Archangel Uriel: The Angel of Wisdom (Angels & Demons Explained)

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Of all the Archangels, Uriel appears to be the least mentioned in biblical apocrypha. However, the few accounts of Uriel paint him out to be an Archangel who guides men through the heavens, brings wisdom to those who seek it and also serves to bring the sinners their fate.

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Uriel is the most intimidating out of all the archangels. He’s the most pissed off towards humanity (for good reason) & not afraid to call people out on their bullshit. He’s also tied to the apocalypse & is really *really* impatient for everything to end already.


For what it’s worth, about 15 years ago, I was going through a spiritual crisis. And it was so severe that I literally barely slept for 10 days. Towards the end of that time, there was a day where I was just completely being ripped apart at the seams mentallly and I was alone. It was one of those moments where your mind is racing so furiously that you are just frantically looking around for something to grab and focus your attention on. I saw a little book on my dining room table. It was a book of angels. I don’t even know why it was there. I knew that my sister had given it to me, but I have no idea why it was laying on my dining room table at that time. In the moment, I picked it up just to try and focus my mind on something because my thoughts were racing. I just opened it randomly to a certain page and it was about Uriel. I read what it had to say about it and then there was a decree. After I read the whole thing, I froze and dropped the book and I was paralyzed with fear at what appeared in front of me. I can’t even describe to you in words that would even come close to doing it justice. No words in any human vocabulary or language could even come close to describing what I saw. because I wasn’t even looking for it to happen. I was just trying to occupy my mind in the moment. But I was immensely spiritually hammered and struck down in that moment. And I never even saw it coming. But what I felt? Was the most authoritative presence, judgmental even, but in a very disciplinarian type loving way. Without words, I was basically being told that he was angry with me for being in such fear, and not abiding by faith. The experience became so intense that I just crumbled to the floor in the kitchen up against the cabinets with my knees drawn to my chest. And I just begged God to “please let me be normal” because the human side of me was telling me that I was losing my mind. But the spiritual side of me knew exactly what was going on, and it was a battle between the two like I have never felt before. I still remember it to this day as if I was right there. I felt like I was going to disintegrate and burn up in its presence. The only thing I can tell any of you, even though most of you would never even believe it, I wouldn’t believe it either if someone else was telling me this, but when I saw this presence? I remembered it. I remembered it stronger than anything any of us have ever forgotten, and suddenly remembered. I remembered it like it was home. And I know that if any of you could see what I saw, you would say the same. It is impossible for anyone to see this and not remember it. But it’s not from this life. It’s from the place we all came from before we were what we are now. Angels are nearly lethal if you ever truly experience one in your presence. I don’t know how I survived it because I wanted to die. You have no idea how decrepit and corrupt of a soul you are until you are in the presence of an angel, let alone God himself. But I’m still here. And I just keep telling myself it’s for a reason. I have suffered horrific emotional and psychological injuries since then, unspeakable tragedies that no mother should ever have to go through, but I did, and I prayed for the end of the world to come, so that I could stop feeling this agony, but for some reason it just keeps moving me on. Through it all I’m still here for some reason. I don’t know why. I would give anything to be an artist, so I could just try to show you what I saw somehow. but it would just be futile, no matter what. Like I said, there is not a single thing in this realm that could even scratch the surface of describing what I saw. All I can tell you is that it was a living light. It was a living Energy and colors our eyes have never seen in this world, it was Holy. But it was home.


Ezra: I thought you knew something.
Uriel: I'm in the dark myself, man...


I'm 67 and got me all choked up tears Thank you for reawakening my commitment to God


Knowing these arch angels gives me chills when God said "I AM THE COMMANDER OF HEAVENS ARMY" .


I remember reading somewhere that Archangel Uriel is the archangel of both wisdom and justice.


Uriel is also enormous. He towers over Earth. He really glorifies God through his Presence!!!! Thank you!!!!


He's also sometimes listed as the angel who will come after the 5th trumpet is blown who holds the key to the abyss. Also listed as the watcher of Tartarus(abyss)


I'm totally addicted to your channel.


