Ex-Adventist Gives CHILLING Testimony, EXPOSES Adventism

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Logan, a former 4th generation Seventh-day Adventist gives shocking testimony of his escape from the SDA cult.
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Do Adventists keep the Sabbath as the Bible instructs or have they invented "their own way of keeping the Sabbath?" "The SDA Sabbath?" What are the ACTUAL Biblical Rules for keeping the Sabbath?
Biblical Rules for Sabbath Keeping:
Exodus 16:23 DO NOT GO OUT OF ONE’S PLACE (Do you do this?)
EXODUS 31:13 Sign between God and ISRAEL (The Church is NEVER described as "Israel" in the Bible. Israel was a nation chosen by God in the Old Testament, while the Church is the body of Christ).
EXODUS 31:14 Put to death for violation of the Sabbath
EXODUS 31:14 Violators cut off from the COVENANT PEOPLE (The "Covenant people" are described as the nation of Israel ONLY, of whom God made a covenant (agreement) with at Horeb, the Sabbath was the sign of the agreement and was placed in the center of the agreement, as with all ancient near east treaty documents and it stood for the WHOLE agreement, much like the US flag stands for the ENTIRE US constitution.
EXODUS 35:3 Do not kindle a fire on the Sabbath (includes striking match, starting car, combustion engine, lighting gas stove, etc).
Neh. 13:15/JN 5:10: Do not carry a load on the Sabbath (do you ever carry things on the Sabbath?)
Leviticus 23:32 Keep from Evening to evening (SDAs only like to pretend to observe this one and ignore all of the above).


This how he left the Adventist church, when he thought that he was something, andGOD send him a strong delusion that he should believe lies.

# Galatians 6:3-5, 7-8
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
For every man shall bear his own burden.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

# 2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.


Thank you for your ministry! Because of it, more and more people are looking into SDA beliefs in particular the Lords 7th day sabbath and His soon return! Thank you again brother 🙏


People who call Adventism a cult obviously don't know the definition of what a cult actually is! Then a lot will say that "Adventists say they're the remnant and will be persecuted, " whilst the whole time persecuting the Adventist church! Not to mention Adventists are the only church being attacked!!!


SDAs are not a cult! We believe in salvation by faith by Gods grace! Period! We keep Gods 10 commandments, not to be saved, but because we are saved! We are so grateful for what Christ has done for us on the cross! Obedience is the fruit of our faith!.
EW says it beautifully:
«since we are sinful, we cannot perfectly obey the holy law of God. But Christ has made a way of escape for us. He lived on earth amid trials and temptations such as we have to meet. He lived a sinless life. He died for us and now he offers to take our sins and give us His righteousness. If you give yourself to Him and accept Him as your Savior, then sinful as your life may have been for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christs character stands in place of your character and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned:.
Remember, in the judgement, if you are in Christ then there is no condemnation. " if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness ".


The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is closest to Bible truth in my opinion. Thank you.


Oh dear...it seems you didn't understand the difference between justification and sanctification. Literally you dont understand the reason why protestantism exists as a whole because the question that brought the separation is, "How is a man justified?" Just you have mentioned, a man is justified by grace through faith. Gal 2:9 this is what is called justification. Now what about?

Romans 2:13. (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Ephesians 2:10. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. After being justified, there's some growing up to do and that's by doing and obeying the law. It doesn't mean that you keep the law to be saved but that because you are saved, hence you keep the law because it's the good works that now God creates in us.

I wish I could elaborate more but here's a thought.
You are speeding way above the speed limit, a policeman stops you and you say sir, please forgive me. He says I forgive you but please go and dont do it again. Now a question, Do you now go on to go beyond that speed or adjust yourself to the acceptable speed limit? The answer is definitely the latter.

Now sinning is breaking the law (overspeeding), You ask for forgiveness and are forgiven by Jesus (Justification) and you now have to decide either obey or not. Obeying to walk in the law is the difference between whether you have the accepted the forgiveness or not (sanctification). You now don't do follow the law to be forgiven but because you are already forgiven.


When you dispute the Three Angels Messages contained in Revelations 14:6-13, you’re disputing the Word of God. Are you saying that the Three Angels Messages are wrong? Please, be careful!

We are to keep the Commandments of God—not for salvation, but because of salvation. Salvation comes from faith in Jesus. But faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Keeping God’s Commandments is how we show our love for Him and The Father. As it says in 1 John 5:3, “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, ” NIV

Remember the conversation Jesus had with the young rich ruler. The first thing He mentioned to him was the keeping of the Commandments.

Gal 3:13 reads, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:.”
Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law, not the Law itself. Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law, not destroy it (Matthew 5:17). We must keep all of the Commandments of God.


AMEN.... Lifting you and your family up in prayer.


What did the SDA church do without all these former SDA children setting it straight? As a former sun day keeper this is so painful to listen to. If this brother had studied the truth for himself he would not have fallen for all the milky nonsense. You say, get plugged into a church that preaches the truth. Tell us, which one? You spent 22 minutes in theological silliness so do tell us, What church have you ''pugged into'' that has the truth? I'm waiting.


