The Doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventists

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Most Christians are aware that the Seventh-day Adventists are different because they attend church on Saturday. Is this the only difference between them and evangelicals? No! Tim Martin discusses several important doctrines that Christians need to know about their Adventist friends.
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The Seventh day Adventist have a million dollar reward for anyone to show where in the Bible we are to keep Sunday the first day of the week as the sabbath!


I have nothing but love for the SDA community that raised me. I've attended many different Sunday keeping denominations and there is nothing cultish about SDA's. In fact, I really regret not having raised my own children in such a loving Christian community.


Colossians 2 : 16 - 17
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.


we leave the Judging to the MOST HIGH THAT GREAT I AM LOVING GOD, i was a former Diligent Catholic and Dedicated Protestant member UNTIL THE LORD OPEN my EYE'S and REALLY SEE SANE TRUTH DOCTRINES via SDA Church. i SHALL NEVER Turn my Back from GOD AND HIS TRUTH. i Shall Pray for you Dear Brother Martin. If you ONLY KNEW what i KNOW Dear Brother. JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR Stated:
"You may have eye's to see, but yet, still cannot SEE THE UNSEEN AND WHAT REALLY MATTERS"... My Encouragement and Reminder is found in:
(Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Dear Brother Martin and to All those who are willing to REALLY BECOME LIKE JESUS in these Last Day Events. WE CAN LIVE PERFECTLY IN THIS world WITHOUT sin THROUGH JESUS CHRIST our LOVING LORD. AMEN...


After reading the comments and listening to a minute and fifteen seconds I said enough, For someone to say He doesn’t care what day you go to church on when God cares what Day you should keep Holy indicates the guy is not Biblically sound


I am not an SDA. My ex wife was an SDA and I attended many many church services with her in the 11 years we were married. Not one single time did I ever hear the preacher talk about EGW from the pulpit. He talked about Jesus Christ and him crucified and preached straight out of the Bible!!


You explained so well, not using the Bible correctly, I read about SDA Church, that now I have decided to follow SDA and more after I read one of the books of Ellen G White (Steps to Christ), and is pure Bible teachings, she explained so well what it means to be a True Christian, now I am convinced that the only Church that teachs truth in this world is the SDA Church, please brothers and Sisters take advantage of the short time we have, probation is about to close, read this bible verse: Isaiah 8:20To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word,  it is because there  is no light in them. True faith is taking God at His Word, "Sunday is my Sabbath" where in the bible is that? Jesus said do not be deceived. Mark 2: 27 And He said to them,  “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 28 Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.” where in the Bible said thta is for the Jews, the bible said was made for man.God bless you and open your eyes.


christ is all mighty
faith is the key
no matter your beliefs christ is the answer

you sir should be preaching love harmony and the covenant as you understand it

christ loves us all
no matter your religion
not questioning one’s faith


I grew up in the Pentecostal church and left it and became an Adventist. I believe in the Bible and Bible alone that is why I am one.


But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:34‭-‬40 NKJV


Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep My Commandments. John 14:15, and in James 2:10-12 it says if you have broken one you have broken them all. And in ! John 3:3-7 it says that "sin is the transgression of the law" and that if we abide in Him we will not sin because WE CAN KEEP THE LAW BY HIS SPIRIT IN US.


Im not a jew, im a gentile and christian so i must follow Christ teaching in the NT .OT is a shadows to come and the reality is in Christ in NT-He is everything !Hebrews 8:13.


I read ALL of Daniel 11 and 12. It told me all I needed to know. Amazing🙏❤️


Very interesting talk about seventh day adventism,
I was raised a seventh day adventist but refused to be baptized into the church after not agreeing with the investigative judgment and the 2300 days of 1844.
I believe that the leaders of the church have hidden the investigative judgment mistake and feel too ashamed to openly admit error because their jobs are at stake and the fear of losing members and its consequences. There are many pastors who have, lost their jobs such as Desmond Ford because they were raising questions that could create a divide within the church. Ironically the truth seeps out and this is why we have such differences within Adventism.

Regarding the state of the dead. The soul is the mind or the person. It belongs to the body. When the body dies the mind and the person dies too. we will be resurrected with mind and body and then be given an immortal body and mind. Death is compared to a sleep.

Regarding the sabbath day on Saturday, This was a gift from God to give us spiritual and physical rest and is a celebration of creation. I have kept this day, because Jesus kept this as a Jew.
we are to keep the sabbath because God asks us. The sabbath and circumcision identified Israel from other religions that had other spiritual days, such as sun-worshipers that kept Sundays ( not christian) .
Interestingly the Sabbath is ingraved in stone so perhaps it should be explored in all its beauty and significance.

Most important of all is that we are saved by grace and as a result from this gift we try to follow the commandments of God out of love but we understand that the commandments are a gift for our own good.



Thank you Tim Martin, I've listened to this presentation for about five times now and I must say every time I watch this, I cannot be more proud of being a Seventh day Adventist
Thank you for distorting the gospel


Jesus is the corner stone
So many adventists which I am one, are so consumed over sabbath and veggiterianism that we push the teaching of Jesus
Didn’t he say, he with no sin cast the first stone
That was so powerful
Christ came to save the world not to condemn it and He doesn’t need Adventist help to condemn the world
We should be known for showing Jesus teaching and love to the world
All shall know, the maker of all things loves and cares for me
Build the house on the cornerstone then build up


Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law....praise God.
we no longer have the law as oir schoolmaster.
in fact brothets and sisters we are to be dead to the law and led by the spirit.
good news!


The inaccuracies is laughable. If you paid for this course you should ask for your money back!


I was raised a Catholic and in my mid to late teens I believed and accepted Jesus as my savior and began attending a charismatic church. At the age of 20 or 21 I encountered Adventism and believed the Three Angels Message of Rev 14:6-12 to be God's special message for these times.
I can say that Tim has not accurately explained Adventist teaching and doctrine although he is not too far off. I can also say that the gospel has made more sense and Jesus has become more dearer to me since becoming an Adventist. I have a clearer picture of God's work of redemption. I know what I'm saved from. Its amazing that I once had such a twisted understanding of the relationship between law and grace, faith and works. I thank God I'm no longer drunk with the wine of the false teachings of babylon. What a wonderful savior.


Thank you for your presentation. I have been watching your presentations on the Former Adventist channel as well. Always great!
