communication/word) and that "the fullness of deity dwells in Him." I believe The Angel of The Lord wrestled with Jacob, from which Jacob was named Israel, and Jesus confirmed that this was himself that did that.

As a note, the other key reason the idea of it being merely a created angel with authority is ruled out is that we do see that in the Bible from Gabriel and Michael, and both of them reject being bowed down to and say they are "fellow servants." None of them claim to be God worthy of worship, let alone, as The Angel of The Lord does many times, command actions to recognize His Deity. Likewise, we can rule out The Father option because that would make Jesus a liar for saying "No one has seen the Father."

The only viable option, and the only one that makes sense, if that this is the Pre-incarnate Christ.


I ended up in tears after watching this video
Jesus always stood by to guide God's creation even before he came to die for our sins🤧
How much he loves us


Jesus, this whole time? That is absolutely mind-boggling! Praise the Lord!


"Who Ate Lunch with Abraham?" is a great book that defends the theory of Jesus being the Angel of the Lord. The author even says that in the entire bible, God the Father only appears 2 times.


This video has taught me so much. Its no wonder that followers of Jesus ended up telling him “ Show us the Father” because now that we begin to see that most of the appearances of God in the Old Testament is actually Jesus then that statement isn’t as wild. But the answer is even better. “If you have seen Me, you’ve seen The Father”


I knew this when I read Stephen’s testimony before he is stoned to death. “It is He that was with your fathers in the desert”


The way I understood it was Jesus instantly is mind-blowing.The Holy Spirit be telling me things like this everytime.Praise God


Excellent, only I would add 2 more verses from the New Testament

1) John 8:40 & 56 When Jesus says Abraham didn’t treat me like this when we met, Jesus is referring back to when Jesus ate with him

2) Jude 1:4-7 Jude says the Lord Jesus saved his people from Egypt. Judges 2 says it was the Angel of the LORD who saved them. Therefore, Jesus is the Angel of the LORD who saved his people from Egypt


The Angel of the LORD (Jesus) stood on the midst of the Moses’s burning bush. Exodus 3:2 blew my mind.
Won’t see THAT in The Prince of Egypt


The YHWH Messenger is one of my favorite Bible topics. I love His appearance in Zechariah 3.


Man!! And I thought I was "the IKA Expert" (I Know All/Everything), but this just blew my mind! I thought I kept sinning, by doubting the relation between the Angel of the LORD and the LORD God.
The way how Jesus spoke in the New Testament is eerily similar to how the Angel of the LORD spoke in the Old Testament.

Anyway, I quit doubting! I'm glad that we all have come to a conclusion, that Jesus: always was, always is, and always will be, the Angel of the LORD.

Well done, my brother❤


The angel of the lord was Jesus Christ 😉 surprise!!!!


I'm from a church called Videira, and its leader, Pastor Aluízio Silva, said that every time the Old Testament says "Angel of the Lord" it is referring to Jesus, and this is probably because at the time of the Old Testament, they didn't do idea of ​​who Jesus was, so they thought he was an "elite angel".


It would be logical to assume that since humanity cannot look upon God and live, it is probably also similar to say we cannot hear his voice, or touch him without the same happening to us. So God has formed an intermediary. Somebody that speaks, and acts with God's full authority that can interact with us without our sin being stripped away and killing us.


These are sooo so good. Please don't stop making these videos!


Love the Zelda shrine sound hahaha, this video had to be for me no other way. Thank you for your amazing video


Can you make a video depicting the Holy Trinity? It’s a very fundamental part of the faith that a lot of people find hard to understand (myself included)! Thank you for your service to the Lord


I love how you present this knowledge and present your proofs, I had a lot of fun on my latest bible readthrough jumping from 3-5 chapters of genesis/exodus to 1 or two chaptere of Luke/Acts (slow down on the parables or you'll be up late pondering them 😅). the general narative framework of both writers feels very similar, and the Holy Spirit gave me eyes to see many different connections between the old and new covenant, made and fulfilled in the same reading
