Who Is the Angel of the Lord? How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 4

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How can this “Angel of the Lord” be YHWH and not be YHWH at the same time? This is a thoughtful survey of the passages of the Bible where the angel of the LORD shows up and we seek to identify exactly WHO he is based on clues from the text.

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As a former Muslim, studying these evidence, the trinity now makes perfect sense. God uses the Angel of the lord and his spirit to reveal himself and his words. Jesus is God.


Mike teaches stuff people rarely ever teach


So glad you present both the arguments for and against the angel of the Lord being pre-incarnate Jesus. I have been born again, and that in itself is overwhelming, but then to grapple with these questions is an added challenge. It can be scary. You did a wonderful job of presenting information and allowing people to seek God on these issues. Thank you, Mike!


This is one of my favorite Bible-study topics ever. I studied all of this out about 15 years ago and it was life-changing, even though I had been a Christian for 15 years at that time. Wonderful!


This was so good. Love the way you took your time combing through the scripture.


Amazing topic. 😊😊 I binge watch your videos. Way better than netflix. 😁😁 You are included in my prayers pastor Mike. God bless!


Man oh man oh man! I am reading 5 different books rn on Jesus. Including the bible starting from Genesis and 2 giant Commentaries on OT and NT. I have been watching your videos for a while but THIS SERIES, finding Jesus un the OT Is SOOO AWESOME! You said in another video about when you get lazy w your studies, you push thru bc you know others are being blessed from it..Me🙋‍♀️
I am!! The way you get so stoked about how scripture reveals itself is what I love most about you bc that is exactly the way I feel when I'm reading and it just clicks. Am sitting there like ..WHOA WHAT!! LOL thank you so much for all your hard work u put into everything. Huge blessing. So awesome😀


This is awesome! I've been reading thought the OT and was confused in passages talking about the angel of the LORD. Makes so much more sense now.


Pastor Mike, I can't express how blessed I am for being lead to your teachings! Hello from Colorado Springs :) Can't wait to see if you tackle Revelations because I desire true understanding. Mark


Hi Mike, I have been looking for Jesus in the Old Testament for some years now and was excited to come across your teaching here. As I was listening and following you got to Judges 6. I smiled and figured you would also jump on the Angel of the Lord also visiting Samson’s parents. I read the Word with you in 6, it was revealed to me that Gideon was “threshing wheat in a wine press” in hiding. I was shown that Gideon is actually doing exactly what Jesus would be going front of Jesus. Beating the bread in hiding, Jesus being beaten and broken and then the wine press, His blood shed for us....in hiding so that it could be done for our spiritual nourishment. If He revealed who He was, they would never have done it. Just as if Gideon revealed what he was doing, the enemy would have stopped it and no nourishment. Amazing stuff. Another tent stake as an anchor to withstand the storm. Praying for you brother this day.


Mike bless you, I am loving this serious, so exciting and helpful. It’s bringing my reading of the Old Testament to life. You have no idea how much your teaching is a blessing to me. Always have Bible and notebook to hand 😊 love in Christ 🤗🤗🤗


5:25 minutes in and over with God's word coming alive for me. Opening up for my understanding 🙏 🙌 Thank you!!!


This series is amazing, I have been so blessed by it. God has given you much wisdom. Thank you for sharing, may God bless you and keep you forever! Shalom from Romania! 😊


there is nothing better than watching, or listening to a well thought out Bible study...


Appreciate all the time that went into prepping this, there is so much learning I've got from this. Thanks Mike


Even beyond the specific topic, this was such a great study in how scripture interprets scripture. Mike, thanks for doing so MUCH work for us. I bless God that He has given you such an incisive and energetic brain capacity
for the purpose of equipping the saints. Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you do.


Mike you are a good servant. You have made bible teaching accessible and amazing. You are much fun to listen to. You have done a nice job.


I haven’t had so much fun at work as I have tonight listening to this teaching! 😂 I love God’s Word and as a student in apologetics this is awesome


This is really incredible. I feel like I can be so dense sometimes. I always thought of Jesus referring to Moses writing about Him in just a generalized sort of way. It never dawned on me that Jesus meant Moses was specifically writing about Him. I feel like I had blinders on. This makes so much sense


Dude completely a God sent thing! I'm gathering information for a YouTube video on making on the Trinity and I've became a fan of your channel ever since you spoke of the mother of God Church. By the way nicely done you are an excellent teacher. God bless
