Cirrus SR22 : Why we bought a Cirrus SR22 over the competition

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Thinking of buying a Cirrus SR22? Wouldn’t it be helpful to know some of the reasons why a cirrus owner bought a cirrus over the competition?

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When purchasing an aircraft there are many factors that you should consider before you make your final decision.
What’s your mission?
How many people will you be taking?
How far will you be going?
How much luggage or cargo will you be taking?
What’s your budget? Not only for the purchase but the cost of ownership?
Will you be flying it or will you have a professional pilot?

Ownership costs can vary widely depending on factors like location, owner pilot rating and experience, hours flown in a given year and on and on.

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Nice, interested in flipped it already, lol.
I'm a few years out, want to build more hours in my SR20 (2003).
Thanks for posting & keep your videos coming.


Good to see your new plane, I love it. Ikie


Charles. Love these videos. It is Sean from the 20 group. Well done


Parachute is a good safety factor for selling a plane in the modern era maybe some decisions made in a single without a chute should still be made in the cirrus as well.


Solid decisions. Did you consider any multi-engine airplanes? After flying cirrus’s I feel a little naked when I do not have a chute. I feel safer in a twin and if I can not have twin then give me the reliability of a PT6 turbine. Was the Malibu ever an option? Your N number seems very familiar, not sure why. Seeing your plane really brings back a lot of good memories of flying the early SR’s. PS As far as high performance singles, nothing beats the Grand Caravan, :) Just a bit hard on the budget. Good video.


Which is more reliable the Cessna or the Cirrus SR22?


Hello again guys! How is the Cirrus model 22 with floats? I would want a parachute too, like your wife, , JUST IN CASE!!


Love this SR22! Looking for one exactly like this one!! Year, color, features! Any leads??


Nice Airplane Also I am planing to buy SR 22. how much you payed for this ?


There's a lot of crappy planes in that market segment. The Cirrus is a truly crappy plane. But the others are worse. It's much more but the Epic 1000 is a much better option.
