THE ANGEL OF THE LORD: Who Is He and Should He Be Worshipped?

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Baruch HaShem! For this channel on YouTube and all the Rabbis who shine the light of Torah and emet to the world! Thank you so much!


We cannot say that Malach HaShem And HaShem are distinct beings. We do, infact, see people worship the angel of the LORD...Moses worships the angel of the LORD at the burning bush. Sampson’s parents offer sacrifices to the angel of the LORD. In Bereshit 48:15-16, when Jacob blesses Ephraim and Mannaseh, he equates the angel of the LORD with God himself. There is no way around this...I expected much a stronger argument! Step it up guys...


In my view, the mere fact that someone asks the question as to whether so-and-so should be worshiped along with HaShem shows that they're a polytheistic idol worshiper. Plain and simple For the sake of their souls, I wish they'd read the first two commandments.


Of course, no worship should be granted to a created being, but orthodox Christianity has taught that the Son of God has eternally existed and shares the divine nature, and therefore is worthy of worship.



Utterly great and fantastic explanation, from the Gerim world.


The trinity is catholic belief. Catholics belive jman is the "son".and that he has a father that is god.
Evangelicals and messianic's believe j - man is god.
I went from catholic to non- denominational Christian to messianic to judaim, I know what they teach.


Dear Rabbi. Christians especially Evangelicals are brothers and loyal friends of Israel. Nobody and never devoted to Israel such a powerful and unconditional support. Their contribution to Israel safety and security is enormous. There is even a saying: US bible belt is Israeli safety belt. Lets be grateful for their position.


he didn’t even try to get creative with the deception Lol!
Every reference he read for the angel of the Lord is the same figure but he tried to present them as separate figures to make it seem like the use of the title is used a lot for different figures 😂 ..


G-d, gave the OT in Aramaic to us, the spoken language of the Jews at the time. Then he gave the NT in ancient Greek, at a time when greeks had nothing to do with the one G-d and where worshipping 12. Why?


I don't understand your reluctance to accept Messianics as "True Jews" (I put that in quotations because as per the Bible, which has much more authority than any Rabbi, a Jew is simply someone from the Tribe of Judah), seeing as how you accept those who call Lubavitcher Rebbe God as True Jews.
