John MacArthur - Is The SDA a CULT? How To Identify a Cult

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When considering how cults operate and attract members there are some common practices that you can identify to protect yourself and others.

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Is the SDA a cult based on the list above?


I grew up as Roman Catholic and left because I found the truth about the seven day Sabbath. It makes total sense to me to dedicate the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week and not on the first day. Knowing the history of the papacy and their false teaching was another reason to leave. I decided to join SDARM and learned a lot about the Bible ( I have never read it before). I enjoy the Sabbath school and the Bible study. If this is a cult, then all churches are. I do not feel pressured, they are kind people and not sure why many are so against the true Sabbath and keeping all the Ten Commandments? I do not see this as a burden but a blessing. If I wouldn't study the Bible and the Ten Commandments I would continue to follow the word. The Second and the Fourth Commandment made a big impact on me.


Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil....


This is comedy gold. You clearly did about 15 minutes of Wikipedia “research” and didn’t even bother talking to any actual Adventists to ask them what they actually believe. I challenge you to visit an SDA church and talk to people there. I suppose it’s more fun to attack people and get YouTube views though.


@Daily Theology The problem is not the SDA movement, it is the understanding of what a Cult is and what it is not? If all your statements are true, then the whole Christian Religion is a Cult and Jesus will be seen as a Cult leader. While you think you have promoted your own theological thinking and reasoning, you have actually pronounced a sentence against yourself.

Jesus warned us in Matthew 16:6 "Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." My word to teachers of the law in our day and modern theologians including the owner of this channel, be careful not to mislead God's people by human reasoning and confusing minds, their blood will be on you if they follow and get lost, let the Word of God speak for itself.

The Holy Spirit will lead the honest seeker of Truth to ALL Truth as Jesus promised in John 16:13, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."

John also warns, in 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

If the SDA movement or any other religion is a cult, test it by the Word of God, that's God's instruction, not by human opinions, suggestions, and reasoning. It has to be to the "Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them." Isaiah 8:20.


Not a cult. His holy ones that truly belong to him are called his peculiar people. Several scriptures tell you that. 1 Peter 2;9 is one of them. Who's more peculiar than SDA? I better make a disclaimer here though. It's not the church that qualifies as such. It's his Remnant people who are true commandment keeping people and have the faith of Jesus. Rev 14:12 and Rev 12:17


You can say whatever you want about Ellen White and Seventh Day Adventist’s but I would like to add from my own personal experience! The book The Desire Of Ages, written by Ellen White has had the biggest impact on me and my relationship with Christ over just about any other book except the Bible!
Many scholars have agreed there is no better book written on the life of Christ!
I have read this book over and over in my quiet time with God every day and it has moved me time and time again!
We all know getting to Heaven is based on having a relationship with Christ and this book has made an incredible difference with me!
Be very careful when you criticize what you think to be not inspired or did not come from God, you can’t argue with someone’s own personal experience that has helped them so much in their walk with God!


It is very easy to identify a cult. "To the law and the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them" Isa 5:20. This simply means that if you are a Sunday keeper you are in the cult of the pope!


This is ludicrous. Take Ellen White completely out of the picture. Now tell me one thing that SDA is teaching that is NOT biblical. JESUS is not an excuse to continue in sin.
True salvation by faith empowers the believer to repent from sin. Pick up your cross everyday means that salvation by grace through faith, requires clear conditions.
The definition of a saint. Rev.14:12 Patience of a saint is one who keeps the commandments of God and has the faith of Jesus.
All through the Bible we are reminded of these requirements. Never wiped out or abolished. Rev22 reminds us to keep God's commandments.
This is not Ellen White. Thank you


This gentleman also believes in a rapture, and apparently does not keep Shabbat.
The rapture belief is only about 200 years old, and what was to become the Catholic religion changed the keeping of Shabbat to Sunday.
Could it be he is misdirected on other truths as well?
People like this are in desperate need of our prayers.
I might also add I neither read or respond to comments.
God has provided the ruach ha-kodesh aka Holy Spirt to guide you.
All you need know resides in the scriptures.
Shalom, I love you all.


To understand any religious groups or Denomination for the sake of Christianity, we should point out what they believed or their fundamental beliefs. Rather than making fussy allegations. Much of those shared here is very shallow . Coz i come to know SDA's teachings and beliefs much closer to Bible teaching that any other so-called Christian denominations.


I was raised SDA for 27 years, and I could tell you sorts of verses. I thought I knew the Bible. I believed Ellen white was the person God chose to bring “new revelation” and present truth to bring people back to the Saturday sabbath

I was taught the old covenant and new covenant was like this: Jesus did away with the ceremonial and sacrificial laws of the old covenant, but the 10 commandments were “eternal” before Mount Sinai was in effect. Aka the sabbath (which they’re obsessed with) was NOT only for the Israelites but for everyone

So many other things. I was taught we do not have a spirit or soul but just flesh and the “breath of Life”. Hell, to them, is just the burning of the wicked when Jesus returns

They teach Jesus does not have an earthly reign 1, 000 years but in heaven, while the earth is desolate and Satan is roaming the earth alone (they have to do this to counteract the scripture in Rev about satan being bound to the pit… remember how they don’t teach hell? So they have to twist other things too to make it work)
It’s almost like they’ve never read Zechariah 14 lol

Anyway, yes it’s a cult. Yes it’s a DIFFERENT GOSPEL (mainly because of the investigative judgment doctrine- so heretical and disgusting especially the part about satan representing the scapegoat and being the final sin bearer!! Such blasphemy)
But it’s subtle. It’s not as obvious as JW or Mormonism, so it’s that much more sneaky and terrible.

How’d I get out?

In 27 years, I had NEVER read the Bible chapter through chapter IN CONTEXT

I know it’s repeated at nauseoum, but context really is SO important!! you’d be surprised how many of these SDAs have never read the Bible themselves either. It’s always just seeing verses pulled out of context and then explained a meaning with SDA material or Ellen whites writings. You’d think it would be so obvious or easy, but it’s not because once you read the Bible in context and FULL chapters you see it PLAIN AS DAY!! I couldn’t stay


This presenter demonstrates a woeful lack of knowledge about the SDA church and its founder, Ellen White. While she endeavored to understand the Bible and wrote extensively about her observations, she specifically directed her readers to read the Bible and not rely on hers or any other mortal’s writings or interpretations. She said and wrote that.

The SDA movement is what cults are not. Members are encouraged to adopt healthful diet and lifestyle as specified in the Bible, but members are not cursed if they don’t. Adventists are encouraged to live as God would have them live per His word in the Bible, not according to the dictate of someone trying to usurp the authority of God.

This presenter should study and learn about his topic before posting a video. His material is the opposite of of reality as concerns Seventh Day Adventism. Shameful.


This video is so false! Reckless and irresponsible.


Strange! Adventists believe and teach everything you said about the law and grace.


What about Revelation 14:12? Certainly, it’s very clear to me God NEVER changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday (the Roman Catholic Church did so): “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the COMMANDMENTS of God, and the faith of Jesus.”


That list of names you rattled off are/were not all SDAs. Get some new research assistants.


SDA were not followers of Miller, persecution is real not false claims
Jesus said it in Matthew 10:30


No, the oldest trick in the book is when Satan told Eve - "Ye shall Not surely die" - Genesis 3 : 4.


And who are you to say who is a cult or who is not?
SDA is the closest to bible truth that any other denomination.
You want a clear example:
Millions follow the change on God's law 2nd and 4th commandments! By consequence they believe in a false christ! Following commandments of men.
