Healthy brain happy life | Wendy Suzuki | TEDxBayArea

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Suzuki describes her own personal journey to bring more balance to her very "cerebral" life as neuroscientist by adding more physical exercise and focusing on the power of the brain-body connection. She describes how this experience ended up shifting her whole neuroscience research focus to understanding how to harness the enormous potential of physical exercise to improve brain function in people.

Wendy Suzuki, Ph.D. is a Professor of Neural Science and psychology at New York University. She received her undergraduate degree from U.C. Berkeley in the Department of Physiology/Anatomy and her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from U.C. San Diego. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health before starting her faculty position in the Center for Neural Science at New York University in 1998. Her research focuses on two main questions. First, she is interested in understanding how our brains allow us to learn and retain new long-term memories for facts and events. Second, she is interested in understanding the effects of aerobic exercise on our brain’s learning memory and cognitive abilities. Wendy is a recipient of numerous grants and awards for her research including the Lindsley Prize from the Society for Neuroscience, the prestigious Troland Research award from the National Academy of Sciences and NYU’s Golden Dozen Teaching award. She is also a popular lecturer at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. In addition to research and teaching she is also passionate about supporting women in science. Together with the head of the education division of a professional and life coaching company based in New York City, she has founded an organization called “Empowering Women in Science” that runs leadership training seminars for undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs and faculty across the NYU campus as well as for other universities around the country.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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I am very excited to hear this from an expert. I discovered accidentally that exercise gives me better mood and energy. Now I hear about new brain cells and memory. I am keen to learn more from your reasearch. Keep it up Wendy.


I love moving my body, either walking everyday or lifting weights 🏋️‍♀️ feel good all the time


Great Ted Talk. Thank you for sharing your light. Inspired.


A great presentation by a scientist spoken in "normal" English and not science psycho-babble language. Exercise is so go to general well being and peak performance.


Thank you for sending me this. It is interesting and I never knew what a hippocampus was. I'm going to grow my brain & energy field too. I'm going to exercise more..and pray and meditate more. You must love hearing studies on are a rat..a lion ..and an angel..and a scientist..and a great friend.


Apenas comencé a leer su libro y me empieza a emocionar mucho esta aventura de conocimiento!


she speaks french perfectly. Great personality.


Is there a way to get links to her published research papers on this? I'd love to use this information for a paper I'm writing for my masters program, but the sources need to be "scholarly, " so I don't think ted talks count. :/


Nice talk, but breathing too fast for good health, check out buteyko breathing for healthier breaking.


i checked my pbs guide to see which topic "FRONTLINE" would cover tonight. It stated: "Healthy Brain Happy Life with Dr. Suzuki". i googled & found this.
Six HOURS at the gym?
*Six. HOURS.*

To increase "long term memory, create neurons, & possibly fight off dementia." wow.
my *grandmother will be 97-years-old soon* : rarely took medication, had wine on holidays, quit smoking in 19 85(!), exercised everyday of her life, (walked 1/4 mile twice a day, went dancing) & has Dementia with Lewy-Body syndrome. *As did my 85-year-old neighbor who walked every day.*

i'm gonna give a hard pass on this woman's..Well, this woman. She sounds like she drank a "MONSTER" Energy drink w/ a "5 Hour Energy shot" as a chaser, and seems to struggle to follow *Her OWN* train of thought.😳 i would call that many things, although BALANCED, is not one of them.✌💗


calm down woman, what a neurotic performance
