How Should Evangelicals View Seventh-Day Adventism?

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Jamie Jackson interviews Dr. Nathan Busenitz on how evangelicals should view Seventh-day Adventism.
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The fact that modern christians traditionally worship on Sundays does absolutely nothing to prove that the fourth commandment is now void.
Now that we are under grace, can anybody give an example of which other of the ten commandments we are no longer required to keep?


SDAs have a WAY deeper understanding of the gospel in every respect.
This is a smear ad.
Hopefully true seekers of the way will study for themselves.


My great grandfather was studying to be an evangelical pastor.
One day the University decided to have an organised debate about which day was the correct Sabbath, (Saturday or Sunday). They asked my great grandfather to argue the side that Sunday was the correct Sabbath. He willingly agreed as he was a very strict Sunday keeper.
He went home to study in preparation for the debate. He found absolutely nothing in favour of Sunday, and consequently became a Seventh Day Adventist.
He ended up as one of the first Adventist ministers in Northern Ireland.


As an Seventh Day Adventist myself, it’s really sad and appalling due to the fact that there is a lot of hate towards the Adventist faith. And the sad thing is, is that the people who are trying their best to scold my religion are supposed to be loving Christians.


Doug Bachelor said he would be happy to have a public talk with you to your response for the truth


Ellen G White was a huge red flag for me. I’m dating a SDA and it’s spot on


Isaiah8:20" To the law and to the testimony, If they speak not according to this word, It is because there is no light in them."


This is so strange...calling people who worship on the same day Jesus worshiped for "legalists", at the same time evangelicals are pushing for law reform to make sunday worship binding. Ye hippocrites.


I am appalled and saddened by all the comments here. We are Christians! Christ's representatives! Let us talk and act as so people! THIS! This is why so many are turned off by Christianity, because we act as Pharisees. Are Seventh day Adventist a cult? Why should it matter to a follower of Jesus. Keep your eyes on Christ and minister His love. That is the least that was demonstrated here.

" 1 John 4:20 KJV
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?"

Be kind, and be loving because we are a witness to the world. We represent Christ brothers and sisters. Bashing and shunning Adventists for their beliefs is what Jesus would never do. God have mercy for us, please. Amen.


Rev.12:17- “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”——


"For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wraith, if they shall enter into my rest, although the works were finished from the foundation of the world" Hebrews 4: 3


Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27, 28


He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read. Luke 4:16


Please show me where in SDA teaching: 1) stating that the BIble interpretation must go through EGW, 2) EWG writing is equal to BIBLE? Please enlighten me.... God Bless you


Jesus makes it pretty clear. If you love me keep my commandments.


I think it is more challenging to "prove" Sunday worship with a sound Bible foundation than the observance of the Sabbath as the truly day of worship. Secondly, to keep Godś commandments is not legalism. It is obedience, and third, the writings of EGW are not above the Bible, neither she claimed to be. Reading any EGW book such as "Great controversy" are all based, supported and Bible based. Hoping that many evangelical brothers and sisters get to know more from first hand what the SDA believes have to say.


As an Adventist, no a Seventh Day Adventist, as an Adventist is anyone who believes in the second coming of Christ, I am deeply offended by the lies poported by these men. However, I shouldn't be surprised as this is just the beginning of what is to come for "those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus" Rev14:12. Soon, when the Sunday Law (under the guise of day of rest for family time and for the environment) is passed and calamities hit the world, we will be blamed by the evangelical world for the cause of these calamities because we keep the Seventh day Sabbath I.e Saturday (although the calander has been changed to now make Sunday the seventh day of the week), it's great to see reading the comments below that, we are defending our faith. In some way, this video demonstrate why we need to study the Word so we can decern truth from error and be able to refute these doctrines (so eloquently present) when we are challenged for what we believe. We can only pray for these misguided souls that the Holy Spirit speaks to their hearts to guide them into truth( understanding of the sanctuary, the sabbath, the health message, prophecy). But, at the end of the day, belonging to a certain religion/denomination is not what will save you, but only through the sanctifying grace of Jesus. As Adventist, we've been blessed by the writings of Ellen White. I suggest, if you haven't read her books, have a read of at least one before you judge our denomination. I suggest Steps to Christ, the Desire of Ages which talks about Christ's life and ministry on Earth (very moving book) and the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan -(powerful book looking at the historical context of Protestantism to what will happen to Protestantism in the future). All available free to download .


Poor guy doesn't have a clue what he is talking about


The dude brings a strawman argument and zero bible texts to call the most diverse church in the world a cult. Wow.


They like to throw around the "legalism" classification, but only when talking about the 4th Commandment - the Sabbath. Is honoring your father and mother legalism? I don't think evangelicals take that stance with the 5th Commandment.
Anyway, "legalism" is salvation by works which the Bible clearly states do not qualify us for heaven: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph2:8-9). We are saved by the blood of Christ by grace through FAITH.
How is faith measured? "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works" (Jam2:18). Faith leads to righteous actions, or just look at the "Hall of Faith" in Hebrews 11. Every faithful person listed there has their "works" listed with them as proof they believed God.
We obey God out of love for Him, not because works earns anything. Those who claim to have faith but have no works actually have an empty religion and presume on their salvation.
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also" (Jam 2:26).
