Mayfeld destroys the rhydonium refinery | The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 7

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Here is a scene from Episode 7 of Season 2. The Believer. The Mandalorian.

Mayfeld destroys the rhydonium refinery as they escape, cause deep down he is one of the good guys.

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Can't believe how they turned him from a jerk in the first season to having some good depth in just one episode. This was one of the best parts of the episode IMO.


The best character from this episode, Bill Burr did absolutely amazing as Mayfeld


"Maybe now I can finally sleep at night, " best character arc in just one episode. These directors and writers are on fire.


Not to mention, everyone was expecting another rainbow-like explosion, like what happened in Season 5 of the Clone Wars.


Earlier in the episode when he makes the point about Mando's creed changing and how everyone has a line, until they need to cross it, he says "As far as I'm concerned if you can live your life and sleep at night, you're doing fine."

Hearing that the rhydonium they delivered will be used in another Empire operation like Operation Cinder, Mayfield simply cannot let them keep it. "We all need to sleep at night." Man, what an incredible turn around for this character!


It's funny that Mayfield had more character development in here than Finn did in three films. I'm pretty sure a lot has said this already. Lol


Rhydonium, unrefined and only in the amount that can fit into armoured vehicles was enough to cause a relatively large explosion. It sort of makes sense as to why people fear an approaching separatist ship stacked with the stuff.


Hey kathleen kennedy this is how you write a good character with a damn arc.


The juxtaposition in this episode is amazing, before the refinery mayfeld specifically makes the point of “do what ever you can that allows you to sleep at night” meaning you might not be a saint but if your at least not committing evil, that’s one more better person in the world. Then when we enter the refinery, yes we see Imperial military, but we also clearly see a lot of normal people, people who’s 9-5 is working the refinery. These normal people make their living here, maybe by choice, maybe not, maybe just the best of their economic situation, but regardless, they are just civilians. The civilians presence is given a good minute of just acknowledgment.
Then we understand Mayfeld’s actions against his former CO and why we see ending the refinery as a good thing.
But in destroying the refinery, he took it upon himself to obliterate civilians, and chalked it up to “we all need to sleep at night” entirely believing he did a good thing.
Civilians don’t know why this happened, who and what for, all they know is someone snuck in and destroyed the facility, to a civilian here, the actions look like those of terrorists.
Continue this juxtaposition with “people don’t want freedom, they want order, and the more the new republic is in shambles the stronger we grow” (or something close to), actions like this cause normal people to resent the new republic.
If you want to know why the first order became a thing, I think it’s stuff like this scene right here.
The scene itself ends with “we did good”, and utilitarian-wise, yes the Empire lost a resource, and personally meyfeld punished the actions of Imperials from Operation Cinder, but that contradicts the themes the episode was touching on which is what normal people want, which is why the scene focused on them cheering a successful delivery. Normal people just want stability in their lives, away from the issues of who rules the galaxy, hope doesn’t put food on the table.
This was a juicy episode.


Were is my gay rainbow unicorn explosión?


He empathizes with the grunts and the soldiers that are needlessly scrificed in a point less war for the whole episode. Proceeds to destroy the base and kill everyone inside, including grunts and soldiers, but also what looked like civilian workers in the refinery.


Can you PLEASE put this guy on front of the series? I want him side by side with Mando for a whole season.


A shame Boba Fett didn't fire that shot. He'd probably miss and wind up destroying the 3rd Death Star somehow.


Rhydonium don't explode like that. Rhydonium explosions, although highly dangerous, actually look quite spectacular with a lot of light green and yellow emissions.


Kinda lazy that they didnt do the colourful explosion.
