Amazing Benefits of WALKING You Never Knew About

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Walking is a very therapeutic activity. Learn more about the surprising benefits of walking.


0:00 Introduction: Is walking good for you?
0:38 Walking benefits
7:45 Learn more about the importance of high-intensity interval training!

You might think there are more productive things you could do instead of going for a long walk. But walking has incredible health benefits.

Walking is good for much more than weight loss. The majority of the health benefits of walking that we’re going to cover today you may have never heard before.

Top benefits of walking:
1. It significantly reduces cortisol (stress)
2. It increases creative thinking and problem-solving
3. It affects your overall mood (decreases depression and anxiety)
4. It enhances mitochondria
5. It increases microbial diversity
6. It improves endogenous antioxidants
7. It increases T-killer cells
8. It supports insulin sensitivity
9. It transfers oxygen into the tissues
10. It increases bone density
11. It reduces inflammation
12. It enhances your vision

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits of walking. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

Walking has been such a big part of my life. My mother made us walk a mile every evening after dinner. She lived to 90 and was never on any kind of medication. She died at home. Just sat in her recliner and said she was done. Never went to the hospital. I walk my dogs two to three miles a day. No matter the weather. So glad she "trained" us to do this early.


I was a long-distance runner for many years. After several leg operations, I transitioned to long walks. During my walks, I noticed a decrease in anxiety and an increase in an appreciation for beauty in nature.


1.Reduces cortisol(stress) 0:40
2.Increases creative thinking and problem solving 1:40
3.Affects overall mood(decrease depression & anxiety) 2:33
4.Enhances mitochondria 2:40
5.Increases microbial diversity 3:15
6.Improves endogenous antioxidant 3:32
7.Increases t-killer cells 4:06
8.Supports insulin sensitivity 4:20 >30 minutes burns sugar, not fat
9.Transfers oxygen into the tissue 5:00
10.Increases bone density 7:03
11.Reduces inflammation 7:08
12.Enhances your vision 7:18


3 miles every single morning. Truly the best part of my day. As someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis and refusing meds walking has been essential to my healing and reversing this disease. Five years after my diagnosis still going strong and no damage to my joints. Walking is the superstar!


I walk usually 6 days a week..outdoors and no headphones. Appreciate the sounds of nature around me, it’s so therapeutic 🥰


My Dad is 98. He walked everyday outside until last Thanksgiving when he rolled out of bed and broke his shoulder. He still rides his stationary bike. He is weaker now. My Mom walked everyday until two weeks before she passed. She was 93. I will cherish the memories of taking them walking everyday. We went to a state park or to a mountain top development with vast empty fields and mountain views. We walked everyday during the pandemic and took long, long rides in the country. I still take my Dad for rides everyday. We sit out on the porch a lot. I’m so blessed to have been able to retire in time to be with them and care for them.

PS. They used up walkers or all terrain walkers. The handles should be set so there is no stooping over. Stand tall.


Was suffering from insomnia and anxiety, started walking for one hour in the evening since 40 days, and now I am free from both the problems. Endorse 👍


Walking is the best, I love watching the sunrise or sunset also it's my time to meditate and connect with God. Practicing gratitude at dawn and connecting to nature is amazing.


I'm 23 (almost 24), and I have been doing near daily walks for years now. I can say for certain it is one of the best things you can possibly do for your health. It is free of charge, easy to do, and extremely healthy. Highly recommend!


I walk every day for 45 minutes, sometimes one hour. I love it. If the weather is bad, I cannot stay at home for more than two days, so will walk with my umbrella. My body is so used to it - I love it. I am fortunate to live in the countryside where we have vineyards, fields and a forest. I feel mentally and physically good.


I was diagnosed with high blood pressure late last year. After some simple testing it was obviously stress driven. I started walking about 1 hour a day. Within 3 months I was able to stop my drugs and my blood pressure was reversed. Still doing it 7 months later.

Don’t underestimate the walk 🚶‍♀️


I start walking 4× a week for about 80 minutes three months ago, and my colostrol got lower, I lost weight without stressing myself, and more than all, I FEEL AMAZING!

Thank you for sharing this video!


I was struck with Covid in December 2020, I forgot how to walk! My lung capacity was at 46%. I got out of the hospital after 77 days and started walking slowly…at 1.2km/h for 15min. Then I had to stop. Three years later, I am walking every day around 8000 steps and whenI I visit other cities I go up to 33’000 steps. Walking is now my daily routine in the evening. Listen to my favorite podcasts and go for one hour walk In the nature! Thank you Doctor for explaining all the benefits of walking!!! 🙏🙏🙏


After I gave birth, I got postpartum depression, and walking cured me! I live in Norway, even in a frozen cold winter, I was going for at least an hour walk every day in 6 degree temperatures! It was cold but delightful! ❤


Walking is how I got my elderly father (78 years old) to lose about 40 lbs and he was needing a surgery as all his stomach area was pressing on his midsection and causing irritation to his hernia. Now after we walk every day, and he lost the weight and no longer has hernia issues either. He doesn’t take medicines of any kind other than I keep him on the keto diet so food is his medicine. He had covid a couple weeks ago and we didn’t even know it until we had to test to fly to another country. He hasn’t needed a hospital visit for any emergency issues in 4 years now.


Top benefits of walking:
1.Reduces cortisol(stress)
2.Increases creative thinking and problem solving
3.Affects overall mood(decrease depression & anxiety)
4.Enhances mitochondria
5.Increases microbial diversity
6.Improves endogenous antioxidant
7.Increases t-killer cells
8.Supports insulin sensitivity
9.Transfers oxygen into the tissue
10.Increases bone density
11.Reduces inflammation
12.Enhances your vision


Walking is the king of exercises for all ages.


I so agree, walking is so good for you. I walked a lot when i still lived in Germany, side walks are allover. It was more of a challenge here in the US. But, i started to drive to a park and walk around the lake and in the woods for 40 minutes a day 5 times a week. It has helped me with depression, anxiety, and i also do my prayers during walking and i often have found solutions to problems and let go of things
❤ Im 63 and hope and pray i can walk for a long long time❤


At the age of 69 I have finally given up running. I was finding it increasingly hard, and so now I start everyday with a brisk 5 mile walk. I actually feel a lot better.


I finally got my drivers licenses at 24 and got my first car. I used to walk absolutely everywhere. Walking for 2 hours is incredibly meditative and you get really in tune with your mind and body.
