What Happens to Your Body When You Take ACID

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LSD or acid has been used as a psychedelic by the hippies since the 60s, but it also has been experimented with by the CIA in very strange covert operations! But what does LSD do to you? Check out today's trippy new video that explores the common effects of tripping on LSD and what can go wrong if you take too much!


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I dont like admitting it but LSD hands down changed my life. Made me start looking at everything from a bigger perspective and appreciate art and nature.


LSD is not a substance to abuse and you need to be mentally prepared for it. That being said, a 6 hour trip was worth 6 months of therapy for me. I struggled with depression for my whole life, and after 3 trips over the span of about 6 months I genuinely love life and the people around me in a way that’s hard to describe. Most drugs dull your mind, this substance expands it


I came to the conclusion that my friend’s dog has the most pure soul anyone can possess. I cried thinking about how he could go on to do so many great things if he were a human but he’s stuck in a dog body. I should’ve been the one in a dog body but I somehow got lucky and I’m a human. I promised him I won’t take it for granted and I’ll try to be a better person. I’m not a better person but I did have a great time that day.


Brought me out of a massive decade long depression, showed me the light of life again.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


LSD made me realize I didn’t ever want to do anything harder. Thanks for keeping me off hard drugs ❤


I remember on my trip I had an ego death experience. I felt like I died, had an out of body experience, chilled in the void/eternal/infinite as a pure consciousness, then I returned to the meat suit. Definitely a 10/10 experience especially for those on the path of self mastery.


Taking acid fr made me a more open person, less selfish, more appreciative and made me realize how easy it is to control your thinking patterns, you can legit do anything you set ur mind too if you get past mental blocks


After trying cigarettes while on LSD i literally felt how they where killing me and i stoped and threw a new pack in the trash, that was 8 months ago i haven't once needed nicotine and I've never felt better, i can taste food and breathe i finally started swimming which made me look better and that gave me enough confidence to find a decent job after the pandemic, that just after one dose compared to antidepressants, i cannot say it will do the same for everyone but under supervision and with proper psychological follow up i know LSD and other psicodelics have the power to save us from this mental health pandemic


Other side effects may include developing a troubled relationship with the pine tree in your yard, performing overdue plumbing repairs and thinking you're in a Super Mario underground level, and calling your aunt to hypothesize about multiple dimensions at 3 PM.


Whoever made that thumbnail deserves a raise 🔥👀


LSD helped me quit alcohol drugs and tobacco addiction I have a forever ♾️ high


bro i was GONE when i took it, next thing you know i was dancing with the words on my poster.


Mushrooms have dramatically improved my life, made me quit smoking everything and eating healthy, exercising. LSD had the opposite effect. It made me see the world as a dark, bleak hopeless place and I had a very severe depression for a good three years following that trip. I’m writing this so someone who is considering taking it understands all the possibilities.


Acid almost broke me after abusing it very often and heavily but it also made me more empathetic, caring, not worried about death, and gave me the best times / feelings of my life. I’ve eaten over 400 hits of lsd.


DMT was a changing for me. I became one face of a multi-faceted experience prism, my side being my particular life experience. my awareness expanded and my social anxiety and depression was entirely gone. Truly magical!


Watched the same 80s batman episode on loop 5x on acid before I realized


LSD changed my life forever. I don’t do psychedelics anymore but I used to take high doses of LSD at least every other weekend, for several years. It helped me find the love within, and connect with the heart of the universe, or, “God”.


During the 90s we used to get vials of liquid acid from a student at Wentworth in Boston. So many summers waterskiing, Red Sox games, Bar hopping, Six Flags on acid.


This is actually a very well informed, well written thesis on the affects of LSD and the potential benefits one can gather if used properly and responsibly.