Archangel Uriel came to me months ago to tell me he is my Guardian Angel. This came after Archangel Michael made himself known to me for my protection against the attacks of persecution from my family and all those they brought into their religious and political agenda. I have been dealing with many extreme events of trauma and loss and hatred just because of my love for Jesus and my willingness to humble myself and follow God. Uriel has been a wise counsellor to me, a dearest friend, comfort, encouraging me and coming to me in nature through signs and wonders. Uriel has been a blessing, as have St.Michael, St. Raphael and many other angels. It’s is to my understanding that while we all have a guardian angel, depending on what our needs are, God will assign which ever angel or angels are required to help assist the soul for their highest purpose. In my story so far, I’ve met much hatred since I was an infant and had blamed myself, only to find out it wasn’t my fault but years of low self esteem and lack of self worth attracted spirits that cause more depression and hopelessness. This evil in my family got worse after my fathers murder 12years ago. He was head of the family and when my father was murdered my Uncle stepped in as did my preacher Aunty who was part of this conspiracy and plotted against my life. They used illegal methods of law enforcement and spy agencies blocking my opportunities, rentals, destroying friendships, my marriage, taking my home, my vehicles and all assets until I have nothing. They did this to maintain control over me because in Mennonite culture it is manipulative and control in most cases. This is not Gods way! So I had nobody and due to the spiritual attacks that also manifested at the same time causing me to see some of the unseen… I had been at the brink of many psychotic breaks due to the extreme stress and anxiety of thee truths. Each Archangel assisted me in different areas of my life because I my life and sanity depended on it as it still does today.

When we repent in sincerity and willing to change ourselves towards our highest self through Jesus Christ… God will send any and all help to whatever that soul needs. God is even giving those that hurt me most a last chance for salvation because he loves very soul. When you understand the evil that controls people, you don’t see the people but the demon. This is why Jesus looked at his torturers with love. The Angels are meant to be a blessing to us first. But if any person continues to choose wickedness and become his enemy… then the Angels have different roles. It is all for the salvation of souls in this battle of good and evil.

Thank you Uriel, my Guardian! I cherish you and love you❤.. 😊


I’m so fascinated with the Angels in the Bible. I’m learning so much! Thank you God for leading me to this channel. How wonderful would it be to witness children all over the world taught about these kinds of things! Imagine kids wanting to be like Archangels😇
To God be the glory✨ What a beautiful sight would it be to see. Just think about the glory God would be given! Being In relationship with Christ is so dope to me! I want to give God glory just like the angels 👼
Glory Glory Glory Lord God all mighty!


So, based on the videos so far:

Michael = Paladin
Gabriel = Bard
Rafael = Cleric
Uriel = divination Wizard

Seems like a legit team comp despite it being over 2100 years old


You say Ezra is selfish, but he is only obeying God's command to hide the books. Archangel Uriel seems to bring more than messages, he brings understanding of the message. Your videos are wonderful, educational, and entertaining. Thank you for making them.


You guys remember. None of the apostles sought help from Angel's, they didnt seek out Angel's and ask them for nothing, angel in Hebrew is molechim or messenger. The apostles prayed to the father or yeshua. Jesus would always send the Angel's to help when they were needed. They watch over us and protect us as long as it's in Gods will. Just go right to jesus with your prayers. Not an angel, not mother Mary. Not a statue or a rock, go to yeshua ask what his will is.


I find the Bible and its contents are just awesome, the way you portray and put your own touch to them is cool just subscribed.


I was not aware of Archangel Uriel until now
Thank you for making this video!


Some have been known to entertain Angels unaware of it. Hebrews 13:2


Every one who gains wisdom begins to love justice.... They dispise evil
And love the truth


I was told Uriel is the Archangel that is around me the most and to whom I resonate with strongly at this two thirds complete part of my life. In my youth, Raphael was very, very sociable and would come and help me without even being consciously asked. Raphael's power to re calibrate the heart from fear to love is astounding.


I watched the other video of the 7 arch angels and when it came to uriel I had goosebumps and smiled. I knew he must have helped me somewhere in my life ❤️🙏🏼
