Winch Upgrade, Wet Sandblasting & More - Project Brupeg Ep.162

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This episode we start upgrading Brupegs lifting ability, the rear winch gets upgraded from a 100kg winch to an 800kg winch, the starboard wing gets an upgrade from a dodgy manual winch to a 5000lbs 24volt winch to help us on the last stages of mounting the sliders.
The first pair of sliders get tacked onto Brupeg, and with the new winch, we will be able to lift the wing easily and check our work.
We crank up the wet sandblaster and get the straightened sliders back to white metal ready for painting, While we had the blaster going we pulled our steel gates off the boat and blasted the rusty metal back ready for a coat of paint prior to launch.
Brupegs new galley arrives, this is a complete galley that Jess, Dame, and Tim designed over a year ago and Tim built. We have been waiting for travel restrictions to lift so we could get the galley on board ready to go into the fit-out schedule. Huge thanks go to Tim for making the galley, its exactly what the boat needs
A busy busy week, this week was a whole stack of jobs crammed together, next episode you will see sliders in and the wing lifted using the new gear and a lot more progress forward