The Mandalorian - Mayfeld Shoots Imperial Officer

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The Mandalorian - Season 2 - Episode 7
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That whole episode was filled with great acting. Pedro's deer in the headlights, fish out of water stupor, Bill's trauma, and Richard just oozed slime. Bravo.


I love how well Pedro portrayed maskless mando. He really shows off that Din has no idea what to do with his face because he’s so used to the default poker face his mask gives him. He wears his emotions right on his face because he never had to learn otherwise. Bravo


R.I.P. lunchtrooper. He was just trying to get a good meal, didn't deserve it.


When Mayfeld’s 15 min ex-storm trooper arc is better than Finn’s


People talk about Bill having a Boston accent in space but nobody talks about the officer with a Southern accent.


It might just be me, but I honestly like how unsure and uncomfortable Mando looks in this scene, it grounds him in a way you don't often see. He's a badass bounty hunter and an incredible fighter that most people would assume could survive anything, but here you have something he is completely untrained for an unable to really handle if it wasn't for Mayfeld's intervention. A lot has been said about Mayfeld already but something about Mando's awkwardness as he realizes the gravity of the situation really helps to humanize him.


This redeemed Mayfeld in my eyes. Bill is an awesome actor the hatred and pain on his face are so damned real.


In addition to the acting, dialogue, and tones in this scene, another thing I'm impressed by is the how it portrays the disconnect between Infantry frontline soldiers and Commanding Officers. Mayfield remembers Burnin Konn for all the death and destruction that surrounded him; all Hess remembers Burnin Konn for are "many unpleasant decisions." Furthermore, just a few minutes prior, Mayfield was hesitant to go to the console because he feared Hess would recognize him. But, as this conversation progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that he has no recognition of a man named Migs Mayfield, or even bothered to know any of the names of the soldiers he ordered to their deaths.

All I can say is that Bill Burr really proved his ability to act in this scene. Wow


Burr's's portrayal of disgust and anger gets deserved recognition here, but I adore the respect between the two of them at the end of this clip. They are both made incredibly vulnerable at that table, and have almost wordless understand with eachother through their actions afterward: no comment from Mando about him blowing the op, and Mayfield's simple line: 'I never saw your face'.


Heck, the guy who portrayed the Imperial Officer in this scene did a fantastic job, not just Bill Burr. His mannerisms, looks, speech pattern, tone and what he actually says just makes you want to knock this dude's lights out.


Bill Burr's performance still gives me chills.


Love how Mando has such an awkward poker face with his helmet off, it’s really acted perfectly


Mayfield's PTSD kicks in once he realizes that he delivered the empire the explosives they needed to destroy more lives. Hence why he makes sure to shoot the truck as they leave. Excellent touch


Bill Burr deserves credit in this scene, but I think Richard Brake deserves some as well. He just plays the appearance of a slimy, creepy, and despicable villain so well


Richard Brake (the Imperial Officer, or ex-Imperial Officer should say...) only had a very short lived roll in the series but his acting was purely amazing from start to finish. Very unsung and very overlooked.


I remember when I watched this for the first time, I blurted out “Holy shit, Bill Burr can act!”


People: “ooh look it’s that comedian guy, maybe he’ll be funny or something?”
Bill Burr: “this is how you perfectly embody PTSD on screen”


2:00 my favorite part is the absolute horror in Bill's eyes. You can really get a sense that his character can't even comprehend a massacre worse than what he experienced and he goes from shocked to disgusted to coldy enraged. Amazing acting and phenomenal writing for this scene.


I still can't believe to this day how well Bill Burr did in this scene. His facial expressions, the tone in his voice, everything about it was phenomenal. As a fan of breaking bad I knew he had some acting skills, but never thought he had this kind of acting in him. Straight goosebumps


Bill's acting here is phenomenal, and I'd like to highlight one detail in particular, my favorite detail. Bill's acting in this scene is mostly physical, and you'll notice that right before he shoots the officer, as his eyes are welled up with tears, he purses his lips back and bares his teeth, and it looks for a split second like he's about to cry. This, along with the other details, tells us that this reaction was _far_ more than petty frustration, but rooted deeply in shame, loss, and personal failure. A+
