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Who is the Angel of the Lord? At times, in the Old Testament, a character appears called "the Angel of the Lord" that is described with characteristics similar to Jesus Christ. That's because this is Jesus Christ! Find out how by watching this video.

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-*This is Jesus according to the Bible (in 8 steps):*

1. The Word was with God & the Word was God, the Word became flesh (Jesus)& dwelt among us (John 1:1-18)

2. All things were created through Christ (Colossians 1:15-16)

3. When God (the Word) became flesh, He momentarily renounces to His divine nature to live & to suffer like us (Philippians 2:5-8)

4. He laid aside His attributes relying on the Father (John 5:18-30)

5. Jesus became a servant (Romans 15:8), to serve us and not to be served (Matthew 20:28)

6. Jesus needs to go away for our advantage to send the Advocate (John 16:7) and the advocate is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26)
7. Jesus came from the Father and goes back to the Father (John 16:28)

8. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13)

The Father glorify Jesus (John 8:54), we glorify our Lord and God (Revelation 4:11). Jesus is Lord (Ephesians 6:24) People are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30). Jesus is our Lord and our God (John 20:28)


When i saw the video title, I was like, "what the heck is this guy talking about! Jesus is God and his son!" But when I watched the whole video, I knew he wasn't talking "angels" angels. Greg says Jesus is the angel of the lord. He doesn't mean a created being or the definitions you guys usually know. He's saying he is the messenger of the lord. He is also God. God took the form of Jesus to talk to the people of the Old Testament. Jesus is God. He isn't a created angel. He is the messenger of God. If Greg thought Jesus was a created angel, than why did he say Jesus was God, why would he believe that Jesus will come again with his angels, and why would he believe that Jesus is the son of the father? Also take note that all the evidence Greg got was all from the the bible. Maybe just in case if I will go to heaven, I will ask Jesus myself. If y'all got proof to counter this other than, " Jesus is not an angel, he is god's son, Jesus is God, it doesn't say in the bible that Jesus is a "created" angel" or any other statements that are debunked in this video, then of course, just tell me. I wanna know the truth. I wanna know who Jesus really is. But in the end, all we really need to do is to believe that Jesus is God and he saved us from our sins so whenever we repent to him, we may be forgiven.


Hey, guys. Please read carefully this eye-opening verse o this subject:

"Behold, I will send my MESSENGER [heb. Malach = angel), and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the MESSENGER [heb. Malach = angel)of the covenant [Christ], whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts" Malachi 3:1

Bible Flock Box is right.


When I first saw the title I thought "oh boy, the brother lost his mind!" But after hearing what you had to say, I can say that you are right on point, keep up the diligent work brother.


I don't think anyone understood the video. He said angel meant MESSANGER. Greg is not a false teacher. 1:05 to all you stubborn people. He says Jesus is God and not a created being. Calm yourselves down.


pleas pray for me am battling great sin in my life


Already knew without any video. I was in deep study and found this treasure. Thank for doing your video.


He's not claiming jesus is an actual angel. He's using the term angel as messenger. He's admits jesus is God. It's his own belief. Not to sure what to make of this but I'm not gonna stress it. I know greg's intention is good. God will reveal onto all the truth one day. Until then God bless everyone.


honestly when I first heard Jesus is God I had doubts but I was willing to believe and now I'm starting to believe I'm just having a difficult time believing that Jesus and God existed in the beginning but I'm willing to believe​if you'll help Praise Jesus Christ his name the Lord and God the Lord and Savior and praise the almighty Creator God


Hebrews 1:4, Jesus is higher than the angels. Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.


I'll take this into consideration. I actually just finished reading the Book of Judges and when i came across the story of samson i was a bit confused on why samson's father said they seen God. Very interesting.


I beleieve it was JESUS THAT WRESTLED WITH Jacob for the Blessing.


It's true that JW believe the same thing, but that doesn't make it false. Bible can only be understood " precept upon precept line upon Line" he never said Jesus is an angel. He said he is the angel ( messenger ) of the Lord. He said so much times that Jesus is God. But Jesus is the Word ( messenger/ angel) of the Lord. It's so understandable. People just seek to be wise in their own eyes, let's just seek to do what pleases God and edifies other believers and strengthen our faith. I hate seeing Christians calling each other false. We are not to judge. You don't believe just move along. Stay encourage Greg, you're not teaching anyone to turn away from God. God will reward you. As long as you are able, speak what you believe to be truth even though you'll be hated for it.


I really appreciate you taking your time to research and explain in so much detail. God bless.


Keep up the good work Greg! Don't let people stop you from spreadig God's truth!


You did a Bang-up job telling these people exactly what's in the Bible. Very Good sir!!


Guys, He didn't mean that Jesus is Not GOD, He explained that Jesus also played a role as messenger the Old Testament. An other word for messenger is Angel, That's it. Jesus is GOD


Genesis 18 when He does appear to Abraham as the LORD, and he appears as the man whom Jacob wrestled with in Genesis 32.

In Exodus 3 it says the Angel of the LORD appeared as a flame of fire in a burning Bush, but God is calling to Moses from the fire


I was subscribed to you for years but YouTube deleted my affiliation with you. Im grateful to have found your channel again!


He is quoting Bible verses to back up his statement and yet you guys refuse to believe. I think you need to study the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and a concordance to actually know the meaning of an angel and the Angel of The Lord which are 2 different separate things.
