Different Main Types Of Exercises - Cardio, Strength Training, Flexibility, Balance And Coordination

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In this video we discuss the different types of exercises, including cardio respiratory or aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility, balance and coordination. We also discuss the benefits of each of these and some examples of each.

The first type of exercise is cardio respiratory or aerobic exercise, which in general is any type of exercise that raises your heartbeat. Your respiratory and cardiovascular systems work together to deliver oxygen you breathe in to all parts of your body and doing regular cardio exercise sessions strengthens both of these systems and many of the organs in these systems, such as your lungs and heart.

There are different types of cardio exercise and they are usually based on heart rate and exertion. Steady state cardio is keeping a constant pace for a specific distance or duration, such as walking or jogging.

Even performing everyday tasks such as cleaning the house, cutting the grass or working in the yard can be considered a moderate form of cardio. Interval training is another type of cardio, where you maybe walk for 3 minutes and jog for 30 seconds, repeating this cycle for a specific time period.

Circuit training, combining some strength exercises with cardio based exercises. For instance, 4 exercises, side to side hops, side dumbbell raises, lunges, and push ups. You can take short rests between the exercises or do the complete circuit and take a rest and then do the circuit again. And more advanced athletes can do hiit or high intensity interval training.

An example of this would be to maybe sprint for 20 seconds and then walk for 20 seconds and repeat this cycle for say 8 bouts. This would be a 1 to 1 ratio and the ratio can be changed as many athletes do a 2 to 1 ratio, sprinting for 30 seconds then walking for 15 seconds.

The next type of exercise is strength or resistance training, which in general is any type of exercise that requires a muscle, or group of muscles to exert force. Resistance training can help improve strength, stamina, increase bone density, improve sleep and it can also make many everyday tasks easier, such as climbing up stairs, carrying groceries into the house, and taking the dog for a walk.

There are many different types of ways to perform strength training exercises. You can use free weights, such as dumbbells, which are very efficient as they allow for a full range of motion and work more stabilizing muscles. Resistance bands are very versatile, as all you need to use them is something to wrap them around, which in many cases can be your own body.

Bands are great at providing what is called progressive resistance, which means they provide an increase in resistance throughout the range of motion of the exercise. Exercise machines provide another way to do resistance training.

Body weight exercises are another way to perform resistance training. In these types of exercises, your body is providing the resistance against gravity. There are many other ways to perform strength training exercises such as with medicine balls, suspension trainers, and exercise balls.

Flexibility exercises are the stretching of muscles and tendons to improve joint range of motion, and physical function. There are many types of stretches to improve flexibility with the 2 most popular being static stretches and dynamic stretches. Static stretches consist of slow movements into a peak position, then holding that position. Dynamic stretches is moving parts of the body through a full range of motion, while slowly increasing the reach or speed of the movement.

The next type of exercise is balance training. Having good balance can help to prevent falls and injuries, improve neuromuscular connections, improve athletic performance, and make many everyday movements easier.

There are 3 main types of balance, stationary balance, motion balance and offset balance. Stationary balance is when your body is not in motion, so, standing still on both feet requires balance.

Motion balance is exactly what it sounds like, the ability to balance yourself during movement. A great example of this is lunges. Offset balance which is where one side of your body holds a weight, or each side of your body holds a different amount of weight.

Coordinated movements, is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently.

0:00 Intro
0:10 Cardio respiratory or aerobic exercise
0:38 Steady state cardio
0:54 Interval training
1:04 Circuit training
1:25 HIIT - high intensity interval training
1:45 Strength training
2:59 Flexibility
3:28 Balance training
4:44 Coordination
Рекомендации по теме

*CARDIO-RESPIRATORY (aerobic exercise)* : raises your heartbeat
-> _Steady-state cardio_ : walking, jogging
-> _Interval training_ : ex: walk for 3mn + jog for 30s
-> _Circuit training_ : combining strangh+cardio exercises (ex: side to side hops, side dumbbell raises, lunges, and push-ups)

*STRENGHT* : requires muscles
->Dumbbels & free weights
->Resistance bands
->Exercise machines
->Body weight exercises
->Medicine balls, Suspension trainers, exercise balls

*FLEXIBILITY* : stretching of tendons and muscles to improve joint ranges of motions and physical function
-> _Static stretches_ : slow movements into a peak position, then holding that position.
-> _Dynamic stretches_ : moving parts of the body through a full range of motion, while slowly increasing the reach or speed of the movement.

-> _Stationary balance_ : when your body is not in motion, so, standing still on both feet requires balance.
Standing still on both feet requires
balance; doing alternating movements like
- *alternating curls*
- *side raises*
- *single-leg exercises* (such as "standing on one foot and holding the other foot off the ground")
- *single-leg arm curls*
-> _Motion balance_ : the ability to balance yourself during movement. A great example of this is:
- lunges. (front ones and especially backward)
- box or platform jumps
-> _Off-set balance_ : where one side of your body holds a weight, or each side of your body holds a different amount of weight.

->tossing a ball against the wall
and catching it as it returns to you

-> dribbling a basketball while jogging and
alternating hands
-> kicking a ball against the wall and stopping it as it returns to you
-> doing jumping lunges alternating
-> combining strength training movements:
- doing a squat + an arm curl + a shoulder press
-a bent-over row + a kickback

I've done notes for myself and whoever can benefit from it!
Have a nice day ✨


Wow. This is what I've looked for. Very informative. I see a lot of different workout videos that made me think which do I really need. Now this is a good guide.
Thanks for this video.




Who else is here because they have no school but you have to do work and watch this but nice video 🎥👍


My dad makes me exercise and doesnt tell me this lol Besides that I am only wacthing this because of my gym class


Got sent here against my own will by my teacher.


Dude, you are my favorite sport YouTuber, best Chanel for curious people on the topic 🙏💙


Thanks, i really enjoyed this video. Gave me a couple ideas of where to take my next fitness steps.


Thank you so much for this video. I am definitely using it for my Secondary PE classes


Thanks for sharing such wholesome of information. God bless.🙏🏾


Good way to explain the importance of exercise 👍


This shoyld be thw first thing to come up in google on "exersizes for beginners"


this help me so much in losing weight.


great video Where do you get your awesome illustrations??? They look great and really add to your content. Do you do them yourself?


Your videos are always well presented and informative. Good job!


That video helps me too much thank you so much


Thanks! This video help me to do my Homework🛐


I left watching the video when he said just dudes but "beautiful ladies"🙄 btw explaining was good 😁


Love your videos Brian, keep up the good work. I’m a PE teacher in England and use a lot of them with my classes 🙏🏼. Any plans for kettlebell videos? Also, do you do any of this stuff on social media? Cheers


Thank you for such a nice explanation!
