What’s Wrong With Narcissists? | Jordan Peterson

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Jordan Peterson discusses the role of conscious, how it will warn you when you’re not living up to your ideals and narcissism. This short is extracted from The Perfect Mode of Being | Jonathan Pageau - Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4 E8.
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narcissism is a defense mechanism gone awry. It's a filter of grandiosity steeped in fantasy, against reality.


Conscience not conscious. This is a very important understanding, finding out that there are those without conscience all around us, those who do not feel bad when they harm others, especially children, this needs to be known by everyone with a conscience. These ones without conscience are attracted to positions of power and control, they are energy vampires and they live off of our love, adoration and misery.


Jordan Peterson, thank you for putting Narcissism into perspective. And giving us words to explain (at least to ourselves), what we already knew - but could not put into words. You are a beloved teacher, brother, father and grandfather, to all who Seek truth!


I was a full narc but i developed empathy fully now. How did this happen? It happens when in childhood you get terrified by your parents and start to learn that you dont get in trouble or hurt if you dont get caught.

This from an early age separates you and the story of your life to you from the story your parents and every one else knows.

You lie to not.get hurt. You dont get hurt. You lie abkut marks. It works. The more you dint get caught, the mkre ur ego grows. You believe you control this mkvie you get to see. No pain. At the cost of everyone and everything if im fsced with my deepeat fear.

Over the years the lies, and tiptoeing around reality to get your ways compiles and you almost take on an identity when woth people. A better one than you feel inside. Youre protecting a reputation you dont have. I always knew i had a double life. My values to the people that know me are great. To the me that only i know, the real me, controlling this movie, has no values he isnt willong to break if need be. Control at the cost kf everything.

Id jjst think if all burns. Ill just go. And huild a new me. Meet s girl and hsve a whole new life. Never think about the people who i ledt wondering why? Even my parents.

The thing with me and why i am self aware and strugglijg is because i wa bkrn a muslim. And even under the deepest layer of my mind, under the ego and no empathy there was faith. Curiosity about god.

So even in my world of ego lies etc created, the thought of God can see who I really am. I csnt run from God. Im too afraid to claim I can control Gods plan. Even as a narcissist.

Ao over time that thiught made me closer to god. And it made me cry snd feel pain and slmehow have empathy. I fell in love with God and trudting him instead of runni g away. I fell in love with a girl you ended up being a covert too but worse. After thst i feel empathy fully now. I just want to be a good lerson. I want the real me to be the same person as the one people know


A narcissist is someone who has completely lost God. no more anything to give them accountability. they are left to there own devices.


well said Mr Peterson... medicine to the ears of a Narcissistic Abuse victim 🌹🌟


Someone did something really mean to a woman that I don't really like and I felt bad for her. I mean what this person did left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess it just reminded me of my humanity for others whether we are friends or not.


You have nailed it Jordan Peterson. Thank God. God bless you!


"because there must be few things in life more pleasurable than being a fully commited narcissist" Golden statement.
They can't do anything wrong. Goddamn i envy them that and i'll grieve the fact i'm not like them for the rest of my life


I'm a recovering narcissist. And JP put it accurately than most psychologists out there. It's like we don't have a choice. We have good intentions but can't voluntarily control it. With the lack of empathy, we've constructed a chronic system inside our mind, which we use to relate to, to interact with people but usually doesn't end well. We can't relate to you cause of our dysfunctional or non functioning empathy. I'm not justifying our actions or what we do, we're just BLIND to it. Try seeing through your own lens but without Empathy. It's stressful AF.


The trouble is... when you try to help a narcissist see that their perception of reality is off... it LOOKS like gaslighting to the narcissist... because it IS gaslighting, but with the differentiating factor of the "gaslight-er" being correct rather than manipulative. But from the narcissist's perspective, there is no confirmation of malperception, only the CLAIM to there being such an issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️


God says in the Bible that if you keep going in the wrong direction he's going to give you over to it.


Ive felt like i have had to allow my conscience to be pricked on some things.

I also feel like most circumstances are complicated and i usually have more mixed feelings that just simply feeling guilty or justified.


Google says; There's no cure but to build on their self esteem. That seems weird because they seem to have all the self esteem in the world.


Mr Peterson. Thank you so much for all your ensight, and for speaking up for people (men).
You look tired though. maby it's time for a litle break? some time of to take care of you....
But please come back agein. somebody Will always need your help.
Best regards from Norway.


the transgression starts with self transgression. Thank you Mr Peterson


Do we really need the Hollywood soundtrack on top of this?


I like Mr Jordan Peterson vids, very informative and he has the back to breakdown things from root to fruit kinda flow, however I would like to highlight, at times he makes it too complex trying to narrate the corelativeness and cohersions, if only he could simplify fewer of his contexts, nothing could compare to his insightful, and enlightning projections


This is one of my favorite arguments for God existence. How do you explain the origin of your conscience? It often tells you to do things that clearly contradict basic evolutive principals, so its origin is not in evolution.


God has given us our conscience. We will be judged by it