Are ya'll tripping? I mean, have you ever been forced by the church to stay at the church? I've been a Seventh-Day Adventist since I was a child, I wasn't born as a SDA but I grew up in the church. Never have I ever felt as if I was in a cult. I went to various churches (roman church, baptist, presbiterian, pentencostal, CCB etc), but their doctrines could never match the amount of knowledge I acquired as a SDA. To me, there is nothing awkward about the teachings, no one is trapped there, people can come and go as they please, and there are no threats against those who decide to leave. What kind of cult is that open? Every single piece of the doctrine can be proved in the bible. If you can't see that, how's that the church's fault? How is your ignorance our fault? If you cannot see that disobedience invalidates Jesus' sacrifice, that's on you.
The tablets are part of the old covenant indeed, but that's because in the new covenant, the law is not supposed to be written in stone tablets but in our heart, as promised in Jeremiah 31:31-33 and Hebrews 10:16. I don't think you've read the bible at all, you're just looking for a justification for your disobedience. Where is James 2:10-12; 1 John 2:3-7; 1 John 3:2-9, 22; 1 John 5:3, 4; in your video? Where's Revelation 11:19? Galatians 2:17? Romans 6:1-4? Once the Sunday law pops out, I doubt you'll have anything to say against it.
Paul always taught that the law does not save and that those who are concerned with the works of the law live under the law, but those who are of Christ live in spirit, therefore they live under grace, however, those who stumble over the law live under the law. Why would someone born of Christ have to worry about the law? If he follows in the footsteps of Christ, it is impossible for him to stumble over the law because Christ never transgressed the law, and through Him we walk in newness of life, no longer in the flesh, no longer in sin. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, but the curse of the law is not the law itself, it is eternal death. The law is a pedagogue, that is, it teaches us how to please God, it gives us the way to the Creator, but with the advent of Christ, we no longer need a pedagogue because the end of the law (Christ) left His footprints so that we can only walk where it is safe, His way is righteousness and His character is the law.
So no, we don't teach the law can justify us! Every decent SDA knows that justification and sanctification are not the same thing. We can only be saved by grace but we can only be sanctified by the works of the law because faith without deeds is dead, and we can only practice the works of the law if Christ lives in us. Only if we walk in the spirit can we manifest the works of the spirit, our carnal nature is contrary to the law. Sanctification is the result of justification because only the saved are able to obey, I repeat: once saved, the first "symptom" is obedience. We are what we do. God has many names because what He offers, He is (I am Who I am), that's how He reveals Himself, through His works, through His goodness.
To be the image and likeness of Jesus, we must walk through the same path in obedience. He called us to follow Him, now you're telling me He obeyed the law perfectly just so we could throw it away the second He died? Do you understand the sanctuary? The patio represents justification (cross of Jesus and baptism), the holy place represents sanctification (feed on the word of God, pray without ceasing, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and be light), and the most holy place represents glorification (perfect obedience to the law of God - image and likeness - same character as Jesus). The most holy represents the throne of God and His law is the very own base of His Throne. That's His immutable character, it cannot change. There was no time in eternity in which there was no law. Satan and his angels broke the law, Adam and Eve broke the law, and Cain broke the law; Noah had to know which animals were clean or unclean cuz 7 pairs of clean animals were put in the ark, and only one pair of unclean were brought in. The rainbow God gave to Noah is still there in His throne, so is the seventh day He created only and exclusively as His sanctuary on time. It's the day God created as the Day of the Lord, His holy day, which means the creature has no dominium over it. When there was no sin on earth, the Shabbat was there. Remember!


Always appreciate.
Where do adventist worship when they leave? Many adventist I know struggle with transitioning not knowing where to go??


The Most High lead me to a deep study of the covenants in scripture and I was blown away as a devout convert to Adventism. I am so thankful for The Gospel of the Kingdom! Thank you for sharing!


It's not about Adventism, it's about God's Holy Bible.


The law came by Moses grace and truth came by jesus christ


People leave the truth was not really converted, they should actually be very worried, because they had been deceived by the enemy..


I left adventism after reading the Bible. I converted to the true gospel and my life totally changed. Thank to God He called me out of heresy and legalism


If you are saying we can throw out the Sabbath, then I should be able to throw out the other nine. I don’t know how you substantiate separating the other nine from the one. You are just as confused as all the others with this rudimentary views.


Thank you--I left for doctrinal reasons, too. If Jesus sat down at the right hand of God when Hebrews was written, He couldn't have done so after 1844. I realized then that EGW was a false prophet.


Logan, first time coming across your channel today and watched your entire presentation. The content resonated thoroughly with me and my journey; that I found my initial trigger to leave in the book of Hebrews. Whilst I have left the denomination in spirit, I continue to attend fellowship with the church as I have many firm friends and family in the cult. I am praying daily for guidance in how to reach Mt family first and then others. Thanks for your testimony. I have also subscribed and looking forward to more videos as they come out. God bless you and your ministry.
