The biggest myth about Jesus | N.T. Wright at UT Austin

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I remember first hearing this paradigm and being immediately dismissive. However, as the years have gone by, the beauty of the Gospel, Kingdom of Heaven, and ultimate fulfillment of God's plan for humanity through the new creation is so vibrant and clear! The story of the Bible ends as it began; Humanity and God together on Earth. To be able to take part in this through faith in Jesus is just remarkable!


My journey in this direction started 10 years ago (after a seed was planted 20 years ago when a respected pastor told me he couldn't tell me how to get to heaven). It takes a while because we hold so tightly to our current paradigms and worldviews... no one likes the feeling of being wrong and we tend to avoid it ;-) . But Wright's point is valid and I would dare say "embedded" in Scripture; throughout the entire Biblical narrative. Once you see it, everything comes to life; the purpose of the church, your individual purpose and character, all our relationships, and the security of our future in Christ. ...even long-held labels such as righteousness and justification find larger and more profound expression as hope comes to life. Give yourself time to consider. And if there is one resource that I can recommend from NT Wright "The Day the Revolution Began" lays it out fairly well. ...never stop being curious about Scripture. The Gospel does not fit on a bumper sticker. It's too grand!


Wright's views make so much sense of what is happening in the gospels.


His book “Simply Jesus” draws these ideas out further, in a straightforward but authoritative way. Plus you can read it with that excellent British accent in your head, so it makes for an enlightening experience ;)


"Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here!' or, 'There!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." --- Luke 17:20


"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes unto the Father except by me."


When I read the Bible and my minds eye fixed on the cross I experienced a supernatural love and peace that I soon realized was the very same baptism of the Holy Spirit in scripture. You are so right. I didn’t learn a better way of living from Jesus, but experienced death and new life.


Just because someone believes in something, does not make it true!


Currently reading Tom Holland's 'Dominion' and really understand what he means that by better understanding antiquity allows a contrast to see quite how radical Jesus and Paul were


There are so many different interpretations of the scriptures and listening to everyone's interpretations ends up tying you in knots. That's where I'm at, and I'm struggling to have any solid foundation in this faith, but I want to


This is confirmation. I agree it's not about heaven. God wants to establish his kingdom on earth.


If NT is right 😊Christians sure don't have to be ashamed of the Gospel


It is quite fascinating to listen to NTW expand one's concept of Jesus' teaching. To say it wasn't advice but a massive announcement of what God was doing in heaven and the world provides one much to think about.


Christian morality is not much different from any other morality. But Christian metaphysics says that Jesus is God, and is alive.


I guess that "nothing in the Gospels about getting into heaven" must ignore the whole Nicodemus encounter! You know that whole being born again/ from above part. Not sure what scholars he is referring to?


No one will enter the Kingdom of God, but through the Son of God


To many professors think they know more than our Lord and savior. He said I will turn the learning of the wise and turn it into nonsense. All human beings intelligence is a mere pebble compared to our Lord and savior. We only know what's given to us from above.


Heaven already existed from the very beginning that is before man fell into sin. It was heaven: no death, no ageing, no disease, no sorrow, no pain. But since man fell, the Lord will eventually reestablish heaven on earth, and that is exactly why the Lord sent his only begotten son and so that is the gospel ("good news") that eventually sorrow, pain, disease, ageing, even death will be no more


Pontius Pilate asked Jesus a straight question " Are you the King of the Jews". Jesus replied " You have said so". This is not true. Pontius Pilate was asking Jesus if he was the king of the Jews, not telling him he was. If a stranger went up to King Charles III and asked " Are you the King of England" Charles would reply " Yes, I am" If the stranger went up to a man in the street and asked " Are you the King of England", the man in the street would reply " No, I'm not". in neither case would the reply have been " You have said so".


Something people really forget is that Christianities heaven is " here in earth ". The new eden . Hence why it is that we need Physical bodies for the new heaven because we will be living a physical existance
