What Happens To Your Body During Child Birth

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Delivering a baby can be quite challenging, but the mother's body adapts to giving birth in very interesting ways! Check out today's epic new video to discover what happens to your body when delivering a child!


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How horriable for the 5 year old, very horried. How on earth was this accepted for the young girl to go through this.


2:43 One of the scientists/doctors doesn’t even have a head- 💀


Twin mom, water broke on Dec 19th, only one baby, held them in as long as I could, Christmas Eve I went into hard labor, Christmas morning at 520/521 am, I had two 2 lbs baby boys. Baby A 2.12 lbs 12.9 inches, Baby B 2.13 lbs 13.1 inches.
They were Due March 2nd 2015, had them Dec 25 2014. I was lucky enough to get both rounds of steroids to help their lungs develop and help to stop any bleeding on the brain. On Christmas Eve they attempted a shot of mag to slow my labor when I hit 2 mins between contractions, and despite how awful and painful the mag was all it did was make them worse.
I think they would have tried more but we started to see frequent dips in Baby As heartbeat. Baby B was far more sick, his water is the one that did not break, he wasn't interested in coming out just yet, had to be broken during the emergency C Section, I just wouldn't dilate, never more than a 2cm, maybe from the mag? But I just say it's Bec my body said no way Jose! Lol

Baby B stayed on CPAP far longer, they attempted to insert a pic line twice, and failed both times. Baby A went on room air after 1.5 weeks. By 3 weeks they both started to take bottles, but I still couldn't put them to breast, and unfortunately that didn't help much for my production, my milk gave out completely at 7 weeks. It's was heart breaking, I couldn't hold them to term and I couldn't feed them myself. Baby A came home at 57 days, unfortunately the night before we left Baby B had his worse case of bradycardia so far, over 45 seconds so they extended his stay another 7 days. More guilt. So 64 days in NICU for Baby B. They both suffered from bradycardia, jaundice, acid reflux. They both got off the feeding tubes a week before baby A came home. But baby A threw up after every. Single. Bottle. For the next year and a half.

On April 29th, 2015 Baby B passed away. They claimed it was SIDS, but that just wasn't something I could live with. Took me two and a half years of submitting his DNA to any and all government and independent research foundations as I could find, but I got an answer. SADS, Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. I still believe if he had just spent another week in a NICU or came home with a heart rate monitor like some NICU babies, he would still be alive. That too, I blame myself for. It's nothing I had ever heard of, but as a parent it doesn't matter how they die, you feel the guilt, you find a way to blame yourself. Even though I can see it in black and white in his autopsy and on the research foundation paperwork, it doesn't change a thing. I couldn't hold them in, I couldn't feed them, I was up around time of death and checked on him, if I just waited a few more minutes, I did CPR and it didn't work, but I knew while doing it, it was too late, I could hear the blood in his airway, his face was completely blue and purple, onset of riger. But even the first responders worked on him for an hour. I can't thank them enough for still trying.

I know that a lot of info. But it's almost his anniversary again, and I've learned that being open and honest and sharing his story has helped a lot of people. I've done a few talks on it, I've met a lot of parents just beginning this journey at meetings, if my pain can teach someone or help another parent flailing in guilt, I'll keep sharing, even if it hurts me.

Baby A is a happy healthy tiny 9 year old. He never did really catch up size wise. He was diagnosed with ADHD and Generalized Epilepsy last year, but without being told you would never know. And it doesn't slow him down in the least. We didn't learn of the epilepsy until my dad passed just under two years ago, so it's been hard navigating this without him by my side. He too blames himself for Baby B, he wanted to ask us to stay home that night, but we went back to our apartment, he never did forgive himself.

No, I wouldn't say it gets easier, you just kinda learn to live a new normal. Where these feelings always kind of loom over your life, but you can still live your life. You still deserve happiness, love and joy. Especially if you have other children, you learn to cope, you keep moving but you never forget. Nothing can or will ever prepare someone, but awareness is key.
I hope this helps at least one person in this comment section.

If you made it this far, I hope you have a wonderful day/night, and remember to smile, you deserve it.

No I didn't recheck for spelling/grammar errors nor do I care to. Oh well. ❤


Childbirth looks sounds and feels painful


Fun fact: When you are born, you become older than someone who is not born yet.


Ugh!!! Someone did that to a five year old!!!😡


Giving birth once was more than enough for me. My kid is now 20 and I'm glad he's the only one I had; I love him to death but he was a "difficult" baby who cried about 18 hours a day for the first seven months of his life. That was more than enough for me.


I've had 4 children, 3 natural and 1 C-section and I myself was grossed out so I get it why some guys pass out lol.


The infographic Show always makes interesting videos!


A few points:
Contractions and cramps do not make "active labor." Labor itself is defined as contractions with cervical change. Active labor usually begins around 5-6cm.
The perineum is rarely cut (episiotomy) now.


Please tell me whoever was responsible was locked up eventually. PLEASE


I was in labor for 24 hours, and I ended up having a C-section. I only dilated to 3 CM. Her head was crooked, not much has changed 😂 My contractions were 30 seconds apart, and I went 10 hours without pain meds. Then I got that epidural, that was Heavenly.


Thank you for the update, The Infographics Show..!! Amazing narration and animation as usual. Just amazing..!! I heard from my family members that the first child's birth is the most difficult one. After the first child, giving birth to the next child becomes much easier.


I am so happy to be done with periods and childbirth!


Wow! That's unbelievable and extraordinary! ❤️ All of the moms around the world should be proud of themselves for being able to have the children and babies they apparently have now AND survive to tell their story! 💖 I personally always wanted to be a mother and I hope to be a mommy for at least 2-3 children/babies, maybe 5 if my body allows it. 🤱 I'm still shocked that marriage and babies are all a woman could look forward to on the old days. I'm super glad we now have the option to have children and the ability to control how many babies we have. I still want to be a mommy, but I'm honestly not sure if I can handle pregnancy, even with a loving spouse. 😅


Not sure if any one noticed but at 2:53 there is a man standing but with no head.


🎵I'm coming out...I want the world to know...🎵


The two things I remember the most about childbirth (only went through it once) was that the epidural worked really well and my daughter was very soft when she came out, that her hair and skin were so soft.


With my 3rd baby, my water broke at 16 weeks 🙃 was diagnosed with pprom, had a 5% chance of my waters resealing (depends entirely on the severity of the tear of the sac) and 1% survival rate for the baby. Thankfully when my waters broke it wasn't that bad and with antibiotics, a short hospitalization of 3 days and lots of bedrest at home, I resealed and baby boy was born safely at 37 weeks (I wasn't allowed to go past that since the whole pregnancy I was high risk for serious infections).


"He made me experience the miracle of birth again and again and again!"
