Praying to the Saints? A Catholic and a Protestant Talk (Fourth of Five Conversations)

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Dr. Jeremy Holmes and I talk about Mary, the Catholic doctrine of the saints, and what Catholics believe about prayer to or with them.
This is PART FOUR of a FIVE PART series of conversations
Here are links to all five parts of this series:
This is PART FOUR of a FIVE PART series of conversations
Here are links to all five parts of this series:
Praying to the Saints: A Protestant Critique
Why Catholics Pray to Saints
Caller Asks Why Catholics Pray to Saints
Answering Objections to the Intercession of the Saints
Why pray to the saints? (#AskBishopBarron)
Do Catholics Worship Saints?
Praying to the Saints? A Catholic and a Protestant Talk (Fourth of Five Conversations)
Proving that the Saints in Heaven Hear Our Prayer
Prayer to St Jude Thaddeus Patron Saint of Impossible Causes!
Why are you praying to saints?
Ruslan PRESSES Johnathan Pageau on Praying to Mary & Saints @JonathanPageau @dirtpoorrobins
Why Do Catholics Pray to the Saints?
The Do’s and Don’ts of Devotion to the Saints
Prayers to the Saints | Sam Shamoun
Is Praying to the Saints Biblical?
Trent Horn - Why do Catholics pray to the saints in heaven?
Praying to SAINTS is Demonic! Witch tells all
Praying To Saints : An Orthodoxy or A Biblical Heresy ? - Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
Is Praying To The Saints Biblical?
Talking to the Saints (Intercession)
Can the saints in heaven hear our prayers?
Should we pray to the saints?
Why Do The Orthodox Pray To The Saints? #orthodoxy
Bishop Barron on Satellites and Praying to the Saints