The 4 Signs of Immature Love

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Being in a relationship could be one of the most fulfilling experiences to have. Regardless of how things end, they open up parts of ourselves and our hearts that perhaps we did not dare to explore or did not think existed. But, all relationships and feelings have stages that may not be completely mature types of love. Not all relationships reach the stages of maturity though. Are you in a mature relationship?

Writer: Sara Del Villar
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Salma Ahmed
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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My crush helped me get out of the idealization stage quickly, probably without even realizing it
There's probably more, since she's a public figure, but knowing I've gotten over the start helps me believe the rest won't cause a problem to see for what they are


The last relationship I was in ended with us realizing it just wasn’t working.

Haven’t dated since. Feels bad but at the same team free.


that was happened. my ex was dissapointed and anger when he start realizing I am not the only person who has the brightest side.


Please take care of yourselves friends. <3


If anyone can help, I can’t see someone the same way again. I had a dream and it made it worse


Mature vs. Immature love:
1 - Idealization vs. Acceptance 0:29
2 - Jealousy 1:07
3 - Stability 1:49
4 - Support 2:24


When you understand all of this you'd be able to have the healthiest relationship ever


When you see a beautiful flower:
- there are people who pluck it
- there are people who water it
Can you see the difference between [want] vs [love]?
Can you see the attachment of [ego] disguised as what most pple call 'love', which is actually [want]?
If you can see, your love is a lot more mature than most.


Is it silly to even love your significant other's faults? I even love it when he makes mistakes and even gets angry. I think he just absolutely adorable. I don't feel I want "perfection". A real person has faults. I hope he can accept me, despite my faults.


If you can find the flaws of a person and can either help heal and remove it (if it's a negative part of someone's personality) or accept the flaws as part of being human, then I feel like you already are more mature than most


Thank you psych2go, i really needed this. I legit had a breakdown yesterday thinking i wasn’t good enough for him. We’ve been friends for 2-3 years and he recently confessed to me. We’ve been dating now and i realized how selfish i really am. I thought that when he was talking to other girls i felt really jealous. I realized how selfish i am to think i can be the only girl he talks to… then i thought about how he deserves someone better. But it hit me, he loves me for me. I’ll try my hardest to be a better person for him.


just gonna say thank you for this! i have a girlfriend and i sent this to her- it was really useful!!!


1. idealization vs acceptance 0:29
2. jealousy 1:07
3. stability 1:49
4. support 2:24

have a great day and best wishes for your life!


I’m 21 and have never had a boyfriend.. I share my story on my channel. ❤️ Videos like these are soooo important and crucial for my journey. Im keeping these golden nuggets saved in a special place! Looove this community.. thank you & Aloha 🤙🏾 from Hawai’i 🥳🌿🧘🏽‍♀️🌸


When it comes to all points, I definitely feel that I have that when it comes to a good online friend of mine. He seems to be very accepting of me and I'm accepting of him. We also both support each other by getting each other's opinions on things. He also lets me vent at times, and I apologize to him everytime because I don't like being a bother to him. Everytime he says it's fine though. We both talk to each other almost everyday. We both share the same values and goals when it comes to our personal lives. We both respect and trust each other. I'm not sure how he feels about me but I feel deeply for him. No matter what happens though, I want him to be happy because I wish for him to have happiness. 😌😊


I had a girlfriend, and it wasn’t the best. I was having panic attacks every day hyping myself up to break up with her. It went over pretty well, but even though the relationship wasn’t all that good, I still learned a lot about what I want out of a partner, which were things she wasn’t providing. Especially when you’re first dating, it can feel scary, and there’s a fraction of a fraction that you’re gonna find the one on your first try. But you have to go out with not so good people to figure out what defines not so bad people, and putting yourself out there early can be really beneficial to figure that out. And who knows! Maybe you’re not attracted to anyone! That’s ok! Experimentation is key.


Well, it just ended differently than real love. Well thank you Psych2go!


Relationships sometimes taste like cough syrup.


I've been a victim of immature love my entire life.


Useful video - many thanks for it. Before starting a relationship, you probably need to watch some videos, and read some psychologists and coaches. Relationships are easy sometimes, and then, just as you're comfortably soaring on cloud nine with a glass of bubbly in one hand and a canapé in the other, it can take a nosedive again resulting in grappling with obstacles, misunderstandings, and issues that just suddenly seem to sneak up on you. Immature love is possible for relationships and early love in teenagers.
And mature love is stability, respect, communication. Every couple should strive to have a healthy relationship.
