Praying to SAINTS is Demonic! Witch tells all

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Praying to saints is demonic, and in this video, a witch exposes the truth about what happens when we pray to saints! I have been saying for a while that there is more to just praying to saints and that, obviously, we shouldn't do it, but it's even darker than I first thought!

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I grew up Catholic but was gifted a Christian, children's Bible for my 10th birthday. I loved it and devoured it. Then as a teen in catechism classes, things weren't adding up to what I was reading in the Bible so I started to question things and I got in big trouble. They called my parents because I refused to pray to Mary and/or saints and refused to confess my sins to a priest as part of a requirement for the confirmation sacrament I was preparing for (it's the next step after holy communion if you've heard of that, before the marriage sacrament). I told them I would confess my sins directly to God like the Bible said I could through Jesus Christ, but they said that was not acceptable and if I didn't do it their way I wouldn't be allowed to do my sacrament. It was confusing but I'm so glad The Lord sought me out and started opening my eyes and ears even at that age and in that setting 🙏🏽.


I was catholic, I hated when people would talk bad about Catholics, the Lord opened my eyes 👀


Glory be to God. For a long time, I talked to my catholic mum about upholding saints, Mary and bowing down to molten images of Jesus on a cross. I’m from Ghana and I was watching your video earlier on today. Less than 5 minutes into this video, I felt the Holy Spirit talk to me to show my mum this video. So I did. The long and short, she was convicted. She was confused, heartbroken and cried. With her decision, my brother and I got rid of all the images of Jesus, Mary, saints and anything of the sort out of the house and burnt them- In the name of Jesus. Salvation has come to my mum today. Glory be to God


Continue to speak TRUTH Isaiah!! Appreciate the bold stance you take.


I only petition my prayers and request to the highest seat which is the Most High God alone. Glory be unto the Most High throught our Lord Jesus Christ.


I was "catholic" by tradition. Not practicing, but by name only. I never felt like I belonged. One day, out of an extremely desperate situation, I prayed to, "Saint Jude" (San Judas Tadeo in Spanish) and my prayer got more than answered. I got better of an outcome that was logically possible. I gave him or who I thought was him, the place of our Lord Almighty. Then, I learned that the medium who "helped me" in my journey after i prayed to him, was praying to what in Spanish is La Santa Muerte and I bolted out of that place, so close to vomiting. Never went back there (it became a necessity) I've repented, am born again and just like Isaiah has said many times before, the devil overplays his hand and sends us straight to the throne! That's what happened to me, then my hubby and then my children, we all accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as our only Savior. God willing my dad is next and everyone else because we belong to HIM in Jesus name!


Thank you Isaiah, I was raised Catholic and always knew this was wrong just didn’t understand why. Now the lightbulb comes on! Thank you


I was catholic bc thats how I was raised and I would just follow whatever my family worship, pray to ect.... without knowing I prayed to some of these saints. We really are blinded by the truth, I know I was bc I thought this was normal! It's insane how blinded I was! My family are in denial and I'm praying the Lord will save them. Jesus saved me exactly 1 year ago and I never looked back! Thank You Jesus!


Proud Catholic here, and I’m so sad that many of us were poorly raised in our faith, Catholic is the Church the Jesus himself founded! Wake up people, come back home!


I'm a former catholic and was so proud to be one. It all started on a facebook post where people were saying what was wrong with the catholic faith and that was the first I ever heard so I was so shocked, that all lead to me now being a born again believer in Jesus Christ and him alone.


Great information! Thanks for sharing. God bless you, your family, and your ministry!!! 🙏🙌❤️


*I can’t wait for the veil of this world to be lifted so those who don’t believe can finally see the truth*


God showed this to me when I was Catholic. I left the church and have a great relationship with Jesus Christ.


It's heartbreaking. May we help pray those who are in the dark. She clearly inherited this from her family/ ancestors.


Praying to saints isn't trendy. We've been doing it for 2000 years


I used to be catholic until I found the truth, they make u think that you are just respecting her by praying to her because Jesus listens to his mother. I am no longer Catholic when I found the truth of how it originated and they evil they have done, they have many followers that have been led astray from the truth. I’m trying to save my children and my mother now, I know that following Christ is the only way, he is the truth life and only way to the father.


As a Catholic I'd like to comment and say we do not put Mary up there as some type of God. That is false. We regard Mary has Holy as in "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for our sinners." Atl-east I don't.


We are in agreement and speak deliverance in Jesus name! I am a former Catholic as well...


I've felt demonic presence near a Mary Statue and I never went back into that Catholic church again. I'm Christian ✝️
