Identity: THE ANGEL OF YHWH (The Angel of the Lord)

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The Angel of Yahuah (The Angel of the Lord) has, currently does, and will continue to play a significant role within the scriptures and future prophecy. This ‘angel’ interacted with Hager, called out to Avraham from heaven – stopping him from sacrificing Yitschaq (Isaac), spoke to Moshe in the burning bush, withstood Balaam, led Gideon, appeared to Eliyahu (Elijah), interacted with King David, smote the 185,000 Assyrians in one night, and many more profound appearances. Some might say he’s Michael, or one of the other Archangels, alongside many other theories, yet today it’s time we found out, and I’d like to share a few points to consider. The evidence at hand and who it points to may pleasantly surprise you.

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#Angel #AngelOfTheLord #Angels

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In 1985, as a backslidden child of Elohim. After being saved for ten years, but not reading His Word, l hit rock bottom as far as my life was concerned. I remember the exact spot l was at when l said, "Oh God! If you are real, can you take all this HATE out of my heart. I hated my father, men and myself." He took all the hate out of my heart and l saw color for the first time in years! I didn't know l didn't see color. But the next morning after l ask Him if He was real, l open the door and saw the most beautiful blue sky and beautiful green trees. It was as if scales were taken off my eyes. AS GOD IS MY WITNESS!!!


When my eyes were opened to the Torah, this was one of the things that catapulted my understanding. It was like a veil being lifted. In a moment Yah showed me that it was Yeshua talking to Moses on the mountain, it was Yeshua's finger that carved out the 10 Commandments, it was Yeshua who walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. When I realized that, how could I not try my best to keep the Torah... the Word made flesh. Shalom!


I just want to say thank you. Thank you for listening to our Heavenly Father and having this channel. I accepted Jesus into my life about 20 years ago... I knew He was the Messiah... But everything else felt off, like there was more. About 3-4 months ago, I decided to do a fast for up to 10 days. I hoped to be delivered from smoking and wanted to be closer and have a deeper relationship with Him. On day 9, I had a temper tantrum and cried with my face on the floor for 4 hours begging Him to talk to me. I said " I don't care if I lose everything, I just want you. How do I know you, or you know me?" I ended the night sad and feeling hopeless. The next day I found your channel. I started with your study on Enoch and have moved forward from there. I'm so thankful for YHWH hearing my prayers and revealing the truth, Yeshua, to me. It's as easy as 123. I have not been completely delivered from smoking, so some prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you, again.


His Ruach is the color of Sapphire stone: for the Commandments of YHWH are in Him. Praise be to YHWH, praise be for His Word! YHWH, you encourage your servant. The least of your flock rejoices in your tender mercies and loving kindness. What is sweeter than honey, and more valuable than all the treasures of this world? Only you my Elohim! I wait on you, remember I am but a vapor. Keep me in all your ways: for you are Sovereign over all creation. Reign over your servant, I pray you. Amein


This has been one of the most profound studies for me personally, and it all started here with you, brother and the Ruach. I'm so grateful every day that Yahuah sent me here when I was searching.


Yep, Understood that shortly after I was called out in August 2014. Yeshua was always the mouth piece and intercessor for The Most High. So glad you addressed that. 🙏❤️


The angels of the Lord is him showing himself through his creation many times throughout the Bible, unique how God is with us to knowing the God the father


Wow the Holy Spirit truly speaks to the churches the same thing and the same time. How many of us have been pointed by God to study the identity of the angel of the Lord in the past week?

All praise and glory to the Lord! Amen.


AMEIN and Our KING has been with us from the beginning!! Praise the Most High!!!


The Angel of YHWH has been a favorite study of mine for a long time. Excited to hear Adam’s take on this.


Loved this! All glory and honour and power and praise to the Most High Elohim!


I have been seeing this for some months now (after a lifetime in "Christianity" and nearly 3 years living a Torah Observant lifestyle) but wow this study was amazing! Thank you for sharing this, Praise Yahuah!


“In the beginning was the Word...” it’s such a blessing! I’m so happy that you were able to put this all together to share this beautiful knowledge! All glory to the Most High!


Worship the LORD in Spirit and Truth. Glory to Yah Jesus Christ.


Love you brother. Shalom to you and yours and to the Kodesh family! Have always read those passages as Yahusha ha'Meshiach himself. More confirmation!! Appreciate you and your heart for Him! 🔥🤎👑


HalleluYah!!! This knowledge of Yahusha, the Angel of Elohym, the Word from the beginning, how can it be denied not to follow the Torah, the Shabbat, and his Quodesh name???? Praise Yah!!


My son, hearken unto me, and learn knowledge, and mark my words with thy heart. I will show forth doctrine in weight, and declare his knowledge exactly. The works of YHWH are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made them he disposed the parts thereof. He garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all generations: they neither labor, nor are weary, nor cease from their works. None of them hindereth another, and they shall never disobey his Word. After this YHWH looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings. With all manner of living things hath he covered the face thereof; and they shall return into it again.
Ecclesiasticus 16:24‭-‬30


Studies on the relationship between the Father, Yahusha, and the Ruach ha'Qodesh are always so rewarding. I firmly believe that the Word (Yahusha) executes the will of the Father and that both the Father and Son share the same Spirit. I think it's fascinating how Yahuah used the Word as his messenger previous to Yahusha living on earth among us and now, since Yahusha isn't able to be here with us physically at this time, the Ruach ha'Qodesh comes in the name of the Son as his messenger to us.

"Even the RUACH EMETH; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: _I will come to you_ . Yet a little while, and the world sees me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that _I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you_ . He that has my commandments, and guards them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will _manifest myself to him_ ."YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 14:17-21 את CEPHER

Yahusha, the Word, is in the bosom of the Father. We are in the bosom of Yahusha, and Yahusha is in us as the Ruach ha'Qodesh (the Comforter, "I in you").

Since we cannot bear the presence of the Father, he sends the Word. When the Word can no longer be present with us, he sends us the Comforter (the Spirit of Truth from Elohiym) that we may have to guide us in our work(s).

"I have glorified you on the earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do. And now, O Father, glorify me with your own self with the glory which I had with you before the world was." YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 17:4-5 את CEPHER

It seems like when we are finished with _our_ work, we will be glorified with the glory which Adam had before.


Shalom Adam thank you again for beautiful refreshing streaming of the life giving water 💦❤️😊💯


I finally understand who visited me September 2019 .More and More knowledge is being revealed. I’m shocked, mazed.and I have been attacked not by anything I’ve said, but by how His presence changed me I am nobody and would be considered least of them a simple person who kept seeking lost in sin and sickness. That night I was rescued and restored, then I was healed . My personal prayer time is intense, there have been struggles, relationships don’t just happen but every time I knock He opens the door. Fasting is very important.Thank you again sharing this .
